twenty eight

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"styles! it's so good to see you, lad," a man approached harry and patted his shoulder. "how is everything?"

"good," harry replied with a small shrug. he stuffed his hands in his pockets as the man continued questioning him. he gave him few worded answers until he got fed up.

"where's your boy?" the man looked around, acting innocent for some reason.

"he's not here," harry said. "i didn't bring him."

"what a shame," the other gang member pouted and glanced at his watch. harry noticed his hand. "we better head to the ballroom, it starts here soon."

harry pursed his lips and nodded, walking with the man. he sent a text to his boss telling him where he was when he felt an all familiar poke against his back.

"keep going," the man growled.

harry continued to walk until they went down a different hallway. the gun was still pressed to his spine and harry literally smiled when he heard the man cock it. why was it satisfying to know that you could slip up once and die? it was all confusing but harry loved it.

"stop," the man ordered and harry did so. the gun was raised and placed between his shoulder blades. "we know you killed our man, styles."

"he fucked with what's mine," harry snarled. the man dug the tip further into his skin and harry gritted his teeth.

"you started something that you can't finish," he growled.

"how so?" evan asked from behind him, throwing his tie around the man's head and pulling the ends together. harry snatched the gun from his grubby hands and pointed it at him while he was being strangled. it was a glorious sight to see and harry felt heroic. not only was he ridding london of stupid people but he's ridding his louis of worries.

"say hello to your buddy for me," harry said and raised his boot up, slamming it down on the man's neck. evan barely winced at the crack that came out and harry hummed happily when he started choking on his own blood.

he took the notepad out from his pocket and wrote something on it, sticking it to the dead man's shirt.


"cunt," he stood and brushed his blazer off, putting the pistol back on safety and gave it to evan (who happily accepted it because, fuck yeah, a new gun!)

thats how the rest of the night went. three more people died in the span of thirty minutes, all having notes on them.




harry felt amazing. why? he didn't know. but he had managed to kill two people on his own, one with evan's assistance and two more by directing the other men where to go and who to hit. he felt like a real boss, superior, even.

and he didn't even have any blood on him. bummer.

his next kill was the man he was staring at through the conference. it seemed like he had a bit to drink and he was trying to be serious but ended up just laughing at the words he said.

"i'm so sorry about him," harry stood next to the man who was talking to the group of uncomfortable people. "it seems he's had a bit too much wine. c'mon, bud. let's sit you down somewhere."

the lad didn't even protest, he just went with harry because oddly enough he looked similar to a guy in his own clique. so he continued to call the man 'ace', and asked him where 'lucas' was. harry just told him that they were out mingling and helped him upstairs so he could find a spot to lie down.

being twisted has its perks.

harry found a room with an unlocked door and led the strange man into it. the guy laid down and groaned as the alcohol churned in his stomach. harry rolled his eyes and grabbed his pocket knife from his pants, tossing it up in the air and catching it.

"ace, has anyone seen styles?" the man asked.

"i think he's down in the ballroom, looking for us," harry said and shrugged. "i dunno."

he nods and laid his head back down on a pillow. harry sat on the edge of the bed, patting the drunk man's leg. "are you gonna make it?"

"eh," he shrugged. "can you do me a favor?"

"what's that, mate?"

"tell styles that his boy is mighty pretty," the man chuckled. harry smirked, leaning over and met eye to eye with the man.

"trust me, i will," he said and gave a quick swipe over the man's throat, leaning back and watching the blood pour onto the sheets.

another note.



C and K were next, they were just mindless blows to the back of the head. harry hasn't executed this many people at once in ages and he truly missed it. the drug deals and one kill a night were getting old, this is what he needed. he needed to take his anger out on those who were fucking up his life.

W and I were probably his favorite ones so far.

harry, evan and austin (a man from their gang) were walking around the outside of the building, enjoying the scenery when they saw two lads of the monarch gang hamging out under the tree with glasses of wine in their hands. austin pointed them out because there was an x on one man's hand, so he went alone to go 'socialize.' harry and his boss continued to roam the premises and harry walked to the men when the three were standing in a triangle, two against one.

"what's the problem here?" the green eyed man asked.

"oh, nothing," one of the monarch men flashed harry a smile. "move along, won't ya?"

"fuck off," harry sneered. the man's nostrils flared and before he could say anything austin had him to the ground from a powerful headbutt and harry drug the other man to his knees by kicking him in the nads.

how immature.

evan came through and tied the man on his knees up with his hands behind his back, then assisted austin by turning the tackled lad's head to the side and snapping his neck. the sound was cringeworthy but evan let him drop on the tree trunk, leaving him be.

"where's lucas?" harry asked the man below him.

"fuck you," the man hissed and yelped when harry yanked his hair so hard a few strands came out.

"where the fuck is lucas?!"

the man stayed silent.

"fine, if you wont open your mouth, i'll open it for you. ev, give me the gun."

evan passed the weapon over and harry whacked the man in the jaw with it, stuffing the butt in his mouth when it was held open from the pain. harry then gave him one final warning and bashed his knee against the man's lower jaw, shattering his teeth in the midsts of it and blood went all over his shoes.

"aw, man, these are gucci," harry frowned and took the gun out of the man's mouth. he wiped the blood and saliva off of it with the dude's shirt and simply put a bullet through his head.

"fucking gruesome," evan snorted as harry put the letters on the men.

five left.


how is this going? (:

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