extra: "i'm gonna put him in the microwave."

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here is your first extra!

happy 4th birthday to NS and IAI & happy first to inferno <3


"welcome home!" niall beamed from the doorway when harry parked the car. a familiar head of blonde curls ran right past him, jumping off of the porch and into the snow. "hey, missy! you get your pretty little butt back over here!"

avalon giggled. "'s snow, mama!"

"you aren't in warm enough clothes to be playing in snow, avalon louise. come here. now." niall pointed to the porch. "don't make me get daddy on you."

avalon shook the snow off of her arms and stomped to her father. she huffed when niall picked her up, pouting into his shoulder.

"look." niall pointed to where harry had stepped out of the vehicle. "uncle hazza and uncle boo."

ironically enough, even though louis' mum called him boo, avalon did as well.

"uncle boo!" avalon screamed.

"avvy!" louis waved from his spot. "hi, darling!"

"hi!" avalon waved furiously, shivering against her father. niall held her close, covering her up as much as he could with the sleeves of his hoodie.

harry carried riley's car seat inside since louis couldn't. the smaller man did in fact hold a pillow against his stomach and held onto harry's arm while they walked down the driveway to the house. niall met them halfway to take riley's diaper bag, carrying it over his empty shoulder.

"raven has talked about her baby brother all day today," niall chuckled. "i showed her the pictures and she has gushed over them. she made an empty spot in her bed just for him."

"my baby," louis cooed. "i can't wait to see her."

"she's in her room with zayn. they've been watching movies."

"take me to her."

niall guided him upstairs and helped get them in their bedroom first before grabbing raven's attention because louis needed to sit and get comfy. avalon was changed into dry clothes and sent back into raven's bedroom.

niall flashed a shy smile and bounced on his toes. "can i see him?"

laughing, harry lifted the blanket covering riley's carrier. he unbuckled the straps and carefully got the baby out, apologizing for startling the sleeping infant.

"oh my goodness," niall whispered. "look how teeny. oh my god. i have baby fever so bad and this is not helping."

harry walked to niall, cradling his son in his arms. "he's wearing the dinosaur socks you got him."

"the purple and orange ones?"

"of course."

"my man," niall nodded. "he's gonna have the sickest wardrobe."

"i don't mean to interrupt..." there was a voice at the doorway. when harry turned around, he saw his brother holding raven on his hip.

"daddy!" raven squealed. she wiggled in zayn's grasp until she was put on the floor.

"hi, baby!" harry smiled when his daughter flung her arms around his leg. "careful, i have riley."

"can i see him?"

"get on the bed."

raven climbed up on the bed (with niall's help) and gave louis a hug. "hi."

"hi, baby bird," louis smiled, giving her a squeeze. he kissed her face, brushing her bouncy curls out of her eyes. "you're so pretty, you know?"

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