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this chapter is also a little long because as promised, theres birthday smut (:


christmas eve rolled around, which also meant louis was twenty-two.

harry let him sleep in as much as possible so that he could do his big surprise for his love. he and jay made louis a big breakfast and when it was all sat on the table, harry quietly went upstairs to louis' room. the boy was sleeping soundly, snoring away against his pillow.

harry's knees dipped into the mattress and he pressed soft kisses along louis' face and neck. "baby," he murmured. "wake up."

he continued to kiss the lad and when he went to pull away, a tiny hand was gripping at his shirt and pulling him back down. he chuckled into the closed-mouthed kiss louis pulled him into and when they split up he began to kiss his neck once more. first they were soft, gentle kisses and when louis wouldn't get up after harry told him to what felt like a million times, he began to suck on the junction between his neck and collarbones.

louis let out a gasp, whining. "i'm awake!" he groggily grunted and laid his hands on harry's muscular back. "but keep goin'."

harry obliged, trailing his mouth along his jaw, chin, adams apple and down his clothed chest, biting his tummy and hips to make him writhe beneath him.

"babe," louis pouted. "okay, that's enough. i gotta pee."

harry got off of him and louis sleepily padded to the bathroom, where he used the loo and brushed his teeth. harry took the time to clean up their room (mainly just make the bed and put their clothes from last night away) and grabbed louis' first birthday present from under the bed.

harry stepped in the bathroom, hugging louis from behind. "goodmorning, baby. happy birthday," he said softly and kissed below his ear. "your mum and i made you breakfast and we're taking you shopping."

louis spit out the toothpaste, grinning. "thank you, hazza."

when louis finished brushing his teeth, harry gave him his first gift of the day. it was just a small little bracelet with an 'l' engraved in it but it was sweet. louis thanked him with many kisses and slipped the jewelry over his wrist.

they went downstairs to the kitchen after a partial make out session. plates that were piled with eggs, bacon, waffles and toast littered the table plus jars of peanut butter, jellies and mugs of coffee or tea.

"happy birthday boobear!" jay smiled.

"thank you mummy," louis yawned and kissed her cheek. "and thank you for breakkie."

jay peppered kisses all over her son's face before allowing him to sit at the table. louis' father came in and ruffled his step-son's hair. "happy day of birth, scout."

"thanks dad," louis giggled and started to munch on bacon. "hazza, come sit with me."

harry, who was too distracted by louis' beauty, blinked and murmured a 'sorry' before sitting beside the birthday boy.

the breakfast was amazing. they were in a comfortable silence stuffing their faces and harry occasionally fed louis a bite of his peanut butter covered waffle. and louis would press peanut butter covered kisses on harry's cheek and jay had to tell them to quit being cute or else she was gonna throw up.

"present time!" harry called out and went upstairs, coming back down with a box. louis sat on his lap when he sat down and placed his mug of tea on the coffee table. his legs were stretched out along the couch and his head could easily be tucked into his boyfriend's neck if he wanted.

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