sixty nine

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hehe, 69. ;) its 3am and im tired dont judge me


evan wasn't dead, but harry was still faced with the thought of him eventually...possibly dying.

after a moment of serious consideration, he called up someone who he knew could do something even better. he wouldn't kill him. they're not ready for that just yet. yes, he needed a taste of his own medicine but in reality killing him off would have been what he wanted. instead of letting him die, it was an ultimate decision to let him suffer; let the guilt eat him alive until it consumed his entire being. zayn did say he could do as he pleased.

harry didn't even shoot him. trisha's nine wasn't discharged. the bullet came from zayn's gun.

evan can't be the in the doghouse when he can't boss anyone around. with his head throbbing from being beaten with the bat, a busted eyesocket from zayn's hand plus plenty of facial injuries, a hole in his shoulder from the gunshot and now without the ability to speak, it gave the kids a sense of power. you don't fuck over your family when family was at one point all you had.

zayn got into evan's phone and tracked down the underdog, whose name was maverick. he was able to get the location of the group's clubhouse within minutes.

after evan passed out from all the adrenaline leaving his body and pain taking over, harry snapped a few images of the man to take with him. he wanted to confront redwood personally and let them know he is not to be fucked with. he's taken a whole gang out nearly on his own once before and he wouldn't hesitate to do it again.

trisha came home to the sight of her boys covered in blood, zayn pacing the basement and harry handing a hitman a bit of cash with a promise for later. when she asked what happened, searching for evan, zayn told her everything. to say she was shocked was an understatement, she nearly dropped to her knees when the hitman helped harry clean the blood from the floor.

harry cleaned himself up and smokes a cigarette he took from zayn as he sped across town to the clubhouse. zayn followed the hitman and nearly puked at the sight of his father but what needed to be done was done. this was it. he kept track of incoming information and let harry handle the real business due to his own inability to keep his cool.

harry pulled up in front of what looked like a little churchlike building once the sun began to rise, nearing six in the morning. he put the car in park and slumps in the seat, removing his gaze from the building and onto his ringing phone in the passenger seat. louis' name was flashed across the screen and he didn't have plans to ignore his love. if anything, he needed him. louis had called to check on him and see if everything was alright, almost laughing when he found out zayn shot his own father. it caused harry to chuckle at the irony as well. harry promised he would be home soon and ends the call with an "i love you."

he steps out, tossing the cigarette butt as he left the vehicle and makes his way to the front doors. a man roughly his age walks out of the building and puts his hand on his gun when he notices harry.

"the hell are you?" he asks. his blonde hair was styled in a slight messy fringe and his eyes were a stone grey.

harry stuffed his hands in his pockets. "i'm looking for maverick. it's important."

the man narrowed his eyes at him. "you never answered my question."

harry then puts his hands up. "you can search me, i'm clean. i'm from conquest," he purses his lips into a tight line.

he noticed the way the man's features changed as he pats him down before letting him inside. he wasn't sure if the look was of hesitation or genuine concern. he was led into a room with double doors and inside was a mahogany table with eight chairs surrounding it. picture frames littered the walls with black and white photos inside. harry couldn't make out what they were from afar.

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