twenty two

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j's place called louis back and denied him for the stupidest reason (because of the hours he requested to have since the club would be returning soon). louis was bummed, but the good news was that bounty was coming back this coming weekend and louis was so fucking ready. well, kind of. it's not the same building, but it's still the place where he witnessed someone die, someone hospitalized and his boyfriend putting a gun to someone's head.

speaking of that someone...

"they found fuckface's car," zayn said as he sipped his wine. "they couldn't really identify his body but i had a gut feeling it was him."

"oh?" harry pursed his lips. "well then."

louis padded into the kitchen in only sweatpants and he wrapped his arms around harry's shoulders, kissing his cheek. "you left me, wanker."

harry chuckled and tilted his head back. "'m sorry, prince. you were sleeping too good to even notice and i had to go to evan's."

louis shrugged and wiggled onto his lap, sighing contently when harry placed his hands on his sides and gently rubbed them. when harry found out about the café, he noticed his boyfriend was uneasy so he cuddled him and kept telling him they didn't deserve him anyways and louis ended up falling asleep. he was stressing about finding a new job and thought this would work. but everything happens for a reason, right?

"hey zee, where's my shorts?" louis heard from the top of the stairs and louis quickly turned his head to see his co-worker in one of zayn's shirts and his boxers poking out from below it.

"what the hell?" he squeaked.

"hi," niall giggled innocently. louis gaped between zayn and niall, dumbfounded.

"they're on my dresser, babes," zayn said and niall nodded before leaving.

louis was still shocked and his jaw was hung open. harry took his finger and gently closed his mouth.

"you're gonna catch flies, love," harry murmured and kissed his cheek.

"niall?" louis asked zayn. "what-how did i not know about this?"

"it hasn't been long," the dark eyed man shrugged. "erm...since you were in donny."

"a month?!" louis shrieked. "and both of you knew about harry and i before we even started dating!"

"zayn's a secluded lad," harry said. "he's not one to tell his business. i didn't find out until a few nights ago."

louis scowled from his place on harry's lap. harry cooed and squeezed his side.

"niall seems like he would fit in," harry shrugged. "he could wind up being badass."

"niall, a bad boy?" louis snorted. "give it a rest, lion. niall's a church boy, more like."

zayn stood and walked to the stove, flipping the steaks that were sizzling. "shut up."


the weekend arrived soon enough and louis was bouncing around harry's room as he was searching for clothes. practically half of his wardrobe was at the man's house. he had a pet there, his own dresser and a parking spot for god's sake. louis was pretty much living there with how much time he spent with the men and helped pitch in for food and housing essentials when needed (which wasn't much because zayn's mum usually stocked them up on supplies).

harry was close to tying the antsy boy down and tranquilizing him.

"babe," harry pinched the bridge of his nose. "it'll be okay, you'll be fine. stop stressing."

"sorry," louis squeaked, halting in his spot and bit his lip. "'m just nervous."

harry moved closer to him and pulled him onto his lap. he pressed a few gentle kisses here and there, loving how the anxiety built up in louis just flew out the window. louis leaned into his touch and sighed, playing with his boyfriend's fingers and rings.

"you said there was gonna be more security, right?" harry asked. "they have the wands and shit."

"yeah," louis mumbled. "you'll have to keep your gun in the car if you ever come by."

"i'll show them my lisence," harry shrugged. "they can't deny me for a concealed carry."

louis slumped against his naked chest. "what if i freak out?"

"call me and i'll be right there," harry murmured against his head. "or find a secluded area and take a breather. take a smoke, something.."

louis nodded and tilted his head up to lightly kiss him. "i love you."

"i love you more," harry squeezed him. "go get ready, it's almost five."

louis changed into some simple jeans and his manager shirt, and wore the red van's harry got him. harry insisted he or zayn follow him there, and louis tried to tell them no but harry persuaded him with kisses and sucking on his sweet spot.

harry's a tempting little twat.

that's how they got where they were now, with harry walking around the club with louis pulled close to him -- not wanting to let him get away until he really had to go to work. the club looked nicer than the last one, everything was polished and shiny and you could see your reflection in the bartop instead of scratched-up wood.

"i'm serious, lou. if anything happens-"

"you're one call away," louis finished his sentence and wiggled through the little gate that seperated the dance floor and the bar. "i know, haz."

harry leaned against the table and chuckled. "you're so cute."

louis rolled his eyes and flipped his hat to where it was backwards. "what about now?"

harry smirked and reached for his hand across the tabletop. louis leaned forward and kissed harry's cheek. "you didn't answer my question, daddy."

"i really want to fuck you over this island," harry groaned as louis wiggled and sat on top of it. "you look amazing, my love."

louis hummed and pressed a kiss to harry's lips. "'kay."

harry pouted. "what, no 'thank you'?"

"no, because i already know i look good," louis taunted, which made harry snicker. "i gotta clock in."

harry pouted even more. "okay, i love you."

louis kissed him a few (more like ten) times before saying the three words in return and slid off of the counter, clocking in. harry bid his goodbye and louis blew him a kiss as he walked off.

niall was a little late (nothing unusual) but the lad was a little flustered. his hair was messy, he was shaky and his lips were an ungodly shade of red. he ignored louis' stares until he went to the loo and cleaned up, pressing his thumb in the identification machine and grabbed a towel.

"hello, lover boy," louis hummed as he got a beer out for a customer, taking the cash. "you look swell."

niall shrugged sheepishly. "zayn's just really hot, okay?"

"judging by the friend you have on your neck, i'd say he thinks the same," louis said and niall gasped as his hand flew up to cover the hickey.

"you can see it?"

"nialler, even the blind could see that thing," louis joked and smirked. "i'm gonna have to have a talk with mr. malik, aren't i?"


louis rolled his eyes and kane played suit and tie, which made the two bartenders dance with eachother and laugh at their utter goofiness.

maybe coming back wouldn't be so bad.


sorry if this sucked. tryna add a little filler before some shit goes down ;)

how was this? do you think it was a good thing for nouis to return to work? what ab the ziall incident? I NEED ANSWERS

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