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louis zipped up his last duffel bag, tossing it on the floor and flopped onto his bed. he packed enough clothes for the stay, plus he had his school stuff. of course he would be the one to do school work over break, but he needs to get his stuff done so he can get out of uni.

harry agreed to go to doncaster but it wouldn't be until a few days after louis left because he needed to make sure he finished some odd jobs, plus get zayn something for the upcoming holiday though everyone knew zayn would probably be getting weed or weed accessories. louis got him a bong and harry had it put up in his closet. he had slapped a bow on it (a sparkly pink one) and tied a tag saying 'from your smoke buddy xoxo' around the neck.

since louis was going to be out of town for the week of christmas, he decided to give everyone their presents. except for harry, because he was going to be with louis that day.

"are you leaving already?" liam pouted when he saw the bags in the floor.

"tomorrow," louis said. "i'm not leaving until about noon, though."

liam nodded and leaned against the doorway. "for a week, right?"

louis nodded and rolled onto his back. "i'll be back for new years, though. i think harry's gonna throw a party. i can see if you can come?"

"i dunno if i'll be back from 'hampton then," liam sighed. "but if i am then i'll come if he's cool with it."

louis nodded again and liam walked away to get some food. louis sat up, stretching and got off the bed, digging underneath it to grab a wrapped up box. he bounced into the kitchen, standing beside his dormmate. "merry christmas, fucker."

"aw!" liam gushed. "you actually got me something!"

louis rolled his eyes and laughed, placing the box on the counter. liam opened it, smiling when he saw the resident evil game he's been talking about for a while now. "you're the best. thank you so much!"

louis accepted the hug liam gave him. "you're welcome."

"i got you something too," liam said and louis followed him into his room. liam gave him a box much bigger than louis' present and louis opened it carefully.

"'s not a bomb, is it?"

"no," liam snorted. louis nodded reluctanly and continued unwrapping.

inside was a sweatshirt that had the playboy logo on it but instead of it being white, the bunny was rainbow and gayboy was under it.

"i fucking hate you!" louis laughed and pulled the sweatshirt up. "this is iconic!"

"figured you'd like it," liam shrugged. "and i got it a little bigger 'cause it might shrink in the wash."

louis thanked his friend and put it back up. "definitely gonna wear this all the time. you're a fucking legend, liam."

liam smiled and patted his head, then gave him a big smooch on the forehead.


niall was happy to recieve an irish flag and a bottle of jägermeister. he told lou he was going to hang the flag up in his room and get drunk off his ass just for him. in return, louis got a gift card to spencer's and some pot leaf socks.

"they keep dildos and stuff in the back," niall sat on his counter. "and edible underwear."


"what? they're like the candy necklaces but they go on your-"

"oh my god," louis blushed. niall started to laugh and offered louis a cuppa, who gratefully accepted it and they talked about niall's recovery while sitting at the kitchen table.

niall got his stitches taken out after he got sent home. he has a small scar, and luckily the bullet didn't get lodged in him. it only grazed his ribs but was close to breaking one of them with how fast the bullet was flying. he has a limit on how much he can carry so he doesn't strain his muscles, but if bounty opens back up anytime soon he's able to work under strict regulations. no lifting more than twenty pounds, no twisting, etc. just to make sure he doesn't hurt himself.

louis drove to his boyfriend's house, surprising him with a knock on the door.

a shirtless zayn opened it and rolled his eyes playfully. "go home."

"hello to you too," louis giggled. "where's my boyfriend?"

"zayn, why do you keep forgetting to feed the- hey, baby!" harry smiled when he saw louis in the living room, covering up what he was about to spill. "did niall and liam like their presents?"

"they did," louis smiled, tugging at the sleeves of his jumper. "liam got me a playboy sweater and it's so fucking cool. 'nd ni got me a gift card to spencer's."

harry chuckled and kissed his cheek. "do you wanna give zayn his now or later?"

zayn jumped when he heard he had a present. "now! now!"

"i think we may just wait," louis hummed. zayn gasped, clutching his chest with his hand and began to fake cry. knowing how impatient he got, harry went upstairs and came back down.

"close your eyes."

zayn obeyed, even covering them up. harry carefully set the bong on the table and when zayn looked, he gave louis a hug and thanked him countless times.

"haz told me your other one broke and i found this one," louis said when they pulled apart. zayn thanked him again and took the bong to fill up with water, and almost immediately packed it to test it out.

louis turned to see harry pouting at him. "what's wrong?"

"do i get a present?"

"you'll be spending christmas with me, you'll get yours then," louis promised. harry stomped his foot like a little kid and crossed his arms. "if you stop acting like a child i'll suck your dick."

harry shut up and sat down on the couch when zayn returned. louis sat on the floor, his shoulders between harry's knees and harry played with his hair out of habit.

watching louis hit a bong was absolutely sexy, for some reason. maybe it was the way he relaxed after the first hit. maybe it was just noticing how much smoke louis could fill his lungs up with. harry wasn't sure, but his boy doing drugs (that shouldn't be considered a drug) was a turn on for him.

louis laid his head in harry's lap when the high began to kick in. harry noticed his change and looked down at him, leaning down and kissing his nose. "are you okay?"

"bong rips are killer," louis said. zayn laughed at that and harry cooed, pecking his lips. when he went to pull away, louis whined and pulled him back down for another one that lasted quite longer.

"i feel like spiderman," harry mumbled against his lips.

"you're not shooting out white stuff, though," louis teased. and yeah, harry definitely had a boner now.



whatya think about birthday smut? wink wonk

i updated iai earlier but i feel like i need to update more. i had this whole schedule thing planned out and it just didnt go how i thought it would so heres a second random update of the day (: i will probably update this fic more often because i have more chapters put into it so dont be upset if i dont publish the others as much as this one. sometimes i get writers block toward certain things.

i love you guyzzzzz x

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