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double update because yes kween (:


"what do you wanna do today?" harry asked, tightening his grip around louis and laying his head on his.

"i dunno, i wanna get out of the house," louis mumbled. "i wanna go explore."

harry kissed his temple and louis let out a loud (and super overdramatic) groan, complaining that he's bored.

"let's go on a date," harry suggested. "we haven't been out in a while."

louis' eyes flicked from the television up to his boyfriend. "please?"

harry smiled and kissed his nose, then down to his lips. "it's settled, then. let's get dressed and go."

they shuffled through their clothes and louis shooed harry out of the room. harry tried to argue with 'i've sucked your dick, why can't i stay?' and louis just locked him out. it was because louis wanted to wear harry's flannel that he stole from harry's flat.

when louis went to go fix his hair, there was a small knock at the door. "are you almost done, your majesty?"

"just a second, little lion, 'm tryna look pretty," louis called back and pulled harry's flannel over his shoulders and harry definitely melted when he called him the nickname. and when louis (finally) unlocked the door, harry 'hmph'ed.

"so that's where my flannel has been," he looked louis over. "you look amazing."

"not so bad yourself," louis smirked and unbuttoned one of harry's top buttons on his shirt. "where are we going?"

"you know this place better than i do," harry retorted. "how does a movie sound? maybe we can go see the house."

"can we make out in the back?"

"of course."

"then let's go!" louis grabbed his wallet and phone before skipping down the stairs. he kissed prince on his head and told him he would be back soon when harry reached the bottom step.

"dad, harry and i are going to see a movie," louis said. "we'll be back later."

"i'll tell jay you've been kidnapped by the elves, you boys have fun and be safe!"

the boys left and got in the car, with louis telling harry where to go and they ended up on the wrong side of town because harry accidentally made a left turn at the wrong time. after finally following directions, they got to the theater just in time. they got their tickets after standing in a ridiculous line and louis asked if they could get something to eat and drink.

"you're asking me if i want to get food?" harry snorted. "baby, everyone knows i will never deny it."

louis giggled behind his fist and they walked to an empty counter, waiting until someone came to take their order.

"a sprite, a coke, nachos and a bucket of popcorn, please," harry said, resting his hand on the small of louis' back. "do you want anything else, babe?"

"mm, no," he said. "actually, i want some skittles."

louis looked around the theater and his eyes lit up when he noticed the arcade was still there after all these years. harry paid the unruly amount and they went to the side so others could order.

"we're going to the arcade after this," louis declared. "i'm gonna kick your ass in the driving game, and air hockey."

"oh no," harry shook his head. "air hockey is easy."

"wanna bet?"

"winner gets head."

"you're going down, styles."

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