sixty two

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louis was leaned against the headboard, laptop on his thighs and glasses sitting on his nose as he searched for wedding themes again. ever since harry brought up the honeymoon, he's gone stir crazy about it. they haven't really talked about the wedding much since raven was born, so he's just juggling some ideas to bring up to his soon to be husband.

"baby bird," the lad hums, looking over at his daughter. she was propped up on her boppy pillow right beside him, facing the same way he was towards the telly. louis had music playing on youtube to fill the room with some noise aside from his child's occasional giggle or 'aahh' when something caught her attention.

"what do we think about this one?" he tilted his laptop over a bit to show her pictures of a black and red wedding theme. he and harry mentioned the colors before, but they never sat and actually planned anything.

the baby just stared blankly at him for a few seconds before adverting her attention back to the toy in her hands.

"okay then," louis sighs. "should we try this one?" he shows her a different picture.

"ah," raven cooed.

her dad grinned. "ah, is right, little one," he chuckled. "thank you. i appreciate your input."

"honey, are you having conversations with the baby again?" harry poked his head in the doorway.

louis nodded his head as he scrolled along different websites for ideas, shrugging his shoulders.

"ever since i had her it seems like nobody wants to be around anymore, so she's my friend," he moves his computer and kisses his daughter's head. "she's my best friend."

his fiancé let out a small 'aw' and sat on the edge of the bed. "'m sorry, love," he put his hand on louis' knee. "i hate that you feel that way."

louis told him it was fine, they're all adults doing adult things now. even though most of louis' friends were in the gang, nobody really contacted him anymore. usually it's just to ask if harry's around or how raven is doing. call him selfish but he wants people to know he's okay too. he's doing great, actually. he's planning a wedding with the love of his life and they're raising their baby girl together. he could never be better.

"what are you and our spawn talking about?"

louis gave him the side eye for the 'spawn' comment. "i don't think i'm gonna tell you now."

raven got excited at the sound of her daddy's voice and started bouncing in her spot. more like kicking her legs around and shuffling up and down. harry leaned above her and brushed his hair in her face, smiling big when she began to giggle and squeal in excitement. "hi my baby," harry murmured. "what are you and your dad talking about?"

"i don't think she's gonna tell you either."

harry kissed his daughter's cheeks and grabbed louis' laptop. louis pouted because he wanted to surprise harry with the ideas but they might as well talk about it while the topic is in the air now that he noticed the screen.

"ooh," harry hums. "we're not paying her for this, are we?"

louis snorts and took their daughter from him. "we're gonna make her rich."

harry shrugged and nods anyways. "i'm digging these."

"well look at that," louis said quietly to raven. "we agreed on those."

raven cooed and laid her head on louis' shoulder. they had aimed for the wedding to be when she could walk better so that she could be the flower girl, but louis is wanting to see if they can plan it sooner because something deep inside of him just really wants to get married. he and harry have been together for quite sometime now and they have a child together. if the two of them ever split up- which would never happen, they would go batshit crazy without eachother- louis knew harry would do everything in his power to make sure his baby girl had both dads in her life one way or another.

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