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"hi lou! you reek of weed, bub," niall laughed. "are you high?"

"no," louis said as he went to the bar. "i was at harry's house. his best friend smokes."

niall let out a small 'ah' and sat on the counter. he listened to louis rant about how harry was fucking beautiful and that he was jealous but even more jealous that zayn was a pretty boy too and his rambling made no sense, but louis thought it did.

"so are you and harry a thing? you've been seeing the lad for a bit now.." niall randomly asked while grabbing a coke.

this made louis look down at his lap, his brows tugged together and he subconsiously bit his lip. were he and harry a thing? he never asked, harry never asked. they've been on a few more dates, they've kissed, gotten high together and louis actually slept over at harry's house once. he fell asleep and woke up in the man's arms and zayn made them all breakfast before he went to his dad's house to, quote, "visit."

"i..i dunno, i think?" lou squeaks out, swinging his dangling legs. "i want to be with him. he's so sweet and takes good care of me and-"

"have you kissed?"

"that's a rhetorical question, have we kissed or kissed?"


"yes," louis said confidently. "we have. alot."

the irish lad hums and scoots closer. "have you fucked?"

"no, nialler. 'm not lookin' for sex."

"good lou," niall smacked a kiss on his temple. "it's almost seven, it's uni night. we are gonna get slammed."

louis whined and crossed his arms. he dreaded uni night. once a month they let uni kids in with half off drinks if they had their school i.d.'s. louis thought it was a stupid idea because the students would get completely trashed but then he and niall would laugh at them for falling or puking on someone's shoes.

louis made sure he had clean glasses and full bottles before making his way to the office. he counted the drawers and changed them, filling out a little bit of paperwork while niall served the first round of drinks.

"hey, you know what i realized not that long ago?" niall chimed once louis returned.


"the first night you met harry, you immediately swooned over him but denied another bloke."

louis shrugged, knowing niall was right. "eh, the other one was trying to hook up. harry was actually talking to me and making the shift less boring."

"but how do you know he's not wanting to hook up?"

louis shook his head with a small, "niall, please don't start."

and niall, being the nosy boy he is, continued to ask questions.


harry parked his car, turning the ignition off. zayn finished his cig, tossing it out the window as the boys unbuckled their belts and got out of the vehicle. bounty flashed before them.

zayn adjusted his jacket, making sure he looked decent before turning to harry. "lover boy here tonight?"

"yes," harry grabbed the bag from the backseat and they began walking up. donny let them in, calling h by his first name and greeting zayn. the lads walked through the busy club and harry took his coat off, walking to the bar.

zayn ordered a beer while harry, surprisingly, didn't get anything.

louis felt his forehead teasingly. "you sure you're okay, big boy?"

"'m fine, baby," harry chuckled and nuzzled into louis' hand. "what time do you get off tonight?"

"three," the bartender whined.

"come to my house after?" harry pleaded and leaned over the bar to give him a kiss once he agreed. "the spare key is under zayn's ugly gnome."

"aw, i love that gnome," louis giggled. "what's in the bag?"

"oh, i almost forgot," harry smacked his forehead. "brought my boy a present."

after serving three drinks louis opened the bag. there was a big bag of chips, some candy, a pop and a pack of cigarettes waiting to be opened by him. he smiled at harry and gave him a thank you kiss, watching as zayn went to dance with someone. niall watched as the uni kids got plastered and stumbled around the bar, laughing at one for tripping and landing on his ass.

louis enjoyed harry's presence. it didn't bother him that the man he was...talking to?...came to his work and hung out. he would always get something to drink and sit at the bar, watching louis and making sure nobody messed with him.

harry left around eleven when zayn got a little too tipsy and promised that he would be awake when louis came over. since it was nearing louis' break, he walked the two lads to harry's corvette. harry kissed him goodbye and made sure his mate was content before driving to his flat.


louis quietly padded up the stairs and found harry's door. it was the only one with a black door knob on it. he gently twisted the knob and opened the door, squeaking when joker growled from the foot of harry's bed.

"joker, hush," harry scolded and looked up. "hi, baby."

"hi," louis said quietly and dropped his backpack. "you really stayed up?"

harry nodded, closing his laptop. "i'm a night owl. probably gonna be up for like another hour or so," he shrugged and patted the spot next to him. when the pit realized who was in the room he let out a puff and laid his head on his paws.

louis kicked his shoes off and quickly changed into some shorts, making harry look away, and he crawled into the large bed. harry wrapped an arm around his shoulders and louis cuddled into his bare chest, lightly tracing his moth tattoo.

"how was work?" harry asked softly, looking down at the boy laying on him.

"boring. but donny got me fries from mcdonald's 'cause i ran out of chips."

harry chuckled and gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze. "donny seems like a good guy. guess i don't have to worry about him, hm?"

"whatcha mean?" louis asked, looking up.

"i don't have to worry if he's gonna take my boy," harry kissed his head. louis' stomach fluttered at that.

my boy.

"hey, harry?" louis sat up, leaning back on his hands.

"yes, love?"

"um..what are we?" louis bit his lip nervously. "niall asked if we were fucking and stuff and asked if you were just trying to hook up-"

harry cut him off by kissing him, smirking as louis pliated in his touch and kissed him back. "'m not trying to just hook up but you are a very attractive young man. i just kinda get nervous about things and that's why i haven't brought it up."

harry slowly ran his thumb over louis' bottom lip. "do you like me, lou?"

"a lot," louis whispered as his cheeks became red.

"good, 'cause i like you, too," harry murmured. "i-uh, do you wanna be my boyfriend? and make it official?"

"i would love to," louis smiled and giggled when harry sagged in relief. louis cuddled back into his chest and ended up dozing off after a while.



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