sixty one

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lets act like i didnt fall off the face of the earth and im here to make up for it with a time skip & one hellacious smut chap :) its my bday, blessing yall with this.


"raven kaiser!" harry beamed, looking down at his child with a big smile. "daddy's baby girl! did you finally eat your bites without trying to beat up your dad?" he poked raven's sides, cooing as she giggled. "my sweet baby, you're getting so big."

louis hums as he places his baby's clothes in a neat little pile on the edge of his bed, smiling softly as he saw harry bent over the bed playing with her. "she's getting more stubborn, i think she didn't throw anything at me because you were home."

harry chuckled and picked his daughter up, placing her on his hip. "she's feisty. just like you, babe," he points out and kisses louis' temple. "don't complain."

louis stuck his tongue out at his fiancé and finished the clothes. "i think she may be ready for her nap."

the couple look down at their daughter, who aimlessly had her head rested against her daddy's arm and slobber on her chin. louis couldn't help but coo and wipe her face, checking her nappy before taking her from harry and placing her in her crib. harry gave raven her blankie and talked to her while louis made a bottle. harry popped the nipple between her lips an held the bottle up for her while she slurped her milk down.

"she's growing into her features," harry cooed. "look at her nose."

"so cute and little," louis leaned against the crib. "her hair is getting darker too."

harry peered over at him and smiled softly. "she's beautiful, lou. you made a gorgeous baby."

"we did," louis rests his head on harry's shoulder. "i never thought i could love a person so much."

his fiancé kissed the top of his head before leaning down to wipe off some of the milk dribbling down raven's chin. "daddy loves you, baby," he murmured. raven looked up at him with hazy eyes before they fluttered shut. she continued to drink from her bottle but soon knocked out with her fists holding her blankie close and her mouth open like harry does when he sleeps. louis turned the lights out and kept the door open as he pulled harry out of the room and down the stairs.

"what are we doing?" harry asks curiously.

louis shrugs and turns around. "louis wants cuddles."

"louis doesn't talk in third person unless he really wants something," harry raises an eyebrow. "what is it?"

louis bit his lip and looked down. "uh.."

harry's eyes followed louis'. "you have a boner, lou. how did that happen?" he looked back up at his lover, who's face was blood red.

"i- i dunno-" louis stammers. "you're just- you're really hot and you're such a good dad to our daughter and-" he gasps as he was pushed back against a wall with harry's hips pressed against his own. it took him by surprise because he thought harry would pick on him before helping him out but seeing the domineering look in the older man's eyes told him otherwise.

"so you get turned on by watching me take care of raven?" harry asks, brushing some of louis' hair out of his face.

louis nods, looking up at him with need. "i-i know it's weird, but i'm just really really attracted to you and ever since the baby was born, it got worse. every moment i just wanna fucking pounce on you and-" he groaned and hit his head on the wall. "'m such a fucking dip."

harry leaned down and pressed his lips against louis' neck, making his kisses hotter and wetter as his fiancé grew pliant to his touch. "you aren't a dip, i love you so much," he murmured and tugged on his earlobe with his teeth. "and we haven't been able to do things since raven has been born and i understand that," he felt louis' hands grab at his shirt and aim to pull it off. he helped him remove it and felt himself grow hard as louis latched his mouth onto his neck and collarbone.

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