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harry looks through the files laying on his father's desk with anger filling his soul. more pictures were coming through, some of louis and some of louis with the baby. they were old. then came some images of the family playing at the park from not even a week ago. it worried the gang member but he knew he had to put on a mask to hide everything. he had to prove he could do this with a straight face, but every time he saw his precious baby laughing and clapping her hands when louis would play peek a boo with her brought tears to his eyes because she was in danger.

louis walked in the office with his hands shoved in his pocket. "hey," he said softly. "baby's down."

harry nods and sighs, looking at his lover. the blue eyed lad opened his arms out for him. he squeezed harry so tight, it made harry feel at home. having his fiancé right in his embrace, with his sweet smelling hair and cloudy soft skin, he never wanted to let go.

"'s gonna be okay," louis murmurs. "at least i think so. evan's a lunatic, he's protective over us."

"mainly the baby," harry chuckles. louis snorts and rests his head on his collar, just listening to his thumping heart. it was soothing knowing after everything they have went through, they're still standing here with battle scars and many stories to tell. harry's large hand carded through louis' hair, gently grazing his nails along his scalp in hopes to relax him and calm his nerves. they were both terrified and stressed. harry didn't care what happened to him as long as his loves were okay but this was different. this time he had to make sure he cared. he couldn't risk losing his own life and leaving louis to raise their daughter alone. he couldn't risk losing louis or raven either.

louis lifts his head and steps on his tippy toes to plant a kiss on his future husband's lips. feeling harry's arms pull him closer made louis just want to cling onto him and never let go. he's been trying so hard on their issue that he isn't the same harry from before. he's stressed and exhausted.

"i love you," harry kisses him again. louis murmured an "i love you" between kisses and wrapped his arms around harry's neck to pull him down more. the sound of someone clearing their throat made louis jump a bit and hide his face in harry's neck. the gang member looked to his right to see evan leaning against the doorway with a raised eyebrow.

"i didn't know this was the hotspot for sticking tongues in eachother's throats," he says sarcastically and moves to sit at his desk. louis sent him the middle finger before sitting down at one of the chairs in front of the desk and pulling harry down to one beside him.

evan crosses his arms as he leans back in his seat. "we have a partial lead on liam. they found a car that was similar to the one you described to me," he glanced at louis. "then the lads tracked the license plate attached to it and it was his. he's roaming the city but they can never find him in the same spot for a long period of time."

"he knows we're onto him," harry says. "we gotta be smarter than him. do you think he's still in the same dorm, babe?" he grabs louis' small hand and caressed his knuckles with his thumb. "or possibly living with his parents?"

"his parents don't live here," louis shook his head. "and they move our dorms every year, so i dunno."

harry frowns and kisses his temple. "we're gonna fix this, i promise."

"i know," his fiancé whispered. "i know..."

the boss opens his computer and skims through emails and files saved to it. he noticed something new that was probably saved from zayn since he tried to make him the more tech-y one of the two sons. harry was more social, the one who did the most when it came to killing or getting the payments he needed. clicking the link, a new video pops up and he turns the laptop to the men before him so they could watch too.

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