twenty one

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after new years, bounty was to re-open at a new location. it was still in london, but on the other side. the original building would be torn down and things would be renovated in the new club. it should be done within the next three months due to many people offering to bring the amazing club back. customers were skeptical because of the incident but louis was excited that he was getting his job back.

until then, louis applied at j's place. he knew the area, knew the people and one of their employees just quit so they needed someone for nights for a while. louis was positive he was going to get the spot because he was good friends with the girl who worked at the front counter. she was in one of his classes and she promised to put in a good word for him.

louis attended some more classes before the year ended and he had to do a big assignment that was due at the end of the year. as seniors, they had to write about their experiences in uni, how the medical field has impacted their lives and what they plan on doing with their medical degrees. louis was down to write a three hundred page essay (just kidding, it was five pages max) and hopefully get a good grade because he put his all into writing. maybe he should have taken the english and creative writing majors.

nah, medical is fun as fuck.

"prince," harry said, pulling louis out of his trance. "are you hungry? you've been working for hours."

louis shrugged and his tummy rumbled, answering for him. "erm..yeah."

"i'll get us lunch. how does subs sound?" harry leaned against the wall.

"that's fine," louis said softly.

"what do you want?" harry asked.

"turkey, mozz, lettuce, pickles and spicy brown mustard," louis listed and harry grabbed his keys, walking to his boyfriend and kissed him goodbye.

"'m gonna forget that, text it to me."

louis giggled and kissed him again. "i love you, drive safe."

when harry left, louis was left with his notebook in his lap and an earbud back in his ear. the sound of brendon urie's voice blared through the tiny pod and louis tapped his pen against his book in the beat of miss jackson.

louis wrote little drabbles, weighing out his career options. he could work in the blood bank by the mall with his phlebotomy license or could be a receptionist at a doctor's office with his medical math & paperwork studies. everything was so stressful amd he hasn't even graduated yet.

"penny for your thoughts, little bro?" zayn asked as he placed bud on his shoulder. louis never changed his name and even noticed that he sort of resembled marijuana, so he stuck with it.

"adulting sucks balls."

zayn laughed and nodded in agreement. "you're not wrong. where's h?"

"he went to get me food," louis said as he took his earbud out. "text him if you want before it's too late."

zayn shrugged and sat in the recliner. bud laid on his shoulder, curling his long tail around his body. he rested his head in the crook of zayn's neck and eventually fell asleep from zayn rocking in the chair. the lads just chilled in the living room in silence until harry came in with food and tossed a pack of cigarettes in louis' lap.

"i love you!" louis called as he went into the kitchen, getting an 'i love you more' back from harry. zayn pretended to gag, which startled the lizard on his arm and bud jumped, puffing his beard out.

"oh, it's okay little guy," zayn cooed and stroked his back with his finger. "i didn't mean to wake you."

louis crooned as bud relaxed and eventually flattened his beard, laying back down and returning to sleep. harry came in with their sandwiches and chips on plates, sitting beside louis after helping him move his books around.

"thank you, hazza," louis said and kissed his cheek. "you're the best."

"mm, negative," harry said and kissed him. "that's you."

"bud, i think i'm gonna puke," zayn said to the unconsious animal and louis snorted as harry flipped him off.


"do you think you'll be okay here for a few hours?" harry joked, setting his hand on louis'. louis rolled his eyes and laid his head on harry's shoulder, nodding with a yawn. harry wrapped his arms around him and pressed a tiny kiss to his forehead. "go to sleep, babe."

"be careful," louis mumbled into his shirt. "love you hazza."

"i love you, i'll be back as soon as i cam," harry promised. "sleep, love. when i come back i'll cuddle you 'til you suffocate."

"my hero," louis swooned and pressed a sleepy kiss to the corner of his mouth.

when louis knocked out against the man, harry tucked him in under the duvet and turned the lights off, slipping out of the room and silently shut the door.

zayn was waiting for him at the bottom of the steps and harry grabbed his keys. "how much?"

"twenty acid tabs, few grams of bud and a bit of powder," zayn shrugged as he headed to the door. "apparently it's a frat party."

"ah, uni days," harry reminisced and they walked to the car after zayn locked the door. zayn pulled three bags out of his pockets and put them under his seat, starting his mustang and driving to an all-but-familiar place.

when zayn pulled up, harry gawked at the group of students laying around the fountain of the complex. some were laying on the grass, some were sitting by the fountain and others were walking around with cups in their hands. it seemed like the party really hadn't started.

"senior days," zayn grabbed the bags and stuffed them in his pockets. "are you coming? i gotta meet two different lads."

harry took the cocaine, stuffing his gun in his waistband and they went seperate ways after zayn told harry where to go. harry walked around the complex until he spotted a particular brown haired man and nervously chewed on his lip. he walked up to the man once he caught him by himself and cleared his throat. "you got the cash?"

liam turned, startled. "harry?"

harry shrugged. "what's good, mate?"

liam pulled the wad of cash out of his pocket and harry gave him the bag after checking to see the right amount was there. "thanks, lad. have fun."

"yeah," liam awkwardly said and harry went back to the car. he sat back in the passenger seat and waited on zayn, who came back with his hands stuffed in his pockets and he gave harry the money when he settled in his side of the vehicle.

"we just made six hundred bucks and part of it was from my boyfriend's roommate, can you say awkward?" harry chuckled and put the money in his jeans, knowing it wouldn't come out due to the restriction the fabric held.

"don't stress it. atleast we made something," zayn said as he sped off, stopping by mcdonald's because he wanted some fries. harry glanced at the time and wondered if louis was asleep, but ordered some food for him just in case he wasn't.

"i gotta hit one more and we're done," zayn said. "it's just a g."

harry nodded and snacked on a few fries. he watched as zayn walked up to a lad's porch and holy shit, he just saw zayn give niall weed and kiss him before coming back to the car.



sorry if the ending seemed a little rushed i just finished a shift at work & am really sleepy, but i havent updated in a few days so here you go (((:

(i'm doing a character ask for iai, hit me up if you wanna ask questions!)

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