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warning: drug use


"haz, you've gone soft," was the first thing zayn said when harry walked into the kitchen. he was sitting at the table rolling a blunt, listening to some music as harry sat down with a cup of coffee and his phone.


"you've gone soft. you used to be this badass who gave zero fucks and you meet this guy and suddenly it's high school all over again. you gush about him and can't stop smiling and shit. it's cute and all but you, my brother, are whipped."

harry glares at him while he takes a gulp of his drink. "no way. 'm not soft. i'm just romantic."

"mhm. and i'm ugly. okay," zayn rolled his eyes and he finished rolling, putting the lighter to it to seal the wetness. harry couldn't help but laugh at his best friend.

"i'm just nervous, z. he doesn't know yet and i don't want to fuck up what we have," harry said as he glanced down at the table.

which was true. he didn't want to scare the lad off. knowing that he deals drugs, shoots people, kills people from time to time, makes him wonder how louis would take it. maybe he would laugh and be like "you're kidding," or end up beating the shit out of harry. maybe he would be calm about it, maybe he would walk off and not talk to him ever again.

harry really didn't want to risk it but he had to.

"if he doesn't fuck with it then he doesn't," zayn shrugged. "if he leaves he's a puss."

"not everyone is oblivious to feelings like you, bud. i like him a lot."

zayn hummed and lit the blunt, shrugging. "i wanna meet him."

harry watched as he hit the spliff and took it when passed to him, hitting it himself. "come to bounty with me, then."

"he's a bar boy?"

"bartender," harry corrected. "yes. 's how we met."

"how romantic," his friend teased.

"shut up," harry hit the blunt and passed it back. and that's how their morning went. fried out of their minds, making waffles when they got the munchies and chilled in the living room watching netflix until louis called harry.

"hello?" harry said.

"hi," louis chuckles. "you sound tired."

"'m on cloud nine right now," harry replied and smiled stupidly. "what's up, babes?"

"nothing much, just wanted to talk to you. i gotta be at work at six."

"what time is it now?' harry questioned, glancing at the clock by the tv.

"two," louis sighs.

"come to my place. i miss you," harry pouted, throwing a pillow at zayn when he coughed out a loud "WHIPPED AS FUCK!" and laughed.

"who was that?"

"zayn," harry laughed again when zayn kept making jokes.

"oh, my best friend who doesn't know he's my best friend?"

"exactly," harry hummed. "can you come over? please?"

louis gave a dramatic sigh and showed up at harry's flat thirty minutes later with his backpack that had his work clothes, charger and some snacks in it. harry gave him a tight hug and kissed him and louis smirked. "you're high as a kite right now, aren't you?"

"no," harry feigned innocence and louis giggled, walking to the living room with him.

"zayn, this is louis. lou, this is zayn. he's my best friend and my side bitch."

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