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a little time skip, not too much.


it was early december, meaning many things. holiday break, their three months, louis' birthday and christmas.

louis sometimes hated that his birthday was the day before the alleged saint nicholas came through. but his mother always told him, "you were the best christmas gift i have ever received, boobear," and louis would end up crying because he loved his mum so much. he felt happy knowing that he was making his family proud by going to uni and doing something with his life instead of staying in his sucky hometown where you never really made friends and 85% of the population was on drugs.

"are you going home for break?" liam asked his dormmate once he got back from class. he sat beside louis, and louis threw his legs over liam's lap.

"i dunno," louis said and looked up at the ceiling. "i wanna go but i wanna stay."

"your birthday, christmas, all of that will be during break and you don't want to be with your family?" liam pouted. "i'd rather go home than be here."

louis shrugged. "it's my last year in uni, i wanna spend it wisely. going home would be nice but i have to work and pay for things. can't do that if i'm in doncaster."

"touché," liam hummed and patted louis' leg.

louis thought about it for a while. he decided that he would stay in london for break, managing the pub and hanging around town. maybe get a tattoo, do something for himself. he deserved it. he's busted his ass to be where he is now. unless his mum called and begged, that is.

"i'm taking a shower, and i'm gonna go meet up with one of my friends. do you need anything before i leave?" liam asked, resting his hand on the small boy's calf.

"mm-mm," louis shook his head. "thanks though."

liam nodded and left. louis groaned as he continued to look up. he needed something to do, he wanted something new.


louis parked his car, removing the key from the ignition. niall was waiting at the tattoo shop for him, chilling in his warmed up car. fuck the cold.

louis smacked niall's window as he walked to the door, causing the irish lad to scream out a, "you bitch!" and laughed as he went inside.

lou looked around the small shop, admiring the pictures of art that people have done. photos of sleeves, large pieces, and piercings hung along the walls. rage against the machine was playing in one of the back rooms and louis could recognize the song as bulls on parade, one of his favorite songs from his sophomore 'weird' phase.

"how can i help you lads?" a black haired woman asked from the corner. she was writing things down and putting information in a laptop. she had tattoos littered all over her arms and two lip rings through her bottom lip.

"i want to get a piercing," louis hummed. "but i dunno what. i'm shitty at these things."

niall chuckled and shook his head. "i'll get one if you get one."

"don't pussy out," louis rolled his eyes at his coworker. he looked in the mirror across the room and fish mouthed, thinking about different areas to get pierced. he smirked when he found the one he wanted and pulled his wallet out, paying thirty bucks to the woman.

"it doesn't hurt," the girl (who niall found out was named chelsea) shrugged. "well, the piercing doesn't. the healing sucks. ice will be your best friend."

louis nodded, bouncing on his toes. "i'm excited!"

"i'll get mine too, just a regular though," niall perked up and paid the same amount. since it was the holidays, they had a deal on a buy one get one half off any piercing.

louis took the opportunity and ended up paying fourty five bucks for two piercings. that was a steal, considering it would be sixty for both without the bogo. he wandered over to the jewelry while chelsea went to tell the piercer he had two clients waiting.

niall followed in tow. "we're gonna match!"

"except i'm not getting my nipples pierced," louis snorted as he looked through the gauges in a case.

"aw," niall faked a pout.

the piercer came out, asking which one wanted to go first. louis jumped up and said, "me!" and he and niall went to the back.


"ow," louis mumbled.

niall snickered beside him. "stop complaining. it looks good."

louis looked in the mirror and stuck his tongue out. the shiny metal bar was snug in the tip of his tongue, glimmering in the light of the shop. louis could still see the blue dots from where the piercer had to mark where the ring would go.

"don't pussy out," niall mocked louis. "seriously, i like it. my chest hurts though."

louis giggled and frowned when he started to drool. "eeeew."

they left the shop, louis' tongue and ear throbbing. he enjoyed it, though. the sensation of the piercing sent him into a shock of pain and pleasure.

he's a kinky fucker.

it felt weird against his teeth and gums. he would occasionally poke his gums and wince because of the pain. but he thought it looked good, and he didn't care.

his ear, on the other hand, was a different story. it was already red and swollen, with a long industrial bar cutting through the top. the industrial hurt worse than the tongue piercing and louis actually cringed when he heard the crunch from the needle going through the cartilage.

he was satisfied with his service, though. he left a twenty as a tip, ten for each piercing. niall bought jewelry for the both of them, telling louis it was his early birthday slash christmas present, and the boys parted their ways after louis got a large cup of ice from the nearby sonic. niall wanted a slushie so he went as well.

harry had called louis after he went to sonic, asking if he would like to meet back at j's place. louis, of course, said yes and remembered that's where they had their first kiss. holy shit. and it's been three months since they've been dating.

louis walked into the familiar coffee shop, relaxing immediately once the heat hit his cold frame. he spotted his boyfriend, who louis assumed already ordered for them because there were two cups of hot cocoa waiting on the table.

louis sat across from harry after kissing his cheek. "hi."

"hi," harry replied, chuckling and pulled the boy over for a simple kiss. louis winced and pulled back, pouting.

harry looked at him in confusion and louis bounced his leg, sucking on a piece of ice. "what's up, baby?"

louis giggled and stuck his tongue out. "i 'id a thing!"

"whoa," harry whispered. he inspected the small bar, smirking. "that's sexy."

"i know, right?" louis smirked and showed him his industrial. "got this, too."

they chatted about the piercings and how niall got his nips done. louis couldn't stop flinching because either his ear would get caught on his beanie or his tongue would start hurting after he talked too much, so harry grabbed his hand, kissed his knuckles and suggested that they just enjoy eachother's presence.

and louis was okay with that, because he missed harry and was thinking about spending his break with him so he wouldn't be too bored.





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