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"baby," harry walked up behind louis and gently began rubbing his shoulders. "penny for your thoughts?"

louis leaned his head back against harry's chest and let the man rub out any tension in his muscles. his mind was buzzing with thoughts. he knew his mom would be freaking out if she knew about the shooting but something in him told him not to tell her.

"break is coming up," louis said softly. "i dunno if i wanna go home or not..."

harry slid his arms down and wrapped them around the boy, hooking his chin over his shoulders. "i think it would be a good thing. get you outta here, away from the craziness."

louis nodded. it was true, going to doncaster would mean he wasn't going to be around anymore drama for a few days. he could be snuggled up in his old bedroom playing on his xbox (if jay hasn't gotten rid of it (but she probably hasn't)), reading books from his old bookcase and maybe just catch up on old times.

he could spend his birthday with his parents, maybe new years if he wanted to. he could get drunk off of his ass since he was of age now and his step-father would probably challenge him to some arm wrestling to see if he's gotten stronger over the past few months. he hasn't seen his family since july, when he came down to visit for a few weeks during summer break.

"i want you to meet my parents," louis murmured and turned around, still enveloped in harry's arms. "they would love you."

"yeah?" harry's lips twitched into a small grin. louis hummed with a nod and continued to ramble.

"you could meet my old cat, and we could play fifa and just be fucking free for a little while," louis said. "you deserve it, i deserve it.. school is crazy and the gang is taking a little bit of time away from us."

"you're right," harry kissed his nose, chuckling when louis scrunched it up. "your birthday is coming up."

"and christmas, and new years."

harry placed his hands on louis' hips. "what'ya want for your birthday?"

"nothing," louis said. "i have everything i could ever want standing right in front of me."

harry rolled his eyes with a smile because he could only say the same. louis stood on his tip toes and kissed harry softly, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"can we go cuddle and watch a film?" louis asked with a teeny pout.

"we gotta raid the kitchen for food," harry replied. louis cheered and darted to the kitchen.

soon the two of them were piled up in harry's bed watching the remake of carrie with a ton of snacks around them. they had a bowl of popcorn resting on the blanket, bags of candy tossed on the bed and drinks on either side of them. louis had his head rested on harry's shoulder and harry had his arms wrapped around the small boy beside him. occasionally louis would flick a piece of popcorn at harry, and the man would do the same in return before actually grabbing some and munching on it.

harry wasn't going to admit it but he was kind of getting bored of the movie. louis seemed interested, though, so he didn't say anything. at first he just pulled louis closer to him to snuggle but then he shifted on the bed and began to kiss his cheek, jaw and neck.

"haz," louis whined. "'m watching the movie."

"keep watching," harry said and louis couldn't help but tilt his head to give his boyfriend more room. harry moved the bowl out of louis' lap and placed it on his nightstand. louis' eyes were trained on the telly, but his hands were clinging onto the man beside him.

harry latched his mouth onto louis' neck, sucking and biting at the soft skin. louis couldn't help but let out a small moan because the sting of the hickey plus harry's mouth and the cold air was turning him on. harry traveled to the other side of his neck, doing the same thing and smirked when louis pulled at his hair.

"fucker," louis huffed but continued to watch the movie.

harry chuckled and wiggled down, hiding under the covers. louis gasped when he felt harry bite his hip and he instantly lifted his lower half up.

"god damn it, harry," louis whimpered.

"did that feel good?"

"so fucking good," louis said, hitting his head against harry's headboard. harry hummed and did it again before littering louis' tummy in love bites.

louis felt harry untying his sweats and slipping them down his legs. the lad tried his best to keep his focus on the film before him but he couldn't help but clench his thighs around harry's neck when the man began sucking on his cock. harry felt immediate tugs at his hair and hummed around his baby. the vibrations caused louis to let out a moan, but he went to cover it up by clenching his jaw because zayn was across the hall.

"don't be shy," harry smirked after pulling off of him.

louis looked down to see where harry's head was slowly poking out of the covers. "you're mean."

harry could only give him a shit eating grin before he took him back into his mouth. louis let out a pitiful whimper from such pleasure and pushed harry's head down. the older man squeezed his thighs, digging his nails into them and continued to bob his head.

all it took was for harry to tease him more by licking up his member and sucking on the swollen tip before louis warned that he was close. so, being the tease he was, harry wrapped his hand around louis' aching prick and jerked him off while barely sucking on him.

when louis came, harry swallowed it all and laid his head on his tummy after pulling his pants back up and re-tying them.

"i hate you," louis panted. "i fucking missed where everyone died."

"the original is better," harry said from below him and louis laughed softly while twirling his hair with his finger.


ive never seen the original carrie but i want to & apparently theres a sequel about carries half sister? idk.

i hope you lil horndogs enjoyed the smut, there hasnt been much .-. here you goo

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