twenty nine

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lucas was starting to notice his men were disappearing one by one. he expected harry and his gang to show up, but he didn't expect them to retaliate so soon. and at a party.

the red headed man searched every crevice of the building with his gun attached to his hip. as he continued to find his men, he picked up the notes that were left on them. do far, he had eight, but he only saw four men around the building. four living men, of that sort.

"boss," one of lucas' people, nate, darted to him once he saw the man. "come outside and look at this shit."

lucas followed nate outside to a tree that had two limp men beneath it. he saw the blood continuing to ooze out of one lad's mouth, and ended up banging his fists against the bark. "god damn it!"

nate picked up the sticky notes and gave them to his leader. "was it him?"

"it had to be," lucas growled and snatched the pieces of paper from his member. "stupid son of a bitch."

"talking about me?"

the two men of monarch turned their heads and harry smirked as he made his way to them. nate was quick to pull his gun out and aim it at the man, who just chuckled and put a hand up. lucas leaned against the tree and crossed his arms.

"you're lucky i don't kill you right now," nate narrowed his eyes.

"i wouldn't mind," harry shrugged. "it wouldn't bring your boys back."

"it could earn us yours," lucas smirked and harry's heart dropped. "your pretty little louis, harry, could be all mine if you were shot dead right here. he's helpless. zayn can't do shit. so you're all fucked."

harry clenched his jaw. "don't fucking touch him."

"oh we aren't, not yet anyways," lucas shrugged. "it's not time to."

"fuck you," harry spat and jumped when nate fired the gun at the ground, right beside his feet.

"that was a warning, keep your mouth shut."

"fuck you too, kangaroo. go hop on somewhere else," he told the austrailian accented lad and pulled his gun out as well. "two can tango, my friend."

"all of you shut the fuck up," evan groaned and pulled his pistol out, aiming it at lucas. nathan took the chance and made a run for it, dropping his gun on the way. it fired once it hit the ground and harry scooped it up as he sped after the man.

evan hit lucas upside the temple, momentarily knocking him out. he drug him to his car, putting the child lock on and darted after the feuding men. he found them on the ground in the foyer, harry underneath nate with a gun to his head.

"you're bloody stupid," nate growled.

"bloody, yes. but stupid? no," harry chuckled as one of his gang members pulled the man off of him. nate grunted as he was thrown onto the carpet and harry crawled to him, leaning down to look at him.

"you're the stupid one," he smirked as evan handed him a gun that was on the floor. nate watched as he cocked it and harry sent a bullet in his eye.

"ta-ta for now, love," he hummed and stood, groaning when he heard sirens. "fuck! everybody out!"

harry ran with his boss to the vehicle, seeing that lucas was now barely awake. the boss climbed in the back seat and held lucas' head to the window, a gun against his cheek as the tires screeched along the blacktop. the men in the back flung against the other side of the vehicle and evan grunted when lucas' dead weight laid upon him.

"take a right!" evan said once he got the ginger off of him, keeping him lodged on the left side with his feet. harry made a sharp turn as they left the rounded driveway and harry was curious on how he even got to keep his lisence at this point.

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