seventy five

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word got around about evan quickly.

it was a shock for some, learning about his sudden betrayal that ultimately lead to his death, but the rest weren't fazed much. harry remained on high alert anytime he left the house and made sure louis and raven remained on lockdown for the first few days. louis really wanted to squeeze his fiancé until his eyeballs popped out because he didn't want to be under maximum security. he didn't like being babysat. he's not a toddler, he's a grown man and has a gun that he knows how to use. he's not helpless.

louis paced the bedroom with a hand in his hair, huffing. harry was supposed to be home twenty minutes ago. once he got through the front door, the multitude of "guards" surrounding the house could leave and only three would have to remain to just patrol the block every now and then.

raven stood in her crib, grasping the railing as she attempted to chew on the edge of it. she let out a noise of delight, knocking her dad out of his trance, and louis turned on his heels to face her.

"good morning, sleepyhead," louis crooned and walked over to the crib. he scooped her up and smiled when she placed a hand on his stubbly jaw. "did you have a good nap?"

he changed her nappy and put a new onesie on her, clasping the buttons down her leg and tickled her little feet to get a squeal from her. he played with her momentarily until she took interest in his hair, grabbing it by the fistfuls and giggling to herself.

louis juts his lip out in a pout and carefully picks raven up, hair still captured by tiny hands, and manages to free his head from her grasp. "your dad has better hair to play with, kiddo. he's the one you wanna go for."

he sets her on his hip and pads down to the kitchen, making her a quick bottle and quietly talks to her while she drinks away in her highchair. a couple car doors open and shut and the lock on the door clicks over, soon harry walks in with his hair tied back and an annoyed grimace on his face. the secondhand noticed his fiancé in the kitchen and shuffles into the room with his hands in his pockets.

louis peeked over and gave him a soft grin before turning back to his daughter. "daddy's home!"

raven caught a glimpse of her father and dropped her bottle, smacking the tray connected to her chair with a yell. it made harry smile, seeing how happy his baby girl was, and he crouched down beside her to place little kisses on her cheek. her familiar laugh rang in his ears and she reached over to grab at his sunglasses sitting on top of his head.

"careful," harry warned quietly and removed his sunglasses, an idea popping in his head. he rested the shades on raven's face, laughing to himself as the infant was taken by surprise. louis swatted harry's arm playfully and took the glasses off of raven and set them on the countertop. harry picked her nearly empty bottle up and put it on the counter before spinning louis around to give him a kiss.

"missed you," harry murmured against his lips and kissed him again. "busy day?"

"not at all," louis comments before peering over harry's shoulder. he dropped back down to flat feet and settled his hands on harry's sides. "you were late."

harry frowned. "i know. i'm sorry. got caught up making reservations."

louis' eyebrows furrow. "for?"

his fiancé hums and cups his jaw, giving him that damned cheeky look when he's up to something. "dinner for two, say..eight o'clock?"

"are you sure we can go out?" louis bit his lip.

"i can get one of the lads posted at the restaurant," harry gently pulled louis' lip from between his teeth and rubbed his thumb across it. "no big deal."

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