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this is it boys. here's the official epilogue of night shift. we will go through time jumps! 😭

trigger warning for pregnancy loss. the epilogue is mostly mpreg, sooooo have fun! longest thing i have ever written (and to those who read inferno, it's longer than the longest chapter in that mf so far)

if anyone gets the life reference in this, i will love you forever. hehe. hint, it is towards the end.

thank you for everything. excuse me while i BAWL MY EYES OUT.


it's been a long day of trades and sales and he's just ready to call it a night. he's ready to curl up in bed with his husband and a little bit of sleep. whatever happens before or after that is none of his business.

louis said he had a surprise waiting for him when he came home, and that made harry's stomach twist in anticipation. maybe it is his business because it involves louis. his best friend, his love, his person.

definitely his business.

when he comes home at one, the house is silent aside from the patters of dog paws roaming the kitchen. he lets joker outside and stands on the back porch while he waits for him, gives him a treat when he's finished his business and heads upstairs. he checks raven's room to see the toddler not even there, bed made and dinosaur night light turned off. thanks to her uncle niall, she now has a new favorite interest: roaring prehistoric beings.

he closes the door and freezes at the feeling of something being pressed against the nape of his neck.

"bedroom," his husband's voice commands lowly. "start walking."

harry follows his orders, nudging their bedroom door open. he's told to sit on the edge of the bed. the object is removed from the back of his head but is still pointed at him as he sits down.

"if i recall correctly," louis says softly as he nods down at the gun in his hand, lowering it, "a little birdy told me that he wanted me to use a gun on him some time...you remember that, hazza? my last run with you?"

harry swept his tongue over his lower lip. he glanced at the weapon in his husband's grasp. the ring louis got from that run still sits on his hand two years later. "i do," he swallows.

louis smirks and steps in front of him. he lifted his husband's chin with the tip of the pistol and comes nose to nose with him. "have you changed your mind?"

the older man shakes his head, immediately feeling hot beneath the clothes he was wearing.

"good," louis closes the small gap between them with a gentle kiss. "so you're gonna do as i say then, right?"

"will you shoot me if i don't?"

his husband's eyes twinkle. "it's worth a shot."

harry bites his lip to prevent himself from insulting louis' punny comeback.

louis leans back and crosses his arms. he takes a once over of his spouse before pointing to the head of the bed, so harry kicks his shoes off and crawled up to it. louis puts the gun down and pulls out their toy box from beneath the bed. he opens it slowly, grazing his fingers over the toys, ropes, and everything else inside before grabbing harry's handcuffs. he twirls them around his index finger as he ponders the thought.

"where's rae?" harry asks out of nowhere.

"with her uncles. stop asking questions," louis puts the box under the bed and puts the handcuffs beside his partner. "might wanna take your hoodie off," he tugs at the hem of harry's sweatshirt. "don't want you to overheat and die on me."

night shift // l.s.Where stories live. Discover now