fifty nine

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"in order for me to figure out who the fuck this creep is, i need to know one thing," harry said as he paced the room. "why are they after louis? or me?"

"the real question is, are they after you or louis," evan mutters. "like, individually, i mean. who do you know hates you?"

"half of the god damn continent, dad," harry groans.

evan frowned. "and louis?"

"nobody that i know of," his son replies. "louis doesn't do anything for anyone to not like him. he's a gentle person with a pure heart and soul."

evan purses his lips in thought and skims over the pictures again. "they have to be following you; the images are meters away from where you guys were at the time. getting out of the car, walking into stores and restaurants, they must be out for you."

harry stops and turns on his heels. "what if they're out for my daughter? dad, they can't take raven-"

"and they won't," the boss promises. "they won't touch my grandbaby, over my dead fucking body will they ever get her."

harry slumps down on the couch and tugs at his hair. "what the actual fuck..."

"i know," the man beside him sighs. "your mother and i believe it's best for the three of you to stay with us until we get things figured out. zayn already offered to stay at your house to watch over things. i know your dog is part of your family but ours isn't good with any," evan sighs. "but i will buy extra dog food if he needs it. i'm sorry buddy..."

"'s okay dad," harry looks over at him. "thank you..."

evan gave him a side hug before offering him a beer. harry gladly accepted one and felt himself float away as the alcohol weaved itself through his veins. this was bad, this was really bad.

"is anyone jealous?" evan asks. "like, jealous of louis for being with you or of you with him?"

"louis is a god, i wouldn't be surprised if someone was jealous of me," harry murmurs. "i just... i don't understand."

"neither do i, son," evan frowns. he sits beside him and lets out a frustrated groan. "i'm sorry this is happening to you, buddy."

harry stares down at his brown bottle and swirled it around. "it always happens to us. it never happens to zayn or niall. god forbid anything like this ever happened to them but it's bullshit. i'm not any more superior than he is, we both do the same shit and i'm still the fucking target. and my fiancé, plus my child. why, just why?"

the door opens and harry tosses the now empty bottle in the trash bin. a very tired louis came through carrying a knocked out baby in the carseat hooked on his arm and he set her down, sighing in relief once the weight was taken off of him. "hey.."

"hello, my love," harry says softly. he gets up and steals a piece of gum out of evan's desk, popping it in his mouth before striding over to his fiancé.

"are you okay?" louis asks, looking up at him. his eyes weren't as bright as they usually were. they were a cloudy color, almost like a gray storm cloud, full of worry and sadness. "have you been drinking?"

"one beer," evan piped up. "we didn't expect you to arrive so soon, we were talking about everything going on."

louis looks up at harry for confirmation and wraps his arms around the man's middle. "no drinking around the baby."

"i know, prince," harry murmurs and kisses his forehead. "it doesn't even phase me."

"i know," louis whispers. he rests his head on harry's chest and sighs, relaxing when the familiar arms that belonged to his lover cascaded his body and linked around his shoulders. harry rests his chin on top of his head and sways them side to side, closing his eyes and refusing to let louis go.

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