forty two

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louis paled once he realized what just happened.

"harry- oh my god, i just killed him," he whispered and harry stood, brushing off his jeans.

"no, i did," the older man commented and pulled louis away from the body. "you go to the car. i'll get this situated."

louis looked up at harry. "i'm sorry for snapping at you..."

"'s okay," harry kissed him softly. "now go. i gotta call evan and hope he doesn't hurt me."

louis glanced down at merle, who was covered in blood and limp against the ground. he shuddered before slipping out of harry's arms and going back inside the building, where zayn chased him to the bathroom when he puked right outside the front door.

"holy fuck," louis wheezed when he dropped to his knees. "harry just- i just-" he leaned over and wretched into the toilet, one hand holding the loo and the other on the floor. zayn rubbed his back and frowned, reaching over to grab some napkins for louis to wipe his mouth off with.

"he's dead," louis croaked. "i just helped harry kill him- oh god, this isn't good," louis panted. zayn sighed and muttered something about how harry needs better anger management before having niall swap places with him.

the gang was outside crowded around the scene when evan pulled up. the man seemed furious and harry was just a tad bit afraid of him. zayn pushed through the group of people and stood between his brother and father. evan looked like he wanted to strangle harry but soon calmed down when he saw louis shakily making his way to them.

"this could have ended a completely different way," evan shook his head. he turned on his heels to look at his gang members. "does anyone else have something to say about this?"

"why are you so worried about it?" a girl named margie asked. "what's so special about harry having a kid versus one of us?"

"do you literally not see the fucking situation here?" harry snapped and pointed back to louis. "he's a pregnant boy. of course evan is going to be concerned. it's his fucking grandchild-"

"can we just go home?" louis pleaded in a hushed tone, looking up at harry. "please?"

harry exhaled deeply before grabbing louis' hand. he looked over at his boss, who waved them off and zayn stood next to his father.

evan continued to bicker about how it was his gang and that if anyone has something negative to say to step up and get shot. simple. zayn then explained that what louis was going through was difficult, it was an utter surprise to all of them. but what mattered was if this baby dies, louis will probably die with it, meaning the gang would lose three people instead of just two because harry would probably go bonkers without the boy.

niall pitched in shyly and just asked for everyone to keep their comments to themselves for the sake of louis, the baby and everyone in the gang. even though niall wasn't a member himself, he made friends within the group and didn't want to lose them as well.

evan looked back at merle and huffed. "someone help me clean this up and take his bike to my place, please."


louis changed out of his slightly bloody clothes into just one of harry's shirts. he brushed his teeth, scrubbing the nasty vomit taste out of his mouth and shivered when harry's hands slipped up the shirt to rest on his tummy.

"i'm sorry," harry murmured and kissed the nape of his neck. louis spit out the paste and continued brushing silently. he wasn't sure what to say. part of him wanted to hide and cry because he was an assistant to a murder but he also wanted to fuck the life out of harry because he thought it was hot how the man went all protective over him.

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