thirty five

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"i think we should do a black and red wedding," louis said, looking up from his computer at his fiancé. harry was concentrated on his game, his tongue poking out of his lips. when he didn't get a response, he moved over and poked harry's face.

harry frowned and louis huffed. he closed his laptop and scooted down, wiggling himself between harry's arms. the gang member secured his arms around the boy and hooked his chin over his shoulder, setting the ends of the controller on louis' back.

louis pouted and kissed his neck softly. "haz."

louis swore harry had selective hearing.

"harry," louis whined and pressed more kisses to his neck. harry still didn't budge so louis began sucking on the skin, leaving a large welt.

"daddy," he nibbled on harry's sweet spot and that definitely got the man's attention because the room got silent and harry dropped the controller.

"yes, prince?" he finally spoke, resting his hands on louis' sides.

"did you hear anything i said?" louis pouted against his skin.

"no, i'm sorry, baby."

louis huffed and moved his head to where he was looking at harry. "i think we should have a black and red wedding."

harry licked his lips. "that's a good idea."

"you horndog," louis swatted his arm and laughed. harry shrugged and leaned back, propping himself up with his hands. louis returned to his task and pressed teasing kisses to the man's neck, nipping and sucking at the warm skin.

"we could be the cool kids and get married on halloween," harry blurted. "have a costume party at the end."

louis hummed against his neck. "sounds good, lion."


"no, 'm just in the mood now."

harry chuckled and squeezed his ass. "let's fix that."


louis was at work when he got the call.

"is this louis tomlinson?"

"this is he," louis bit his lip.

"mister tomlinson, we have a patient by the name of harry styles admitted into our icu. we were told you are his spouse?"

"oh my god, yes i am. what happened?"

"he was in an accident. is there any way you could make it down here? we have his brother admitted as well. he gave us your information to call you."

"i'm on my way," louis said and darted to the back of the club. he hung up and told alec what was going on and that he had to leave as soon as possible. alec checked the bar to make sure no customers were around and louis left when he was told to, driving well over the speed limit to make it to the hospital. he parked in a random spot and jogged inside, making his way to the front desk.

"i just got a call that my fiancé was in the icu, my name is louis-"

the woman at the front nodded and paged someone. "gotcha, love. for mr. styles, right?"

louis nodded, gulping. he was led to a hallway that had a few chairs against the walls and he slumped in a seat. he hated hospitals. this wasn't new. the blank walls were making him feel like he was being suffocated and his mind overruled with thoughts. what happened to harry? how bad was he to be in the icu?

he phoned niall, telling him what happened. niall was freaking out, which didn't help at all. louis could hear doors shutting and jingling in the speaker and niall made him stay on the phone with him so he didn't hyperventilate in the car.

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