Part 2 - Banana

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Background Yoongi is 23 years old, Jimin is 22. Both graduated from college within the past year. Yoongi majored in philosophy with a minor in music and graduated fall semester. Jimin majored in dance with a minor in art history and graduated in the spring.

Yoongi's Journal (Journal name is Banana):

Nice, France - Sorry to have neglected you the past 2 weeks, Banana

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Nice, France - Sorry to have neglected you the past 2 weeks, Banana. But the work on the fishing boat made for some long days. During my off time, all I wanted to do was eat and sleep. I did get enough cash to hopefully last through Amsterdam. They gave me the option to stay on for a few more weeks, but I want to have a couple weeks in France and still have time to catch the start of the tulips blooming. The weather is starting to warm up, which makes the occasional night spent outside more tolerable. The crew from the boat were friendly and I enjoyed hanging out with them in Nice while they were resupplying. Now I'm alone again. I don't know if I'm going to keep up with this voyage too far beyond Amsterdam. It's getting really old just being by myself. And we both know I'm not the type to walk up to strangers and start talking. Besides, small talk is such BS. At least back home I have my brother to talk to. Sure, he's a moron most of the time, but it's something.

Paris, France - Hey there, Banana. I've neglected you again. Been traveling through France these past 2 weeks. I've spent several days here so that I could get to most of the museums I wanted to see. Mona Lisa was crowded and a bit disappointing. Sure she's famous and all, but she was smaller than I expected. The Orsay and Art Moderne museums were more my speed. One of my favorite places was Sainte-Chapelle. All of the stained glass is amazing and it's not as crowded as Notre Dame.

Last night I went up to Montmartre just to see the city lights and the Eiffel Tower lit up

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Last night I went up to Montmartre just to see the city lights and the Eiffel Tower lit up.  The church up there is also nice and there was a choir singing when I stopped by.  I've been eating too many Nutella and banana crepes.  Good thing I'm walking a lot.  About to catch a train to Brussels.  The tulip blooms are starting soon, so it's time to bid adieu to France.  At least for now.

Tulip field, Leiden, Netherlands - Banana, I made it here in time for the first week of the blooms.  I have been biking around this region enjoying all of the many colors.  I've taken some amazing photos.  On the way up here, I stopped by Brussels.  I went to a couple of museums, drank some good Belgium beer, and stocked up on lots of chocolate.  I'll have to live on the cheap for the next week to save up for Amsterdam.  I plan to spend a few more days cycling around the tulips before leaving.  I can't get enough of the vibrant colors and everyone is so friendly.  It's helping combat my homesickness.

Speaking of home, I had that dream again last night

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Speaking of home, I had that dream again last night.  I've had the same dream on and off for the past two weeks.  I'm back at the airport saying goodbye to my family.  Eomma tells me that she thinks I'll find my soulmate on this trip.  Then Halmeoni says, "You'll be transformed.  So you find that soulmate sooner rather than later."  Then they both turned to me and cackle.  Or that's what it seems like, but then my brother punches me in the arm.  But they didn't really sound like that, did they?  In my dream, I can't figure out it that was a blessing or a curse, and then I wake up in a cold sweat.  Crazy, right?

(This was Yoongi's last thought before curling up for a catnap in the sun.  When he woke up, the world looked very different.)

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