Part 50 - Swag

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(The next morning)

Yoongi's POV:

I woke up before Jimin and sat there watching him. He's so cute when he's sleeping. I was thinking about the past few days and how amazing it was - to be human again, Jimin agreeing to live with me, to be camping with him again. I am thankful for so many things. I have the most beautiful boyfriend in the world. Boyfriend?! I never would have thought that I'd get this lucky.

After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and smiled at me.

Jimin: Hey there.

Yoongi: Hi. How are you?

Jimin: Good. Why? You look concerned.

Yoongi: I wasn't too rough last night, was I?

Jimin: I don't think so.

He shot me a big grin.

Yoongi: You'd tell me if I was, right?

Jimin: Of course.

Yoongi: Do you want to go get breakfast and walk around some before we drive to Croatia?

Jimin: Breakfast sounds perfect.

He got up and immediately fell back down. My eyes got really big.

Yoongi: Let me help you.

I helped him to his feet and he wobbled again, so I wrapped my arm around his hip to stabilize him.

Yoongi: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cripple you.

Jimin: (Giggling) What a way to go. Maybe we should get room service?

Yoongi: Maybe after eating you'll feel up to walking around?

Jimin: Or maybe you'll have to carry me everywhere today.

I ordered a huge breakfast and a pot of coffee. After eating, I carried Jimin to the bathroom and he soaked in a steaming hot bath. I kept him company and we chatted about past relationships. He's had a few more than me, but surprisingly he stayed single during his last year of college. I'm usually not the jealous type, especially of stuff that's from the past. So it was nice just talking honestly about things.

Jimin: I'll be fine by the time we get to the park.

Yoongi: I hope so, because we'll definitely need to do some hiking there.

Jimin: It's just been a few months since ... you know. My body needs to re-acclimate.

Yoongi: Maybe we should go easy for a few days.

Jimin: I don't think that's necessary. Besides, I don't think I could keep my hands off you at this point.

Yoongi: Yeah, me neither (biting his lip).

He looked at me and we both started laughing. Then he pushed himself up.

Yoongi: Need help?

Jimin: Maybe a little. The bath felt really good, thanks for getting it ready for me. Next time, you can join me.

Yoongi: Definitely.

We both were sprawled out on the sofa for a couple of hours, neither of us feeling like moving. Jimin was laying between my legs with his head resting on my chest. Thankfully we had ventured out after we got into Ljubljana yesterday afternoon. So I didn't feel too bad about not going back out this morning.

Yoongi: It's almost checkout time. How are you feeling?

Jimin: I'll manage. Don't worry. You might need to drive again. Hope that's ok.

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