Part 82 - A Special Date

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(Several weeks later)

Jimin's POV:

It was a week before Jin & Joon's wedding and we were gathered at the garden terrace for rehearsal. I didn't have a role in the actual wedding, but since the rehearsal dinner was planned right afterwards, I got to sit back and watch. As soon as we showed up, there was drama over Yoongi's hair.

It was about two weeks ago that Yoongi came home with mint green hair. At first I was speechless, and he thought I was mad. Actually, I was just taking it in. The color went so well with his pale complexion, he looked stunningly beautiful. It kind of made me want to change my hair color too. I reassured him that I loved it, but it did take a few days for me to adjust. It was kind of like having a new boyfriend, though I didn't tell him that in case he took it the wrong way.

Anyway, at the time neither of us were thinking about the upcoming wedding. However, today was the first time his family had seen the new color, and we probably should have expected a reaction.

Jin: You dyed your hair green for my wedding?!

Yoongi: Actually, no. I did this a couple weeks ago.

Namjoon: I think it looks good.

Taehyung: Me too.

Yoongi's Eomma: You're going to ruin the photos!

I glanced between all of them as they argued back and forth until my gaze settled on their halmeoni. She looked so mad at Yoongi, I though for sure she was going to start cursing at him. Luckily the blowup died down quickly.

Jin: (Shrugging) At least you look good. What do you do with a green monster?

Yoongi: Huh?

Jin: Wait until they turn ripe.

We all groaned while Jin doubled over laughing his windshield-wiper laughs. I thought to myself, "At least he's over it already."

Namjoon: Don't get him started, he's been telling corny jokes for weeks now.

After that, everything settled into place. The first rehearsal was a little rough, but by the third run-through everything was like clockwork. Yoongi and Tae seemed to have a good handle on their roles as best men. Even the flower girl, who was the daughter of Yoongi's cousin, had the right pacing and looked adorable holding the small basket.

The rehearsal dinner was held afterwards at Jin's restaurant. He had reserved the back room for our party. Yoongi and I sat across the table from his Halmeoni and she kept giving him the stink eye.

Jimin: (Whispering to Yoongi) Maybe you should have waited until after the wedding to get your hair colored?

Yoongi: What's done is done. At least Jin's over it.

Jimin: True. I was thinking of getting my hair colored too.

Yoongi: Yeah? What color?

Jimin: Remember the color it was when we first met.

Yoongi: Orange?

Jimin: Mhm.

Yoongi: I would love that.

Jimin: You would?

Yoongi: Baby, you would look beautiful with any hair color. But the orange color would bring back memories of when I first fell in love with you.

Tae was on my other side and whispered in my ear.

Taehyung: What are you two whispering about?

Jimin: I'm going to get my hair colored.

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