Part 5 - Boy Meets Cat

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Jimin's POV:

I've been wandering around this field for the past hour taking photos and this cat has not stopped following me.  When I got to one end there was a bike with a basket full of tulips.  I spotted someone who looked like a field hand to ask them about it.

Jimin: Excuse me, sir.

Field Hand: Look at that, you've found a friend.

Jimin:  Yeah, he just keeps following me around.

Field Hand:  I was talking to him.  He's been hanging around this field for a couple of weeks.  You're the first person that he seems to actually like.

Jimin:  That's strange, he seems super sweet. 

Field Hand:  He may be sweet to you, but to most people, he just takes the food they offer and runs away.  He hisses at me every time I've tried to pet him.

He reaches down to try to pet the cat.  The cat subsequently hisses and then hides behind Jimin.

Field Hand:  See. Looks like he's yours now.

Jimin:  Um, I guess I can take him with me.  At least for now. 

Field Hand:  Might as well.  Things will be winding down around here soon and he'll have no one.

Jimin:  OK, I guess so. 

The cat was purring loudly and rubbed back and forth against Jimin's legs.

Jimin:  Anyway, I noticed this bike here, it has a trailer.  It even has a basket, which would be good to have if I'm carrying around this cat with me.  I need to rent something similar, any idea where I could do that around here?

Field hand: You can probably take this one.  The young man who had it just disappeared and no one has seen him for weeks.  I think his backpack is still in the trailer. 

Jimin:  That's crazy.  I can't take that.

Field Hand:  Sure you can.  The season is almost over and this bike will just sit here and rust. 

Jimin:  But what about his backpack?

Field Hand:  No one has gone through it.  Maybe there's a clue about what happened to him?  We've all been too busy working.  Speaking of which, I have to run.  But you really should take the bike.  No one else is going to.

Jimin:  OK, thank you.

Looking down at the cat.

Jimin:  Hey you.  I really need to come up with a name for you if you're sticking around.  So how do you feel about riding in the basket of a bike?

Yoongi-cat:  Cool (meow).

Jimin took a photo of the bike with the flowers and then moved them to the back. 

Jimin:  I might as well keep the flowers for now.  There's still plenty of room in the trailer for my pack and the other pack. 

I scooped up the cat and placed him in the basket.

Jimin:  Come on you.


Later that evening, I found a place to camp and was setting up my tent.

Jimin:  Hey you. 

The cat curled up in my lap, looked up at me and meowed.

Jimin:  You did really good today riding around in the basket.

Yoongi:  Yeah, I'm familiar with bikes.

Jimin:  It's like you're talking back to me.  So cute.  I need to figure out a name for you.

Yoongi: Better pick a good one.

Jimin:  So sassy.  Hmmm...Sassy?

Yoongi: (reaching out to touch Jimin's face) Nope

Jimin:  Little Meow Meow?

Yoongi:  Cute, but nope.  (Moving forward to touch noises with Jimin)

Jimin:  So foreward.  You've got swagger.  Hmm Swag? 

Yoongi: Not horrible.

Jimin: But you're also sugar.  Suga!

Suga:  Nice.  (Kissing Jimin's noise)

I had pulled out the backpack that was left in the trailer.  Opened up the passport.  Min Yoongi.  He's cute judging by his photo.

Suga: Thanks.

It looks like his home is Seoul too.  I'll text Tae and have him keep a lookout for any news about him missing.


Jimin:  (via text) Hey, Bestie!  How's your Halmeoni?

Tae:  Do you know what time it is?

Jimin:  Sorry, I didn't expect you to answer.

Tae:  It's ok, I haven't been sleeping great.

Jimin:  Well, here's a couple of photos that I took today.

Jimin:  Well, here's a couple of photos that I took today

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Tae: Wow, beautiful

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Tae: Wow, beautiful.  Who's cat?

Jimin:  Apparently mine.  I've been adopted. 😂

Tae: Cute.  What's his name.

Jimin:  I named him Suga.

Tae: Well now I don't feel too bad about you being by yourself.

Jimin:  We'll see how long he sticks around.  Anyway, I'm shooting you some info about someone who may be missing.  He lives not too far from us.  Let me know if you see any news about him.

Tae:  OK, I'll let you know.  Shoot me more photos when you can.  I'm gonna try to get back to sleep.  Miss you, bestie.

Jimin:  You too.

Suga:  Hey, pay attention to me.

Jimin:  (to the cat that is now crawling all over him) Jealous much?  Alright, come on lover boy, let's go to bed.

I laid down in the tent and Suga laid down between my legs.  Before long, we were both sound asleep.

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