Part 9 - Trolltunga

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Jimin's POV

The next morning, we all gathered at 5am to start our long trek to Trolltunga.  Jungkook sat beside me looking sleepy.  We had a 30 minute ride to the trailhead and then it was about a 5 hour hike up to the overlook.  I thought that it was good I'd been doing all of that bike riding.  I felt ready for the challenge.  Jungkook seemed to be in good shape, so I figured he's be good to go.  If he could wake up.  I wasn't sure about those Swedish women, but most everyone seemed like they could handle the long walk.

Tour guide:  If anyone feels like they can't make it or starts feeling unwell, please let us know immediately.  We'll take a short break every hour and a longer one midway up.

Kookie had fallen asleep on my shoulder.  Even though Suga was kind of growling at him, he didn't wake up until I shook him.

Jimin:  We're at the trailhead.

Jungkook:  Oh thanks.  (Blinking his eyes and realizing he fell asleep on Jimin)  I didn't drool on you or anything, did I?

Jimin:  No, you were just sleeping peacefully.

Jungkook:  Yeah, I'm not embarrassed at all (face turning red).

Jimin:  It was cute.

Suga:  No it wasn't.

Jungkook:  I think your cat gets jealous.

Jimin:  Oh, he definitely does.

Suga:  Nuh uh.

Jimin:  Alright you, get in the pack.

I placed Suga in my pack and Jungkook helped me put it on. 

Jimin:  Thanks.  You feeling more awake?

Jungkook:  Yes, I'm looking forward to this!

The two of us walked together along the trail.  We chatted about all sorts of things.  Family, school, taste in music, favorite movies. 

Jimin:  You have a lot in common with my friend, Taehyung.

Jungkook:  I have a lot in common with you too.

Jimin: (Blushing)  You never told me what the rest of your travel plans are.

Jungkook:  You didn't tell me yours either.  I'm actually catching a cruise in a couple of days.

Jimin:  (Disappointed) Oh really?  I was hoping I could talk you into joining me.

Jungkook: I would love to, but my parents already paid for the cruise.  It was a present for me getting straight As.

Jimin:  So where are you headed?

Jungkook:  The cruise is part fjord tour and then goes up to Svalbard.

Jimin:  What's in Svalbard?

Jungkook:  Polar bears!

Jimin:  What?!  You're kidding, right.

Jungkook:  Nope.  I'm going with a wildlife photography group to take photos of polar bears.

Jimin:  Whoa.  That sounds amazing.

Jungkook:  Yeah, it should be fun (sounding a little doubtful about that).

We  walked along quietly for a little while.  At the first break, I sat down and let Suga climb out of the pack. 

Jimin: He keeps tapping my head, so I think he needs to do his business.

Jungkook:  He's like a little human.

Jimin:  Right?  Do you want to split a cinnamon bun? 

Jungkook:  Thanks, all I had was a granola bar this morning.

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