Part 27 - Naked

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Jimin's POV:

As soon as Hobi opened the tent flap, Suga came running out straight for me.  He reached up to me, so I picked him up.

Jimin:  Hobi, did you traumatize my cat?

Hobi:  What? Seeing me naked never traumatized you. (Smirking)

Jimin: (To Suga) Did mean Hobi scare you?

Suga: I wouldn't say "scared" exactly.

Jimin:  He's seen me naked plenty of times and never had a problem.  You must have done something.

Hobi: I swear, I did nothing.

Suga:  I was just surprised.  I wasn't expecting...that.  But thinking about it now, it probably explains a lot about your personality.

Hobi:  Are you talking about me, meow meow?  I feel like you're talking about how well-endowed I am.

Jimin:  Get over yourself.

Suga:  Yes, that's exactly what I was talking about.  Do you understand?

Hobi:  You are talking about me. 

Jimin:  You did something to him.

Hobi:  He's fine. 

Jimin:  Are you hungry, Suga?  Let me fix you some dinner.

Hobi:  How about me?

Jimin:  We've got the leftovers from breakfast.  Plus we should eat the cheese up. We can make pancake sandwiches.

I laid out the spread and we snacked until full.  Suga had a tin of oysters, sausage and cheese.  We sat around the campfire as it started getting dark.  There were some other campers around, but we kept to ourselves.  I played some music on my phone and Hobi and I danced around the campsite, taking turns dancing with Suga.  He seemed to be enjoying the attention.  After a couple more hours, we went to lie down in the tent.

Suga:  This is a bit crowded with both of you in here.

Hobi:  Chim, I think we're going to spoon each other just due to not enough space.

Jimin:  There's plenty of room.  Suga will act as the buffer between us.

Hobi: Ok, but if I end up cuddling, he'd better not smack me.

Suga: No guarantees.

It took me awhile to fall asleep, while Hobi and Suga fell asleep fast.  I kept thinking about Yoongi and how I failed to find him in Paris.  I was starting to think that maybe he was dead or something.  But every night I've continued having dreams about him being alive and with me.  I felt like if he was dead, somehow I would've been able to feel it.  I know that sounds strange, especially since I've never even met him before, but that is how strong I felt connected to him.  With those thoughts, I finally drifted off. 

In my dreams, I wandered through the crypts at Chartres holding Yoongi's hand.  He pulled me into a dark corner and started kissing my neck. It was getting heated, and as guilty as I felt about making out with my boyfriend in a church, I could not say no to his touch.  I was helpless to his kisses and his sweet whispers in my ear. 

Suga's POV:  I woke up before the sun came up.  I sensed that Jimin was having one of those kinds of dreams.  His breathing had become deep and heavy.  I needed to wake him up without waking up Hoseok, or else this could be embarrassing for all of us.  So I sat on his chest and gently patted his face.  When he finally started waking up his face was flush.  I gave him kisses and he just blinked at me for a couple of minutes.

Jimin:  (Whispering) Hi.

Suga: (Whispering back) Hi, love.

He gave me a hug and rolled over on his side with me in his arms.  It seemed like he was falling back to sleep, so I kept touching his face until he finally opened his eyes. 

Jimin:  (Still whispering to not wake up Hobi) Let me sleep. 

Since I was snug in his arms, I let him fall back to sleep.  I was so comfortable with Jimin, and I started drifting back to sleep as he held me.  Then Hoseok rolled over and wrapped his arm around me and Jimin.  I panicked thinking this wasn't any good.  So I crawled out of Jimin's arms and tried to squeeze back in between the two of them.  Hoseok got a face full of fur which woke him up, but he still had his arm around Jimin.  So I turned around to stare at him, trying to get him to stop without actually having to swat at him.

Hobi:  Are you trying to threaten me? 

Suga:  Yes!

Hobi: Don't worry, I'm not going to take him from you.

Suga:  I don't think you could.

Hobi:  Don't dare me to do it.

Suga:  Nope. But I still think that ship has sailed.

Hobi:  I'm starting to understand you.  You'd better watch what you say.

Hoseok moved his hand to Jimin's butt and kind of felt him up.  The whole time he was staring back at me, like daring me to do something about it.  I was just about to unleash my claws when Jimin woke up.

Jimin:  Hey, what are you doing Hobi?

Hobi: You've got your butt pressed up against me.  It's bringing back memories.

Suga:  Hey!

Jimin:  I think Suga's about to smack you, so you'd better stop.

Jimin rolled over on to his back and pulled me back to him. 

Jimin:  Calm down, Suga.  He's just trying to get you riled up.

Hobi:  We were having a conversation.  He definitely know what I'm saying.

Jimin:  If you say so.  I know it seems like it.

Hobi: No, he really understands.  You can see it in his eyes.  There's something up with your cat.  I just haven't figured it out yet.

Jimin:  He's the best cat in the world.  That's what's up.

Suga:  I'm also not a cat.

Hobi: See, he's trying to tell us something.

Suga:  Yes, I'm Yoongi.  Please understand.

Jimin: Don't upset him.

Hobi:  I think he's upset because we don't understand what he's saying.

Suga:  Yes!  You're so close to understanding. 

Hobi then turned to Jimin and got a serious expression on his face. 

Hobi:  I think he's a human trapped in a cat's body.

Jimin: Ha ha.  Wait, you're serious?!

Suga:  Yes! It's true.

Hobi:  Watch him the next few days. We'll ask him questions and see if he responds.

JM: How are we going to know that he's actually responding to our questions?

Hobi:  We'll just have to figure it out.

Suga:  It's a start. I wonder if this is the first step to me becoming human again?

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