Part 39 - Opera & Kimchi

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(Several hours later)

Yoongi's POV:

We were sitting down to eat at a Korean restaurant after the opera. The opera was good, and the venue was amazing, but I was really looking forward to this meal.

Jimin: (Whispering to me) I know you're starved for Korean food, try not to drool (giggling).

Taeuhyung: Wasn't that opera amazing! I was swept up in the emotions.

I don't think the rest of us are as big of opera fans as Taehyung.

Jimin: I cried so hard when the girl died. It was so sad.

Namjoon: It was very powerful. Thank you, Tae, for getting us tickets.

Jin: I couldn't understand anything they were singing. But their voices were incredible.

The food arrived and my eyes must have been huge, because Jimin was staring at me.

Jimin: I think we ordered too much.

Jin: Don't worry, I feel like I could eat everything myself.

Namjoon: And I've seen him do it (laughing).

The table was full, we had ordered kimchi jjigae, samyeopsal, jjinmandu, bibim naengmyeon, tteokbokki, and plenty of soju to go with it.

I ate until I was near bursting. Jimin and Taehyung had stopped eating earlier and were catching up. Of course, Jin was still eating and Namjoon just watched him. I think those two might last. I was looking at them smiling when Jin noticed.

Jin: What are you staring at?

Yoongi: Just marveling at how much you can put away.

Taeuhyung: It is impressive.

Jin: And I have room for dessert.

Jimin: Really?!

Jin: We should find some ice cream on the way back to the hotel.

Yoongi: That actually sounds good.

Namjoon: So are you two going to come with us to Nice?

Jimin: Yes. It'll be on the way to Italy anyway. Yoongi was there a few months ago, right babe?

Yoongi: Yes, though I was only there for a couple of days.

Jimin: And the weather will be perfect for visiting the beach!

Namjoon: Sounds like a plan.

On the way back, we found ice cream for Jin. I got some too, but everyone else was too full. Though Jimin had a bite of mine. We held hands as we walked back to the hotel. I glanced over at Tae and he looked a little sad. I hope being the third wheel isn't going to be too hard on him.

Back at the hotel we said goodnight to Jin and Namjoon.

Jin: Train leaves at 11 am. So let's meet by 1030.

Back in our room, Tae opened up a bottle of wine and the two of them kept drinking.

Jimin: Aren't you having any?

Yoongi: Just a little bit. I don't want a headache tomorrow.

Jimin: So what do you want to do?

Taeuhyung: I don't know. I should see as many museums as I can to prepare for my internship.

Yoongi: Where are you interning?

Jimin: Tae's interning with the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art.

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