Part 7 - On the Road

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A few days later Jimin was biking in Germany when it started pouring rain.  Luckily there was a barn nearby where they could take shelter.

  Luckily there was a barn nearby where they could take shelter

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Jimin:  Might as well sleep here tonight. 

He pulled out Yoongi's pack and found the journal inside.  He'd been reading it the past couple of days.

Suga:  I'm still not entirely comfortable with you reading my journal.

Jimin:  Something bothering you, Suga?  Come hop up on my lap.  I want snuggles.

The cat gave him an odd look, but then hopped up.

Jimin:  This Yoongi guy seemed kind of lonely.  At least I have you with me.  Though, I could use some human conversation.  Maybe when we get to Hamburg I'll go get a beer and hopefully find someone to talk with?

Suga:  I wish I could change back and talk to you.  I'd tell you anything you want to know.

Jimin:  It's ok baby, I'll bring you out with me.

He continues reading until he gets to some pages that look like song lyrics. 

Jimin:  Hmmm....I wonder if he's a musician?  These lyrics have a flow that seems more like rap.  Except for this last one.

He starts singing

Jimin: "Set me free, even though I know it won't turn out ..."

Suga:  (Thinking) Whoa, that is not how I was hearing that song.  But I like it.  And he has a killer voice.

Jimin stands up and starts dancing and singing. 

Jimin:  This feels good.  It's been a few weeks since I danced.

Suga:  Beautiful. I think I'm falling in love with you.

Jimin picks up Suga and dances with him.  Suga snuggles into Jimin and kisses his face.

Suga:  I wish I could kiss you for real.

Suga:  I wish I could kiss you for real

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The next day they get into Hamburg after a few more hours of biking and find a hostel.

Jimin:  Alright, Buddy, you want to come with me to get a drink?

Suga:  Yes!

Jimin heads out to a nearby beer garden, grabs a large beer and sits down at a picnic table.  There's a couple sitting nearby, so he starts up a conversation.  It turns out they are a brother and sister from Canada named Jen and Karl.

About an hour later they've all had a few beers.

Suga: (To Jimin) Don't you think you've had enough?

Jen: Your cat is so cute. 

She bends down to pick Suga up and he hisses at her.

Jimin:  It's strange, but he only seems to like me.

Karl:  So where are you headed to next?

Jimin:  We're heading to Kiel and then catching a ferry to Oslo.

Jen:  Nice.  I went to Norway a couple of years ago, it was beautiful.

Jen is getting tipsy and keeps leaning toward Jimin.  He tries to slide further down the bench, but is at the end and will fall off if he goes any further.

Karl:  I've always wanted to go there, but we are heading to Berlin and then Prague.

Jimin:  I hear both are nice.  I'm not sure if I'll make it to either place this trip.

Jen:  You should change your plans and come with up (as she puts her hand on his knee).

Suga jumps up on his lap and tries to look menacingly at her.

Jen:  You're just the cutest thing (she says, while staring at Jimin's lips).

Jimin:  Well, it's been great talking to you, but I should head back.  We have an early start tomorrow.

Karl:  It was nice meeting you.  (He shakes Jimin's hand and slides him a card)

Jen:  Oh, don't go.  The night is young. (She reaches for Jimin's hand)

Jimin:  (Jumping up) Um, I really need to go.  Bye!

Karl shoots Jimin a look that says, "Sorry about her."  When they round the corner to the hostel, Jimin opens his hand and sees Karl has given him his contact info.

Back at their room:

Jimin:  Some people get so flirty when they're drinking.

Suga:  Yeah, I thought I was going to have to whip out my claws and smack her.

Jimin:  If I wanted a hook up it would've more likely been with her brother than her.  He was kind of cute. 

Suga:  Hmmm...good to know.

Jimin:  Why do you look like you're smirking?  Let's go shower and then head to bed.

Suga:  Yes! I love watching you shower.


The next morning they hit the road.  They had a 5 hour bike ride to Kiel.  Jimin found a storage place to secure the bike and trailer for a couple of weeks.  Most of their travels in Norway would be by ferry and bus.   The plan was to make it to one of Tae's photo spots.  He had placed asterisks around this place (*Trolltunga*).  Jimin had Googled the place and it looked amazing, but was going to be a pretty long trek to get there.  He went ahead and booked a tour, since that seemed to be the best way to get there.

Jimin:  Suga, I am making space in my pack for you.  Don't get antsy when you're on my back.  Last thing I need is you clawing my head.

Suga:  I would never hurt you. 

Suga gave Jimin some kisses and then hopped into the pack.  The ferry ride was overnight.  After a few hours, Jimin brought Suga on the deck so they could watch the sunset.  It was a beautiful evening and the stars were starting to come out.

Jimin:  Suga, have I told you lately how happy I am to have found you? 

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Jimin:  Suga, have I told you lately how happy I am to have found you? 

He hugged the cat and Suga purred loudly.  Jimin headed to their cabin, and then to bed.  He spooned Suga and they quickly fell asleep together.

The next morning a couple of hours after they had gotten up and ate breakfast, the ferry arrived in Oslo.

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