Part 47 - Proseco Farewells

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(Three days later)

Yoongi's POV:

We've had two full days in Venice. We rode the canal boats, saw the Peggy Guggenheim art collection, visited the islands of Murano and Burano, walked all over and have taken a bunch of photos. We were relaxing at a cafe while Tae made his train reservation, I confirmed our car rental, and Jimin texted Jungkook photos from our Italian trip so far.

  We were relaxing at a cafe while Tae made his train reservation, I confirmed our car rental, and Jimin texted Jungkook photos from our Italian trip so far

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I still get a twinge of jealousy when I watch him texting Jungkook, but I know it's stupid. It's still been less than 2 weeks since I became human again. So even though I've been with Jimin for months, our romantic relationship is in the early stages. It's not a matter of trust; I trust
Jimin completely. Jungkook on the other hand, I don't trust his motivations at all. But I'm also not going to do anything to disrupt their friendship.

It's been a lot of fun having Taehyung around and getting to know him better. He is an interesting person and is very knowledgable about art history. I guess he needs to be for his upcoming internship at the museum. Plus he's been very helpful with Jimin. I can't say specifically how, he just is able to interpret the slightest change in expressions. I'll get there, but they've been friends for nearly 20 years. Tae seems to like me, which further helps my relationship with Jimin. And since our brothers are getting serious, our families will get to know each other even more when we all get back to Seoul.

Tae changed his plans since he's enjoyed Italy so much. He's heading to Rome and then Florence before going to Zurich. He still has another month to travel, so it makes sense for him to see Rome and Florence before leaving Italy. We're not heading to those cities for another week or so.

While it's been great having Tae with us, I'm also looking forward to being alone with Jimin. We only had one day with just the two of us, and he slept for a good chunk of that day. We'll pick up the rental car in the morning and drive to the Dolomites. We plan to camp for at least two days and then drive to another national park in Croatia for more camping. After that we'll still have another week before flying home.

Of course I want to get Jimin alone for romantic reasons, but I also need to ask him something. I reserved a studio apartment for graduate school, but asked if there were any larger apartments available. I'm hoping Jimin would consider moving in with me while we're both attending school. He hasn't talked about his living situation, other than mentioning that he applied for student housing too.

Jimin: Penny for your thoughts.

I pulled him onto my lap and whispered in his ear ...

Yoongi: I'm looking forward to getting you all to myself.

He giggled, turned around and gave me a kiss. Then he pulled back and got a serious look on his face.

Jimin: Just because we'll be alone, doesn't mean I'm having sex with you right away. We're still just two weeks into being a couple.

I gave him a hug and kissed his cheek.

Yoongi: No rush. I'm just looking forward to camping with you again. Gazing up at the stars while snuggled with my boyfriend in front of a campfire. It sounds like heaven to me.

He smiled warmly and stroked my cheek.

Taehyung: (Clearing his throat) I'll be out of your hair soon enough.

Yoongi: While I do want Jimin to myself, I've really enjoyed traveling with you this past week.

Taehyung: Thanks, Hyung. I've enjoyed it too.

Jimin: So what's your plan for tomorrow?

Taehyung: I'm catching the 9 am train.

Jimin: Ugh, so early.

Taehyung: It's a 4-hour train ride. That way I still have the afternoon to start exploring Rome.

Jimin: Scope it out for us so we know where to go when we get there.

Taehyung: Of course.

Yoongi: I made reservations for us at a nice restaurant tonight. One final Italian meal together before we go separate ways.


(The next morning)

Tae's POV:

We stuffed ourselves at dinner last night. Afterwards, we sat outside by the pool, drinking Proseco and toasting to the continuation of our travels. I was sad to part from my bestie, but he and Yoongi definitely need some alone time. They've done a great job not making me feel like a third wheel, but there's only so much that can be done when I am the third wheel.

 They've done a great job not making me feel like a third wheel, but there's only so much that can be done when I am the third wheel

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I'm not too nervous about traveling by myself, as I'm pretty good about talking to random people. Plus I'll see Hoseok in Paris next week. Who knows, maybe I'll find my own traveling companion cat. But probably not.

We had all checked out of the hotel and were saying our farewells outside.

Jimin: (Giving his friend a big hug) I'm going to miss having you with us.

Taehyung: Me too, but It'll only be a few weeks before we're all hanging out in Seoul.

Yoongi: Definitely. Besides, I already know that my Eomma has a welcome home party planned for us when we're all back.

Taehyung: She's so sweet. Your whole family is super nice.

Yoongi: Yes, aside from cursing me, they're great.

Jimin: (Poking Yoongi in the ribs) I can't wait to meet them!

Yoongi came to me with his hand outstretched, but I pulled him into a hug. Just a week ago, I could tell that he wasn't really the hugging type. But I think it's growing on him. Which is good, because Jimin is a hugger, and so am I.

Taehyung: Take good care of my bestie.

Yoongi: I will. It was really nice getting to know you, Tae.

Jimin then jumped in and it turned into a group hug that lasted until the taxi pulled up.

Jimin: Bye Taebear. I love you!

Taehyung: Love you too, Jiminie. And you, Yoongi!

Yoongi's face looked surprised at me saying that. I got into the cab and we headed to the train station. I really do love him, because it's clear that he's the right one for my bestie. They are soulmates and I expect Yoongi to be with Jimin for the rest of their lives. I know things are new between them, but I have a strong feeling that it was all going to work out.

On top of that, his family and my family are now linked through Joon and Jin. Sure they've only been dating for a couple of months now. But I could tell while traveling with them, that those two are both in it for the long haul. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Joon popped the question soon.

Now I just need to find my someone. They're out there somewhere. I've got to believe that. Until I find them, I'm going to keep having fun.

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