Part 26 - Bike Camping With Hobi

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Jimin's POV:

The next morning I woke up to Suga on top of me waiting for me to open my eyes.  Hobi was still sound asleep.  It smelled like James was up and cooking us breakfast. 

Jimin: (To Suga) Alright, come give me kisses.  I know that's what you're waiting for.

He obliged me with some kisses and I wrapped my arms around him.  Hobi opened his eyes and looked over at the two of us.

Hoseok:  He really is your boyfriend.  I don't know if I want to share a tent with you two.

Suga:  Well you don't have to sleep in there with us.

Jimin:  You're just jealous that you don't have your own snuggle buddy.

He rolled over and tried to snuggle with me, but Suga swatted at him.

Hoseok: (To Suga) What?  I thought he was offering.  Little Meow Meow wants you all to himself.

Suga:  Yes, I do.

Hoseok:  Besides, once we get to Pamplona, hopefully I can get my own snuggle buddy.

Jimin:  Michel is cute.

Suga: I'm cuter.

James heard us talking and peeked in the room.

James:  I made you guys a bon voyage breakfast, come eat.

He had gotten up early and made pancakes, eggs, sausage, and fresh fruit juice. 

Hoseok:  Wow, Jamie! You outdid yourself.

Suga:  Sausage smells delicious.

Jimin:  Thank you.  Hobi doesn't deserve you as a roommate, you're amazing.

James:  I know, right?

Hoseok:  Hey! I do things for him too.  At least, I used to. (Winking)

Jimin: TMI!

We probably ate too much, but it was so good.  He even packed the extra pancakes and sausages for us. 

James:  Save travels.  Text me when you get back.  I should be back at Cecily's by then.

Jimin: She's going to love the jewelry.

James:  It was nice meeting you.

Jimin:  You too.  Thanks again for breakfast!

We said our farewells and headed out on our bikes.  Since I had the trailer, I had to haul almost all the gear.  Hobi borrowed James' bike and he had a pannier to pack some of his things.  We had about five hours before we got to Chartres where we were camping that night.  Midway through our ride, we stopped for a quick lunch. 

Hoseok:  I thought I'd be in good enough shape for this, but my legs are aching. Not to mention some other body parts.

Jimin:  You'll get used to it.

I picked up Suga and looked at him.  He had been sleeping most of the time in the basket.

Jimin:  How are you holding up, bud? You're such a trooper.

Hoseok: He's just been sleeping.  I'd like to trade places with him.

Suga:  Deal.  You be the cat and I'll be human again.

Hoseok:  I swear he understands what we're saying sometimes and talks back.

Suga:  You're catching on. 

Jimin:  He's just talkative.  Right, Sug?

Suga:  Not usually.  But for you, I make an exception.

Hoseok:  Wish I knew what he was saying.

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