Part 53 - History

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(2 days later)

Jimin's POV

Yoongi and I were taking a tour down to Pompeii and Naples for the day. We were currently riding on the tour van to Pompeii. Yoongi was resting his head on my shoulder. I turned to look at him and saw that he had dozed off.

When we got into Rome a couple of days ago, we went to the Coliseum and strolled through the Forum. Our hotel was near those sites, so it was an easy walk. Yesterday we went to the Vatican, toured St Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo's paintings were incredible, but the chapel was so crowded. After the Vatican we wandered around Rome, ate gelato, and visited the Pantheon.

Last night we ate dinner near the Trevi Fountain and stopped by to make a wish afterwards. I wasn't sure what to wish for, since it seems all of mine have come true. But I finally decided to make a wish for Tae. I wished that would find someone and be as blissfully happy as I am with Yoongi.

I was thinking about Tae again and whether he and Jungkook would hit it off, when my phone rang.

Taehyung: Hey.

Jimin: Hey bestie, what's up?

Taehyung: Umm, so I kinda had a fling with Hobi.

Jimin: Ok.

Taehyung: You're not mad, are you?

Jimin: Not at all. As long as you're protecting yourself.

Taehyung: Of course we used protection.

Jimin: That's not what I meant, although that's always a good thing. But you know how he is. I don't want you to get hurt.

Taehyung: Oh, that. Yeah, it was purely a physical thing.

Jimin: I mean, if it was more, that would be fine too.

Taehyung: Come on, Chim. We both know that's not his thing.

Jimin: I know. But it is your thing. You're usually not so casual about these types of things.

Taehyung: It was Paris. All the art and beauty got to me...and the bottle of champagne that we shared.

Jimin: Are you still in Paris?

Taehyung: I leave for Giverny tomorrow. Actually, Hobi is going with me.

Jimin: Really? He didn't seem interested.

Taehyung: Well, he wanted to come with me.

Jimin: Have fun. Love you, Taebear.

Taehyung: Love you, Chim.

I was trying to decide whether to text Hobi or not, when my phone rang again.

Hobi: He told you?

Jimin: Mhm.

Hobi: And?

Jimin: And what? You're both grown-ass men.

Hobi: You seem irritated.

Jimin: More concerned.  You'd better not hurt my best friend.

Hobi: Oh, he's fine. I actually let him top.

Jimin: Hyung, that's not what I meant and you know it.

H: I like it when you get fired up.

Jimin: Don't even

Hobi: Chill, Jiminie. I'll be good to him.  I mean, for the day we have left together...

Jimin: You'd better treat him like a prince for this last day together. I mean it, Hyung. I will hunt you down.

Hobi: Bye, Jiminie.

I was clenching my jaw and tensing up. Yoongi must have noticed because he sat up and looked at me.

Yoongi: Something wrong?

Jimin: It was like you said.

Yoongi: What was?

Jimin: Tae hooked up with Hobi.

Yoongi: And you're mad about that?

Jimin: No.

Yoongi: I mean, I wouldn't blame you. Your best friend and your ex. Isn't there an unwritten rule against that?

Jimin: I just worry about Tae. I never thought that he would get involved with Hobi. I mean, he was there. He knew what Hobi did to me, how it broke me.

Yoongi: You've never told me much about that. 

Jimin: It wasn't great. We went out for a few months, but Hobi always had a wandering eye.

Yoongi reached out and held my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

Jimin: Obviously, Hobi isn't the long-term boyfriend type. But I didn't know that back then. I learned the hard way.

Yoongi: It's amazing you're still friends with him.

Jimin: I wasn't at first. I refused to speak to him for a semester. Even when we were dance partners.

Yoongi: That would be difficult.

Jimin: It was. But we had so many classes together. Eventually I got over it and we became friends.

Yoongi: You're amazing.

Jimin: How so?

Yoongi: That you could forgive him and see him for who he is and work past it. I've known quite a few people who never speak to their exes again...Including me.

Jimin: I'm sure if you had classes every day with your ex, you'd get over it too.

Yoongi: Maybe.  So was Taehyung feeling guilty? Is that why he told you?

Jimin: He would eventually tell me anyway. We don't keep secrets from each other.

Yoongi: The two of you have such a long history together. I envy your friendship.

Jimin: We may have history. But you and me, we have the future.

He looked at me with so much love in his eyes. I interlaced our fingers together and he gave my hand a squeeze.

Yoongi: Have I told you lately how much I love you?

Jimin: Yes. But you can always tell me again.

Yoongi: I love you, Jimin. More than I've loved anyone or anything.

I stared into his eyes, cupping his face in my hands and pulled him into a kiss.

Shortly afterwards, we arrived at Pompeii. 

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