Part 8 - Handsome Stranger

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After spending a couple of days exploring Oslo, Jimin & Suga catch another overnight ferry north to Bergen.  That evening, they go out on the deck to watch the sunset.  It's another beautiful night and Jimin is lost in his thoughts for awhile, cuddling Suga the whole time.

Jimin:  Maybe I should text Karl and try to meet up with him?

Suga:  No.

Jimin:  Or maybe I should go to Paris early and spend more time with Hobi?

Suga:  Who's Hobi?!

Jimin:  I feel the need to talk to someone.

Just then a tall, beautiful man who looks to be near Jimin's age stands next to the railing looking out at the sea.  He quickly glances over at Jimin.

???:  Gorgeous. 

Jimin: Huh?

???:  (Did I just say that out loud?  His cheeks turn red, but luckily it is dark outside). The view, the ocean air, the night sky.  All of it.

Jimin:  Yes, it is a beautiful.

???:  Is that a cat?

Jimin:  (Looking down at Suga in his arms). He's fallen asleep.  I guess it is bed time.  (Glancing over at the handsome stranger)  Are you staying in Bergen?

???:  Just for a little while.

Jimin:  Well, maybe I'll see you around.

???: Good night.


The next day, the ferry arrives in Bergen.  While disembarking, Jimin looks around for the man he briefly spoke to last night, but doesn't see him. 

Suga: Who are you looking for?

Jimin:  Are you hungry too?  Let's find some place to eat.  We have a few hours before we meet the tour group.

They stroll down a couple of streets before finding a cafe / bakery.  He grabs some coffee and decides to try the brown cheese with toast.  He also picks up some other items that he can pack for tomorrow's hike.  And he picks up some smoked fish for Suga.

After wandering around that morning, Jimin headed out to meet the tour group

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After wandering around that morning, Jimin headed out to meet the tour group.  It was a 12-person group and the van was already almost full.  He hopped into one empty row and was soon followed by three women, one of whom sat next to him.  She was gorgeous, as were her friends, but they were deeply engrossed in conversation in what sounded like Swedish.

Jimin felt a tap on his shoulder from behind.  He turned around and saw the cute guy from the ferry.  He immediately felt his cheeks going flush.

???:  Hi.  So you're going on the hike to Trolltunga?

Jimin:  Yes!  It looks incredible.

???:  Are you bringing your cat with you.

Suga:  Well, he's certainly not leaving me.

Jimin:  I've got a spot for him in my pack.  He'll do fine.  I'm Jimin, by the way.

Jungkook: I'm Jungkook.  Nice to meet you.

The person sitting next to Jungkook offered to change seats with Jimin so they could talk easier.

Jimin:  Thank you.

They spent the two hour ride getting to know each other.  Jungkook was still in college and actually attending the same school that Jimin just graduated from. 

Jimin:  It's nice to have someone to talk with.  My cat is great, but not the best conversationalist.

Suga:  Little you know.

Jungkook:  Can I pet him?

Jimin:  You can try, but he tends to not like other people.

JK:  How did you find him?

Jimin told him the story of how Tae bailed on him and how he found both Suga and a bike while visiting the tulip blooms.  He showed Jungkook some of his photos.

  He showed Jungkook some of his photos

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Jungkook:  Wow, those are amazing.  I'm into photography as well.

Jimin:  It's really my friend Tae who is the photographer.  I'm just a poor substitute.

Jungkook:  You seem to have a pretty good eye.

Jimin:  Thanks (blushing a bit).

Suga:  Hey!  What is happening here?

Jungkook:  (Drawing his hand back.). He seems kind of fussy.

Jimin:  Chiil out, bud.  Come lay down on my lap.

Suga shot him a suspicious look, and then made a nest on Jimin's lap.  The van arrived in Odda, where they were spending the next two nights.

Tour guide:  Please eat a good meal and go go sleep early.  We will leave here before dawn.  Make sure you have enough food and water with you, and bring a warm jacket.  We'll have some light breakfast foods, but you're responsible for most of your own food. 

He then handed out room keys.  The hotel was small, but quaint.

Jungkook:  Do you want to get dinner with me?

Jimin:  Sure.  Ummm...can we just get take out somewhere and eat back here?  Suga doesn't like being left behind.

Jungkook:  Sure.

They ended up finding a pizza place.  The hotel had some picnic tales set up and they ate outside until after dark. 

Jimin:  We should probably go to sleep.  I'm really happy to have someone to talk with tomorrow.

Jungkook:  Me too.  I'll see you in the morning.  Night, Jiminie.

Jimin:  (blushing at the nickname) Night Kookie.

Suga:  I'm gonna puke.

Suga:  I'm gonna puke

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