Part 59 - Ulterior Motives

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(2 days later)

Jimin's POV:

The alarm went off and I wanted to hit snooze, but knew I needed to get up. I rolled over and Yoongi was smiling at me.

Yoongi: Ready for your first day teaching?

Jimin: I think so. Though I'm a bit nervous.

Yoongi: You'll do fine.  I mean, you're an amazing dancer.

Jimin: But can I teach what I know? That is the question.

Yoongi: I know you can.  Besides, you're well-prepared.

Jimin: That is true.  How about you? How are you feeling about going to the studio today?

Yoongi: I can't wait to see all of the recording gear.  And hopefully show off my skills.

Jimin: I love how confident you are.

Yoongi: I've always felt comfortable recording and producing. I just hope they like my beats.

Jimin: I'm sure you'll win them over with your mad skills.

Yoongi gave me a big gummy smile and pulled me into a kiss.

Yoongi: You're the best boyfriend ever. You know that?

Jimin: You're not too bad yourself.

Yoongi stood up and pulled me up with him.

Yoongi: Do you have time for a cooked breakfast?

Jimin: I'd better just grab a coffee and donut along the way.

Yoongi: Well try to eat something healthier for lunch.

I got up and dressed nicely for first day, plus brought a change of clothes for dance studio later. I wanted to work on some new choreography.

As I was headed out the door, Yoongi pulled me into another kiss.

Yoongi: Have a great day. See you this evening?

Jimin: Yes, you too. Good luck at the studio!

I pecked his lips one last time and headed out. My first class started at 0830. I had another class at 11:30. So I barely had time to grab some coffee and was stuffing the remains of the donut in my mouth when I entered class.

The first class went by quickly. I gave the students their syllabus and then we watched a video that had highlights from a class a few years ago. The professor had given it to me to use as an example. I hadn't even watched it yet.

Student: Mr Park?

I paused the video.

Student: Is that you?

I turned to the video and was startled to see myself on the screen. It was from my first year and I was barely wearing anything.

Jimin: Umm, yes. That's me 4 years ago when I was a 1st year.

Student: How were you so good already?

Jimin: (Turning red) I went to a performing arts high school.  Ok, let's finish the video.

I can't believe the professor used that video. Was she trying to embarrass me? The rest of the class flew by. Luckily that solo was only 5 minutes long, so hopefully the class would forget it. I didn't have time to switch it out before the next class. Maybe no one from that class will mention it?

Jimin: Starting next week, we will begin basic dance movements. So wear appropriate clothes.

See you next week.

After class I went to my office and filed a report online for that first class. Before long it was time for my second class. I grabbed my bag and headed back to the class. I got in and set out the syllabus, waiting for students to arrive. I heard the door open and looked up.

Jimin: (Eyes wide) What are you doing here?

Jungkook: Taking a dance class.  Are you teaching it?

Jimin: Mhm

He gave me a cute bunny smile.

Jungkook: Good, I look forward to it!

I was puzzling over JK showing up in my class, when more students came in. Once it was 11:30 I began my introduction. I handed out the information and played the video. Every time I looked up, JK was watching me. Then the part with my dance came on and I saw his eyes grow really big.

I got super embarrassed and could feel my face heating up. JK was watching the video with rapt attention. After my part ended, he looked over at me and just kept staring. I felt mortified. Luckily no one else seemed to realize it was me, or if they did they didn't mention it.

Class came to an end and I gave them instructions for next week. Everyone left except for Kookie.

Jungkook: (Grinning) Can I watch that again?

I buried my face in my hands and shook my head.

Jungkook: Why are you embarrassed? You're beautiful.  (Biting his lip) I mean that dance was amazing.

Jimin: That was 4 years ago. I've improved so much since then.

I looked up at him and over at the clock.

Jimin: Don't you have class?

Jungkook: I have break for an hour. Wanna grab lunch?

Jimin: Sure. You can tell me why you want to learn dance.

Jungkook's POV:

I took Jimin to get some ramyeon at a small place near campus. I was happy to have some alone time with him.

After we sat down, he immediately asked why I was taking his class. I lied and said I wanted to improve my coordination. The real reason is that I saw his name as the instructor. I even arranged it to have free time after, hoping that I could get him out to lunch at least once or twice a week.

So I lied and pretended not to know he was the instructor. After watching that video of him from a few years ago, I was happy with my decision to take this class. He was and still is so beautiful.

I know he's living with Yoongi and seems happy with him. I'm gonna be here in case the two of them don't work out. He says Yoongi is his soul mate, but how does he know for sure?

I'm pretty sure Yoongi doesn't like me. He kept looking at me suspiciously last week when we met up. It was pretty clear that they just had sex or at least showered together. No, it was definitely more that just showering. Jimin looked all blissed out and his lips were even more puffy than normal.

Yoongi is pretty cute, I can see why Jimin likes him. But I liked him better when he was a cat.

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