Chapter 2 Concerns

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Wei Ying was bouncing his way towards the bunnies, happily humming to himself. It was a beautiful day, always made better by the warm sunshine lighting his way. Birds were singing, butterflies and bees were dancing among the flowers, and Wei Ying felt...alive!

He stopped to pick a flower, its pink petals soft to the touch. What would it look like, tucked into a certain someone's headband? Lan Zhan looked dashing all the time, but flowers just....made him even better. He slipped it into his sleeve and turned, when he caught a glimpse of his son.

But why was he running? And in his arms? That...was...Li XiWang?

Wei Ying felt cold. He tried to go to him, but his feet wouldn't move. He had no choice but to shake while he stood there in disbelief.

"SiZhui?" He whispered. "Give her to me!" The moment the little body was placed in his arms, his feet found new life and he raced to the infirmary. "Get your father!" He told SiZhui.


Wei Ying was trembling. It wouldn't stop, and he had to hold onto something to stay upright. Warm, strong arms wrapped around his body.

"What happened?" Lan Zhan's deep voice did little to calm him.

"We were feeding the rabbits." SiZhui said, trying to catch his breath. "She asked me what my favourite flowers are, and then...and then," he wiped his face, "she put her hand on the ground. Flowers grew, even though it's not the season yet, but...but there was blood coming out of her nose, and then...then she passed out."

Wei Ying grabbed him, pulling him into a tight hug, just for something to hold. They could still feel him shaking.

"It's not...not your fault. Okay?" The last word was said with force.

SiZhui nodded, but there was fear in his eyes.

The healers covered her with a blanket.

"Explain." Lan Zhan fixed them with a cold glare.

"S-she's stable for now." The bravest of the two replied. "But she over used her spiritual energy. Rest will have it back to normal." They left.

Lan Zhan wasn't satisfied. He went to the little girl on the bed, who looked even smaller now to Wei Ying. He watched while Lan Zhan felt her pulse and kept a cool hand on her forehead. His feet wouldn't budge.

The door opened behind them.

"Tell me what happened." His grandmother stood there, watching them impatiently. She gently pushed Lan Zhan out of the way, to copy his actions.

Lan Zhan returned to hold Wei Ying, well aware of how he was feeling.

Baoshen Sanren started transferring her energy, single mindedly focusing on her patient.

Minutes later, the little girl yawned, eye lashes fluttering open. She looked confused to see everyone.

"Why am I here?" Her voice was barely a whisper.

Wei Ying found himself by her side. He took her other hand in his, had to touch to make sure she was alright.

"You passed out, little rabbit." He said, softly.

"I did? Wow. It didn't happen last time..."


But she had already closed her eyes again, sleeping.


Jiang Cheng had a lot to do today. He had to oversee the expansion of their rooms, and didn't it feel amazing to say that out loud?

XiChen had agreed to live here, in Lotus Pier.

Jiang Cheng was so excited. He could make a home with his husband, somewhere permanent, that they could call theirs.

The dread that he'd felt for the past few weeks dissipated into enthusiastically planning what he was going to do. Walls needed to be ripped out, bathrooms added, and he had a surprise planned for his husband, that only he knew about.

XiChen loved to paint, although the time for him to do so was sadly dwindling. In between traveling to Cloud Recesses and back home - he shivered at another favourite word - and clan duties, and every minute they spent together, there wasn't much time left.

Jiang Cheng wanted to change everything.

His stomach lurched uncomfortably, and he paused for a second. He was standing outside the Ancestors room, and on a whim, he decided to visit. With a hand on his belly, he sat facing his parents and his sister, and bowed.

The smell of the incense had him gagging, his face turning green. Just one more bow, but before he could raise his head, he passed out.


Lan Zhan wouldn't let him carry her. They decided Li XiWang could sleep in the Jingshi, at least until she was better. Wei Ying wouldn't have left her anyway, and if they stayed in the same place, everyone would feel relief.

Baoshen Sanren had left Cloud Recesses, after making sure Li XiWang was stable and only sleeping.

Lan Zhan placed her fragile body on their bed. Wei Ying couldn't stand it anymore and lay down next to her. He still hadn't gotten over the shock of seeing her like that.

Lan Zhan covered them both in a blanket and went to make other arrangements.

Outside, he met a worried looking XiChen.


"WangJi, I-I have to return to Lotus Pier. Jiang Wanyin...he was taken ill." XiChen looked pale, a faint sheen of sweat on his forehead.

"I am here. Don't worry." Lan Zhan told him.

XiChen hugged him quickly. "Keep me updated on Li XiWang's progress. I want to know if anything changes."

"Yes, Brother."

"Don't worry, Didi. She'll be fine by tomorrow. You'll see." XiChen hurried off to get ready and leave.


Night had fallen quickly, but to Wei Ying, he couldn't sleep. He watched the light of the moon kiss the faces of his family as he watched them sleep, so grateful that they alive, and just resting.

His little girl.

He stifled a sob, his hands so tightly across his mouth, so no sound could escape. Grief in crashing waves bore a weight on his chest, but he knew if he moved now, there was a chance either of the two others would wake. He couldn't let them see how much today's events had affected him.

The sight of SiZhui running, coming towards him with an unconscious Li XiWang, wouldn't leave him. He closed his eyes and it was all he could see, on repeat. The fear that something was wrong with his daughter was something that would scar him for the rest of his life.

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