Chapter 28 Information

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Wei Ying made his way back to the Jingshi, feeling happier. Now that he had a plan, he could function better, and it was a good plan. He went inside, humming to himself.

Lan Zhan took one look at him and came to stand in front of him.

"Wei Ying has been crying?"

"Yes, but don't worry. Happy tears." He patted his arm, but Lan Zhan still looked doubtful. "It was because Uncle Qiren said I was welcome to stay here, in Cloud Recesses. So is our daughter."

Lan Zhan wiped his eyes again.

"It's just that I never thought your uncle would accept me. And now that he has, I feel much better." Wei Ying smiled.

Lan Zhan kissed his forehead and held him close. "Wei Ying is always welcome. Wei Ying is loved." And then a thought occurred to him. "Why did you go to see Uncle?"

"Ah, so...I have an idea. I thought-"

His words were interrupted by a disciple knocking on their door.

"Sect leader Nie Huaisang is waiting to speak with you." He bowed and left.

Lan Zhan looked at the excitement on his husband's face, and understood. "Wei Ying can explain later."

SiZhui entered then, smiling at both of his fathers.

"Good, I'm glad you're here!" Wei Ying beamed at him. "Can you please stay here with your sister until we get back? There's lots to talk about, as a family, but Nie Huaisang is waiting for us."

"Of course, father. I will stay, don't worry." SiZhui sat next to his sister and began to meditate.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan closed the door behind them and started walking towards the Great Hall.

"Do you think it will be empty, Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying asked, his feet bouncing as he walked. "I get the feeling it should be a private talk."

"Mn. Otherwise the library."

"Okay, that's a great idea. I wonder what he's going to tell us? It must be important because otherwise, he'd have just sent a message." Wei Ying felt jittery, maybe because he was expecting some answers now. There was nothing that Huaisang did not know, or could not find out about.

"Nie Huaisang! Is that a new fan?" Wei Ying greeted him enthusiastically while Lan Zhan hung back, well aware that he scared the man.

"It is! I'm glad you noticed." He looked around and sighed, relieved that the hall seemed to be theirs for now. "Is it safe for us to talk here?"

"Absolutely!" Wei Ying beamed at him. He had missed his friend. "Lan Zhan said so, but we can go somewhere else if you're not comfortable?"

"No, no, it's fine." Then in a lower voice, "it is because the nature of what I came to tell you is....a bit sensitive. That is all."

"Don't worry, we are safe here." Wei Ying reassured him. He looked at Lan Zhan, who set silencing talismans towards the walls and the ceiling.  "What have you got for us?"

"You asked me about poisons in your message? May I ask why?" He continued fanning himself, but his eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"If I tell you, you have to keep it a secret. We don't want to alert the person doing it, and that's the second thing I need you to find out about."

They sat down at a table and Wei Ying poured tea for them.

"Go on, tell me everything." He said.

So Wei Ying started at the beginning with the first time Jiang Cheng had been sick, until a few days ago, and then the latest news that he was now in a coma.

"Whoever is doing this, knows when to attack, and how to do it. Plus, the fact that there have been so many incidents, makes me wonder if there's more than one attacker." Wei Ying finished.

"The first thing to do, is to secure him. He must be guarded at all times, and it should stop further attacks, at least from the outside. If they were planning to return as soon as the next day, and then suddenly he can't, it means that somebody got to him." Nie Huaisang watched them both from over his fan.

"Yes, I don't think he should stay in JinLinTai. Maybe XiChen-Ge can hire a carriage and bring him back that way." Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan for confirmation.

"Mn. I will tell Brother."

"Secondly, we should actively investigate how he's being poisoned, because that is just as important as what he's being poisoned with."

"I like the way you're thinking." Wei Ying said, smiling. "I also wondered if there was a way other than food or drink."

Nie Huaisang smiled back. "I'm thinking we can rule out ingestion, because you say he was fine before he went to sleep. If he did not eat or drink anything, and then suddenly he's in a coma, then it's safe to say it's something else. You are looking for an extremely clever person, and it won't be easy."

"We might not be around." Wei Ying said, not wishing to look at Lan Zhan, who was suddenly glaring at him.

Both men stared at him. "Can we talk about it later?" He asked Lan Zhan, sincerely. "Please?"

There was only a slight tilt of his head.

"Please continue." Wei Ying told Nie Huaisang, who was watching them with interest.

"Most poisons work through ingestion, but as we're ruling that out, we have to explore other kinds. Recently, incense has become really popular, and it's a sneaky way to poison someone without their knowledge. Fast too, because it's already too late by the time they notice." More fanning.

"Well, he was in the Ancestors room when it first happened,  so it's plausible." Wei Ying sipped his tea. "What do you think, Lan Zhan?"

"Perhaps. Too soon to tell."

"Okay. What else?"

"If it's not through ingestion, or inhalation, then it could be a spray. Once it gets in your nose, or your eyes, or mouth, that's it."

"Possible. Do you think someone sprayed him with something?" Wei Ying thought deeply.

"It's definitely something to consider, isn't it?" Nie Huaisang smiled, but it was chilly. "You don't know the lengths people will go to, just to get rid of others. There's definitely hatred involved, and something else, otherwise why not fight in the open? This means that they're hiding something."

"Which brings me to my next issue. Please can you make enquiries? But discreetly, of course."

"Of course. You want to see if I can find them?"

"Exactly!" Wei Ying smiled, feeling like it was a good idea to involve the shadiest character they knew.

"At this rate, I should be paid for my services." Nie Huaisang said, fan resting at his mouth.

"Surely, you wouldn't charge your friends?" Wei Ying pouted.

"I'll think of something."

Wei Ying was sure he would.



Hi everyone! Tell me what you think it is, and who could be doing this to the Angry Lotus?

There's lot's to think about....

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