Chapter 62 Separation

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Lan Zhan and SiZhui waited for the fishermen to return. Lan Zhan had a vague idea where Wei Ying had dived into the sea, and his plan was to hit that same spot and try to find him.

The fishermen had a regular timetable, in that they left the shore with the sunrise, and returned to the shore at sunset.

Lan Zhan had thought about entering the sea from the whirlpool, but while it would have been easy for Wei Ying, due to his flying ability, it was significantly harder for someone with two feet. He had considered flying down on Bichen, but it was actually a concern once he entered the waters, that he had no idea of his bearings. They could see how large of an area they had to find their daughter and each other, and the fact that they could miss each other completely was a real possibility.

SiZhui had been calm for the whole day. Lan Zhan was proud of him, because aside from being a bit shaky once they reached the beach, SiZhui was now avidly watching the coast line for any sign of the boats.

He knew the early morning events had been shocking for the young cultivator, however it was these sorts of experiences that made the difference between a regular cultivator and an extraordinary one. He had one more thing to tell the young man, before they left the shore, and he wanted to wait until they were on a boat at least, before mentioning it.

Tonight, the sunset show surpassed all the other evenings. Lan Zhan mourned the fact that Wei Ying wasn't there to witness it with him, for the sky turned a brilliant red, purple and pink clouds floated across a an ever deepening blue, until the silver sparkling lights shone, blinking one by one.

"Here they come." SiZhui murmured, his eyes never having left the horizon.

They waited until the boats started coming closer. Lan Zhan picked one and went to help the elderly fisherman, by using his remarkable Lan arm strength to tug his boat onto the shore with ease.

"Thank you, Young Master, you have done me a good service." The fisherman huffed out, once his feet had reached land.

"We wish to hire your boat." Lan Zhan told him bluntly.

Now that the time had come, he was feeling antsy, wanting to get going as soon as possible. The feeling that resulted in an absent Wei Ying was akin to someone chopping off his arm; painful didn't quite suit his situation.

"How do I know you won't cause any damage?" The fisherman asked, shrewdly.

"We are men of our word." Lan Zhan had a tone. How dare anyone question his honesty? "I promise that come the morning, your boat shall be waiting here for you."

The man wavered, even after SiZhui placed a gold piece in his palm.

"Think of it this way, your boat will be waiting on the beach for the whole night, not earning you anything, or you could let us hire it for one night, and earn money for doing nothing, and still be able to take it out tomorrow morning." Lan Zhan tried to smile, because that's what Wei Ying would have done.

Wei Ying would have accomplished this task so easily, with just a well timed smile and a wink. No matter how much Lan Zhan disliked his flirtatious behavior with others, there was no doubt it worked well, when they needed it to. Plus he didn't mind if he was the one said flirtatious behaviour was directed at...

"Come on, father." SiZhui was pulling the boat back into the sea.

Lan Zhan was startled back into the present. The fisherman was nowhere to be seen now. He hurriedly got into the boat once it started floating, and then with practised ease, rowed the boat to where he had seen Wei Ying dive in.

His heart clenched once again at the memory.

He started removing his upper robes, but when SiZhui tried to, he stopped him.

"SiZhui, listen to me. I want you to stay on the shore. Once I dive in, return to safety-"

SiZhui was already shaking his head. "No, no father, I cannot! Please, don't ask me to leave you!"

"SiZhui! I need you to listen. Your uncles do not know what is happening. We sent them a message a few days ago, but that was before Li XiWang went missing. If...if anything happens to either of us, they will not know unless you remain behind." Lan Zhan pulled him close.

"SiZhui, you are our son, and we love you. Wei Ying will never forgive me if something happens to you. But more than this, my Brother...he...I need to know that someone will tell him what happened here, that he will not wait in vain, should something happen to us. The sea is a dangerous place, and there is no need to risk both of our lives."

SiZhui was openly crying now. Lan Zhan held him tighter, patting his back. He remembered doing this for the little boy when he woke from nightmares. It had just been the two of them, then too. Their shared pain from losing Wei Ying was something else that brought them closer.

"Please, SiZhui. You have to listen to me. I cannot let anything happen to you. You are our legacy, mine and Wei Ying's. You must continue to live your life, that is all we would want from you." Lan Zhan pulled back.

SiZhui nodded, reluctantly.

"I have four pearls, that means eight hours at least, if the innkeeper is right. I will find them both and bring them back." Lan Zhan kissed his forehead. "I love you."

The tears kept falling despite his best efforts. SiZhui tried, he really did, but a terrible feeling swamped him, his heart ever so heavy in his chest, as he watched his father swallow a pill and take Bichen in hand, before diving in.

He sat and waited, his thoughts in turmoil, a stark contrast against the tranquil sea, and prayed for their safe return.

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