Chapter 51 Sensitive

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Wei Ying woke up at just past midnight. He opened his eyes and checked that his partner's breathing was still even and regular.

Internally, he gave a whoop of joy, because he still had that old habit from before, where he could wake up whenever he wanted to.

Back in the days of living in Yunmeng, Lotus Pier woke up early. Birds singing even before the sun was up, was a regular occurrence. He knew because planning was essential when one wanted to play a prank, and the source of your entertainment slept in the same room as you.

He recalled getting up at three in the morning, just to go and collect some slugs, for an early morning surprise. He had overheard their Gardner complaining about the pests attacking the rose trees in Madam Yu's private garden, so of course, a really good prank had formed in his creative mind. He told himself that even if Jiang Cheng hadn't actually done anything to him yet, it wouldn't be long before he did, and this was simply a preemptive procedure.

The slugs were really disgusting, he had to admit. Picking up their squidgy bodies was the worst thing he had ever done to date, he thought, and then he imagined Jiang Cheng putting his bare feet into his boots, and he let loose a giggle of delight.

This was worth getting up early for.

In the end, Jiang Cheng had raised the roof with his complaining and of course, since everyone knew who the culprit was, there was no point in denying it. And the whipping that followed was one he didn't truly mind too much.

Now, Wei Ying stretched cautiously, and immediately knew something was wrong. His wrist felt slightly heavier than normal and he regretted teaching this particular talisman to his husband, who had not been taken in at all, by his antics of yesterday.

Very well, now Lan Zhan knew.

And by the sudden change in breathing, he was awake but pretending to sleep. Well, two could play at that game, Wei Ying thought, naughtily. He pretended to turn in his sleep and snuggled ever so closer to his husband, who's arms came around him automatically.

Wei Ying purred, listening to the rapid heartbeat slowly return to normal and decided to abandon his plan for tonight.

Just until Lan Zhan put down his guard, or forgot to bind him.

In the morning, they went for a walk on the beach. It was fast becoming one of their favourite places, and Li XiWang had all but lost her fear of the water, often the first of the four to take her boots off and plunge her feet into the still cold waters of the sea.

To Wei Ying's surprise, Lan Zhan was next. He seemed to love the ocean, standing still and looking out across the waves, lost in its beauty. At these moments, Wei Ying preferred to look at him.

Lan Zhan's face was unguarded, and everything he felt was clearly visible. From his delight at watching a crab burrowing its way back into the sand, to collecting random seashells on the shore and sticking them in his sleeve when he thought no one was looking, and squishing the wet sand between his toes in wonder, a small pout forming in concentration.

Wei Ying realised that Lan Zhan had never actually been allowed to be a little boy.

Too many responsibilities, too much pressure to be the best, until studying was all he had, and all he got.

Wei Ying turned to watch Li XiWang squealing joyfully, splashing SiZhui with sea water. Their game continued and he felt a pang in his heart that Lan Zhan had never gotten to enjoy anything like this. Always alone, always solemn, always lonely when he was a child. It had been hard to make friends for him, he knew from his own experience, but that led to Lan Zhan missing out on the few real pleasures of youth.

Quiet, filled with these thoughts, he went to hold his hand in the sunshine, wanting Lan Zhan to know that he knew.

Lan Zhan looked at him in surprise when he felt the smaller hand in his, tightening naturally. There must have been some residual sympathy on his face, because Lan Zhan pulled him into a hug without question.

They stood like that for a while, listening to the waves and being warmed by the sunshine, their hearts beating in sync.

When they pulled apart, Lan Zhan kissed his forehead and placed something in his hand, warm from being held so long.

Wei Ying looked at it in wonder. It was a miniature version of the conch shell they had been given in the marketplace.  He studied its tiny grooves, the even tinier hole, the smoothness of its curves, and he had an idea.

"Li XiWang!" He called.

The sun was just beginning to dip into the horizon, readying the sky for its colourful goodbye. Every sunset was different, he thought, as he watched the purple and orange streaks stretch out towards their source.

They had managed to spend the whole day here.

Li XiWang came running up to him, SiZhui following behind.

"Yes, father?" Her face was glowing, cheeks red from laughing too much, eyes shining with amusement, and Wei Ying thought she had never looked so beautiful as now.

SiZhui had caught a tan, his skin golden an warm, chocolate eyes radiating a happiness rarely seen under the pressure of being a cultivator in Gusu.

Right now, he wished for nothing more than happiness for both his children, that they would always look like this.

Li XiWang tugged on his robe, bringing him back to the present.

"Do you have the conch shell that the man in the market gave you?" He smiled broadly at her answering grin.

She pulled it out.

In the evening light, the sun's rays shone upon the golden carvings, making them seem to move in the bright light.

"Blow it." He told her.

She obeyed, looking out towards the retreating waves. She put the cold hole upon her lips, filled her lungs and let loose.

As the rich sound, sweet yet melancholic, rang out, Wei Ying could have sworn that everything shimmered.

There was a change in the air, like something he could taste, a ripple of energy he felt on the inside. Lan Zhan felt it too; his hand found Wei Ying's, as they watched and felt everything.

When she stopped, the shell leaving her pink lips, the sound settled into the water until there was nothing but silence.

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