Chapter 64 Trust

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Li XiWang smiled at her uncles and aunts. She had come to the sea, expecting to find her parents, but instead she found an extended family, and they were more than willing to welcome her into theirs.

She didn't want to cry, but the tears formed anyway, and warm arms closed around her. I'm so happy right now, she thought, amid chuckles from the adults.

All of her life, she had wondered about her parents, who they could have been, what they were like. Her child mind had made up stories of what she wanted them to be like, to imagine circumstances where they had to give her up, rather than because they wanted to.

The day her fathers decided to adopt her, she had made peace with the fact that she didn't know anything definite about them, and probably never would. And she refused to indirectly insult her new parents by thinking of her real ones. She felt ashamed at that thought. Father Wei and Father Zhan were far more real, solid parents than the ones she had imagined. She resolved not to think about them again, until Father Wei brought it up.

She couldn't lie to herself; she had been shocked. It was more than just her bad dreams, or even the pouch that Gramps had looked after until now. It was the fact that her fathers, both of them, and SiZhui wanted to help her, even encouraging her to find out about herself.

"What pouch?" Daden Yaonu asked.

Li XiWang had again forgotten that her thoughts were not hers alone now.

"I am sorry, I did not mean to intrude. But now we know, please could we know more?" Daden Yaonu gestured to the other people smiling kindly at her. "They might be able to help."

Li XiWang smiled. It doesn't matter to me if you know, she thought, happier when their smiles brightened. My father showed me a pouch that was tied around my waist, when Gramps found me. I was two years old then. I don't know what's inside. My father gave it to me a few days ago, and I kept it with the conch shell.

She pulled it out, and the brothers gasped. Daden De Long came forward.

"May I see it, please?"

Li XiWang handed it over.

His fingers traced over the intricate carvings, the gold glistening as the water moved over it.

"My youngest brother, your father, was the only one who could play it. I gave it to him as a wedding gift, on the day he decided to leave us. When we heard the Song of the Shell once more, we were overjoyed, because...because-"

"Because we thought our brother had returned." Daden Yaonu wiped away his tears, and finished his sentence, turning to face Li XiWang again.

I'm sorry. Li XiWang bowed her head, and she was immediately gathered into aother warm hug.

"No need to be sorry, my child. We are lucky to have found you. Your uncle asked me to come and get you, but I would have come anyway. How could I not?" Daden Yaonu smiled sadly, and Li XiWang could hear it in her voice.

"Our family has seen its share of tragedy. Now, we wish to heal all wounds and be whole again. If there is anything we can do to help, consider it done."

Li XiWang held aloft the pouch, her hand shaking lightly. But while she was scared of what it might contain, she felt a curiosity grow within her heart. Her father Wei had been right, in that it was important to know your past, because it shaped the future, and looking at herself now, she was glad to have come here, glad to meet her uncles and aunts, and glad not to feel so alone in the world anymore.

They smiled at her thoughts. She realised that in her coming here, their hurts were made a little better too.

So she opened the the silver string clasped around the abalone pearl, and reached inside.

The moment she touched something, energy flowed like a wall, bursting from her fingertips, affecting the water surrounding them, pulsating until it ebbed away.

What was that? She wondered.

"There is something very powerful inside, or it might be also something to do with you." Daden Yaonu said, her brow furrowed with worry. "The water has helped to repress the effects, but child, you must be very careful. Try not to touch these in the open air. You are protected by the water here."

Li XiWang pulled out the first item, which was an abalone shell. She looked around but their faces were unchanged; apparently they were just as mystified as herself. Next, the twisted ivory claw that held an abalone pearl. Daden Yaonu held it up, examining it. While she did that, Li XiWang pulled out the second last item, the ring. It was made out of copper, had a flat face upon which a tree was carved. Its branches rose up to the edges of the sides, and melded with the roots of the tree that expanded from the bottom to curl upwards into the branches.

"I recognise the tree." Daden Yaonu said, staring at it. "It still exists, at the top of the world. My father used to tell us stories about it, and he called it the Father of all trees, and sometimes, the Father of Life. It is said that is the first tree. The first tree that ever grew."

Where is the top of the world? And why would this tree be on a ring? What did it mean? Li XiWang rubbed her temple, her head starting to throb with all this new information.

"We don't know, child. But perhaps we can help you find out." Daden Yaonu smiled again, encouragement in her voice. "My father still lives, and I can ask him. How shall I find you again?"

I live in Gusu, in Cloud Recesses with my fathers and the rest of my family. In fact, I would like you to meet my fathers now.

Li XiWang excitedly put everything back in her pouch, eyes shining, wanting to leave straight away.

"But child, what will they think of us, of me? I took you away from them, and from what you say, they must be missing you. Will they not hate us?" Daden Yaonu looked incredibly sad.

Daden De Long put his arms around her shoulders, but did not say anything. He looked at Li XiWang, waiting for her response. 

It will be okay, Aunt. Li XiWang smiled at her reassuringly. My fathers do not hate anyone, they are kind and compassionate. I will explain to them.

"There is one more thing, if you will allow me." Daden Yaonu stood in front of her. "I wish to try something, if you would allow it?"

What? Li XiWang felt a little uncertain.

"I have the gift to assess people's qualities. May I?"

Li XiWang nodded.

Daden Yaonu placed her palms on either side of her head. Li XiWang felt a warmth emanating from her hands that reached inside her head, travelling from her third eye straight down her body, activating all her chakras in one go. Her meridians blazed into life, conducting energy straight to her golden core. She closed her eyes at the brilliance of the white light enveloping her tiny body, and gave in to the peace her mind sought.

Daden Yaonu caught the unconscious little girl in her arms, holding her close. She looked at the shocked faces of her family, and knew difficult times lay ahead for her niece.



Hello everyone!

My dear readers, I hope you wake up/go to sleep to these two updates early this morning (for me).

Work is getting busier and I don't think I shall be able to update until this evening, that's why there's two!

I wish you all a great evening or day wherever you are, and thank you for reading my stories!

Gratefully yours,


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