Chapter 26 Dislike

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Wei Ying slapped a silencing talisman on the door of the Jingshi and turned around to glower at the man standing next to his husband.

Lan Zhan subtly shifted so they were both facing Laoshi Ming.

"Explain to me why my daughter is hurt? Just what the hell happened?" Rage curled around every word, and Wei Ying was vibrating with it.

Lan Zhan pulled him closer by his waist, a solid warmth he didn't know he needed.

"From what I gather, she was leaving the classroom when a group of girls stopped her. They asked to see her birthmark and when Li XiWang refused, they attacked her. I got there just in time." Laoshi Ming kept his eyes on the ground, unable to look either of them in the eye.

"Just. In. Time?" Wei Ying asked, through clenched teeth. His fingers formed fists, the whites of his knuckles strained and visible. "My daughter should be SAFE IN CLASS!" He shouted, unable to keep himself in check. "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO KEEP HER SAFE!"

Laoshi Ming knelt down and bowed. "I am truly sorry!"

"I can't accept that. It is not enough, because after all this, my daughter is still suffering, and it's because you failed." Wei Ying turned into Lan Zhan. "I can't deal with him now."

"Mn." Lan Zhan held him close, but he looked at Laoshi Ming. "Better if you go now. We will talk later."

He led Wei Ying inside and they sat on the bed. Lan Zhan kept his arm around his shoulders.

"How is she?" Lan Zhan asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Not good. She's in shock. I'm in shock. Lan Zhan, how could this happen? Here?"

"We need to talk to Uncle."

"Okay, but I don't want to leave her alone. If she wakes up, I want to be here for her." Wei Ying looked at the little body asleep next to them. He stroked her hair, moving it away from her face.

"We can call Uncle here."

"That's better."


Uncle Qiren arrived a while later. His eyes immediately went to the figure on the bed, and he went closer.

"Tell me what happened."

Lan Zhan explained everything. They sat down at the table and tea was poured. Wei Ying stared at him. He hadn't said a word yet.

"It is unacceptable that this happened at all, let alone in Cloud Recesses." Uncle said, finally. He kept his voice low purposefully.


"We should find the people responsible and punish accordingly."

"Uncle is right." Lan Zhan's voice had an edge to it, and the usual warmth reserved for family members was missing. "We were summoned to the Great Hall this morning. The elders present told us that Li XiWang should learn from home. Did you know?"

Wei Ying vaguely registered that this was a lot of talking for his husband, and he felt proud.

"No. I did not know." Uncle Qiren replied, immediately.

Wei Ying's head shot up at that and he stared at Uncle Qiren. He could not detect a lie.

"So what's happening? Why is there so much animosity towards my- our daughter?" He asked.

Lan Zhan held his hand under the table and squeezed.

"Nothing has changed, she's still the same as she was before, apart from today, so why do they treat her like this?" Wei Ying's fingers grasped the cup of tea, but he was still shaking and it spilled.

Lan Zhan mopped it up quickly.


Lan Zhan shook his head at that. That brief moment had given time for Uncle to form an answer.

"People are scared of the unknown. Fear is their first response."

"It's no excuse!" Wei Ying hadn't wanted to shout, but his voice was louder, causing Li XiWang to stir in her sleep.

"Hush." Lan Zhan whispered.

"I know. Sorry." Frustration had him drinking tea quickly. He poured more for everyone.

"I am not making excuses. Their behaviour cannot be excused. Do not worry, I will act accordingly as regards suitable punishment." Uncle Qiren stroked his beard. "But you should think seriously about this. Life will be difficult for her here after this."

"Do you want us to leave?" Wei Ying stared at him, not backing down for a second.

Lan Zhan had gasped upon hearing those words leave his lips. He pulled him closer.

"That's not what I was saying. But we must think carefully about what is best for her. She's a lovely little girl...and it is unfortunate."

It sounded so lame. Everything he had said, sounded useless and weak. Wei Ying's head hurt and he held it in his hands, elbows resting on the table. Lan Zhan kept his big palm on his back, projecting warmth and support.

Uncle Qiren stood up to leave.

"We will find a way. Cloud Recesses is home for all. No one should feel unsafe here."

Wei Ying didn't have the energy to look up, even though he felt Lan Zhan bow from his seat.

He stayed where he was, even after Lan Zhan summoned WangJi and began playing softly. The music soothed his tattered nerves and he could feel himself relaxing slowly. His eyes closed of their own accord and after a while, he felt himself be lifted up. He knew no more after that.


Li XiWang stayed asleep until the evening. When she woke up, she sat up silently in bed, eyes wide open and dull looking.

She climbed out of bed at Wei Ying's urging, sat at the table and looked at her food, until Wei Ying started to feed her while she stared off into space, her eyes unfocused. The moment she finished, she climbed into bed and fell asleep again, not looking around and not talking to anyone.

This carried on for three days. Wei Ying was terrified at whatever was going on in her mind but he refused to leave her side, except for only minutes at a time. SiZhui came and sat with her. When she wasn't asleep, she just stared unblinkingly into the distance.

Wei Ying's heart broke every time he looked at her. What should he do?

On the third day, he asked her if she was alright. She blinked once, and then twice. Then she stared into his silver eyes and very seriously said, "I do not want to live here anymore."

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