Chapter 60 Frustration

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Wei Ying sighed for the hundredth time. The King, Shiyong Fei, was really getting him down. He was still locked up, he couldn't tell how long it had been and now he was worried about Lan Zhan too.

Lan Zhan must be so worried about him. Wei Ying thought about all the ways he'd have to make it up to him. Although, to be fair, this situation was beyond his control.

He got up off the bed and walked around the room again, thinking hard. He'd tried to unlock the door but the key that supposedly fitted the lock was an unusual one, and he'd ended up only alerting whoever was sitting outside his room.

He had not seen Kedou for a long time now, and could only presume it was yesterday. And if the king thought he was a spy, he didn't see himself being released any time soon.

However, this did not mean he could not ask for help...

Was this a wise idea? Probably not, but he knew himself and he knew that he was an all or nothing kind of man. The more time that went by, the more he worried, and he did not like this separation from his husband one bit.

Wei Ying lay back on the bed and started rubbing his back in a concentrated fashion, thinking hard of his friend.

He didn't know if it would work, if his friend would hear him, or even be able to respond, but it was worth a try.

It didn't sit well with him that this king thought it was okay to start a war; it definitely wasn't okay in Wei Ying's book. So he might need additional help to 'convince' him to try another form of communication.

Time would tell.


The Crystal Palace was exactly that, silvery white and dazzling to look at, both from the outside to the inside.

"Would you like to meet your uncles one by one, or all together?" Daden Yaonu had asked her.

When she thought about it, Li XiWang decided it would probably take longer if she met them one at a time. The faster she got this over with, the faster she could go back to her family.

That last thought had earned her a laugh, and Li XiWang had blushed, because here, her thoughts were not only her own, and she was risking upsetting whoever might hear what she was thinking.

"Perhaps one day, you will think of us as your family too."

I'm sorry. I did not mean to offend you. Li XiWang stopped to bow to her aunt, but she was quickly made to unbend.

"Nonsense, child. We should put the past back where it belongs. Our future is what we make, and I wish, more than anything, that you will at least consider us part of yours."

Daden Yaonu smiled at her, and Li XiWang was convinced she meant it.

They were walking towards the Great Hall that Li XiWang had only glimpsed from afar. Upon entering, the great silver doors closed behind them. Li XiWang looked up to see a huge crystal dome, reaching high up towards the surface.

"We needed the space." Daden Yaonu laughed again and went to join who Li XiWang assumed must be her husband.

She studied the man, whose long hair flowed past his waist, streaks of red clearly visible. She bowed first, and he smiled at her.

He was a handsome man, solid features, and pleasant to look at.

He laughed at her last thought, and she reminded herself to be careful.

Before her very eyes, his body twisted into a fiery red dragon. His slim body whirled into the waters above her, and she realised that Daden Yaonu had also transformed herself into a matching mate. Both dragons twisted and spiralled upwards, dancing to their own song, powerful and vibrant, weaving in and out of each other's space.

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