Chapter 59 Stories

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It had been hours locked in that room that Wei Ying was in, all by himself. His stomach grumbled noisily and he sighed.

He wondered what was going on with the king and why Kedou seemed to be fine about his anger.

There was a knock on the door, the sound of a key turning and then the door opened to reveal Kedou with a tray in his hands.

Wei Ying was about to speak when Kedou shook his head. He waited until the door was closed behind him again, and then he pushed Wei Ying to the far corner of the room.

"I don't have much time. As it is, I had to call in a favour to deliver this in person." He whispered, handing over the tray.

Wei Ying looked at the fare, smiling. He was so hungry that he didn't care what it was. There was a green coloured soup dish, and biscuits, all if which was devoured in seconds.

Kedou laughed at him.

"Our King thinks you're a spy. That's why he's holding you here."

"But I'm not. I just want my daughter back." Wei Ying put the empty dishes down.

"It will happen. Our King needs a reason to attack the Dragon Kings. And you're it. He's busy planning it right now." Kedou winked at him.

Wei Ying was confused. "Why are you happy if there's fighting? Surely if this can be resolved by talking, it's better?"

"You don't know our King. Besides, bad blood has existed between the two kingdoms for ages. There's always fighting." Kedou looked at his hands, his tail curled around his body.

"Why? What happened?" Wei Ying was genuinely curious.

"Have you heard of the legend of Jiaoren?"

Wei Ying shook his head.

"Since the Jiaoren existed, there has been one special child born every hundred years. I have not seen this for myself, but I have heard stories. This one child is destined to rule the Jiaoren, because they alone possess the ability to continue our wealth and status." Kedou stood up, picking up the tray and the dishes.

"Really? What's so special about them?"

"It is said that when they cry, their tears turn into pearls." He walked towards the door.

"So that's true? I read it, but it's hard to believe." Wei Ying grinned at him.

"One such child was born, but he disappeared. Our King says the only people capable enough to have taken him away, are the Dragon Kings. We are always having problems with them. You might be able to use that, to find your daughter." Kedou smiled at him and left.

It seemed everyone had their own problems.


Li XiWang didn't know what to say. There was nobody to blame, nobody to point a finger at and say, it's your fault. She couldn't say her father was wrong, because he had no idea of the plans people were making on his behalf, she couldn't blame his brothers, her uncles really, because they had no idea their seventh brother's situation had changed so drastically.

Her heart went out to the Great Phoenix. How sad for him that he had come for such a happy occasion and look at how it turned out?

It was only when Daden Yaonu reached forward to wipe her face that she realised she was crying too.

What happened after that? She kept eye contact with her aunt, so she would understand that it was a question for her.

"My father was inconsolable. He picked up my sister and we followed him home. We laid her to rest. My sisters and I, we were eager for our marriages to be completed before my seventh sister passed away. Now, none of us dared to mention it, and my father was too heartbroken to even consider. Months went by, still there was no solution. So one day, I went to talk to him.

"We agreed that it was a tragedy, and really, a sacrifice that my sister had undertaken by her own choice, therefore to continue blaming others for something out of their control was futile. That day, we made extra offerings for the passing of her soul, so that she would experience peace. And then my father went to see the Dragon Kings again.

"When he returned, we found out that Tiaopi De Long had been banished from the Crystal Realm, actually he had offered to leave, and the first Dragon King didn't stop him. My father was relieved because he would not have to see him, the death of his daughter would be a reminder every time they met. Our weddings were arranged again, and as you can see, we are all living together here.

"But I sense a great sadness in my husband, for he is too proud to admit it to me, but he misses his missing brother too much. Your father's absence is affecting all the brothers, and I'm so glad you know where he is!"

Do I? Li XiWang thought long and hard. Why do you think so?

"Why, you said it yourself, my dear niece. You said your father will miss you, he will worry. I was hoping you could convince him to come back, and please bring your mother too. We have spent so long with regret, that it would be a blessing if we could meet them now. We wish only to welcome them back, that is all. This can be your new home."

But I don't know where he is! I was talking about my real fathers, the ones who have adopted me. They are nearby, and by now, they will be searching for me. I must get back! Li XiWang jumped up and would have run to the door, had she not been held back by Daden Yaonu.

"Please child, explain to me. Why are you adopted? What happened to you? To your parents?"

Daden Yaonu looked extremely worried now.

My grandmother found me at the shelter they have, at the bottom of her mountain. She adopts all children who are left there. She said I was left there when I was two. My father Wei is her real grandchild. He's so lovely, and so is my father Zhan. He's more quiet, but he loves me just the same. And I...I, I also love them.

Li XiWang felt ashamed, because it sounded as if she did not care about these new set of parents. The truth was, she didn't know how to feel about them.

What had happened to make them give her up? Were they in trouble? Or as young parents, didn't they want her anymore? She chided herself. She didn't know anything about their situation and her fathers would be disappointed in her if she had bad thoughts about them. The only solution was, if she didn't think about them at all.

But her Father Wei would be happy that she now had some answers. This vacation was his idea, and she knew he was feeling bad that they still did not know enough about her.

She had overheard father Wei talking about her to her other father, and only because they had mentioned her name, that she had pressed her ear to the wall to listen, and was it her fault if the wall was paper thin and she heard everything?

Now it was of the utmost importance that she return to them. She made up her mind and turned to her aunt.

Please, you must take me back. I need to talk to my fathers.

"Of course, my dear child. Whatever you wish. But I was wondering, do you not wish to meet your uncles?"

Li XiWang wavered.

"It will gladden their hearts, just if you meet them for a few minutes. Please? I promise I shall take you back immediately after that."

Li XiWang nodded, after all, she was already here. What harm could it do?

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