Chapter 29 Discussions

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Wei Ying was deep in thought as they walked back to the Jingshi. Nie Huaisang had given him much to think about, so he wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings, letting Lan Zhan lead him along the way.

It was only when he felt a sharp squeeze on his hand that he stumbled to a stop, as Lan Zhan steadied him.

Jin Ling was pacing outside their room.

"I don't think he's here for us, Lan Zhan." Wei Ying whispered.

Lan Zhan didn't really care for this boy. He had caused Wei Ying pain, so he found it hard to tolerate him. In fact, he thought with surprise, he thought of Jin Ling much the same as he thought of Jiang Cheng. Both persons had done things to his husband that he'd rather not remember; all he could do was stay by Wei Ying's side until they left, making sure they did not hurt him again.

It never failed to amaze him how forgiving Wei Ying was. After everything they had been through, he still went forward and hugged the boy, still showered him with unconditional love. Lan Zhan was inclined to side with Wei Ying's grandmother when it came to these two.

So he sighed quietly and with a nod to his husband, he went inside.

"So what brings you to Cloud Recesses?" Wei Ying asked, mischievously.

"I came to meet SiZhui." Jin Ling stared back, unblinking and firm.

Wei Ying was so proud of him, he thought his heart could burst from his chest. He squealed excitedly and hugged him again.

"We're just going to talk, Uncle Wei!" Jin Ling protested. "But he said he had to wait for you to come back. He didn't want to leave his sister alone."

Wei Ying was filled with a wave of love for both of them. "I'll go and let him know."

He patted his back and went inside.

SiZhui came out a few moments later, straightening his robes after sitting for so long. He stared at Jin Ling for a good few minutes, before coming to him.

"Shall we walk for a bit?" Jin Ling said, gesturing towards the path that led up the mountain.

"Okay." SiZhui fell into step with him. He was filled with a quiet excitement, wondering what Jin Ling had to say, and hoping it was what he thought.

Jin Ling was quiet at first. He had been filled with confidence and a surety that what he was coming here for, was right. But the moment he saw SiZhui, all sorts of doubts filled his head and he was panicking inside his mind. He really didn't want to mess this up.

The silence that surrounded them seemed to envelope them like a blanket, muffling the birdsong and the sound of the wind among the pines, each lost within their own thoughts. They walked at a leisurely pace, unhurried but far from relaxed, until Jin Ling stumbled on a tree root he had neglected to avoid. SiZhui caught him just in time, his reflexes kicking in.

Now their faces were so close, SiZhui could make out each individual gold fleck hidden in the burgundy of his eyes. Jin Ling took in a deep breath, something floral and a hint of jasmine, and he smiled for the first time since they met this evening. He memorised the way the soft breezes fluttered around his hair, the light of the evening sun casting a halo around this boy he had known for so long.

"I want to kiss you again!" He blurted out.

SiZhui looked confused and let go of him.

Jin Ling mourned the end of that perfect moment, that he had ruined by speaking.

"Don't play with me." SiZhui said, quietly. "Don't do it if you're not certain. I-I don't think-"

Jin Ling had marched forward and captured his lips with his own. Warmth burst in his chest with the memory of how this felt the first time. His lips glided over the other's, searching, exploring, and to his surprise, promising something. His body erupted into tiny tingles that spread from his mouth all the way to his toes.

What was magical about this moment was that SiZhui was giving everything back to him, in the way his arms held him closer, the way he whimpered when Jin Ling bit his lower lip. SiZhui felt...overwhelmed with sensations. Tiny explosions of joy were happening in the place where his heart used to be. He felt energized and alive. He poured everything he ever felt into this kiss, and when they parted, they were both panting, but happy.

"That was..."

"Wonderful." Jin Ling finished. He smiled again, this time it reached his eyes.

SiZhui blushed and hid his face in the crook of his neck. Jin Ling held him closer, content for the first what? He felt amazed that he had never experienced this feeling before. It was all encompassing, starting in his chest and radiating outwards. It was warm, like a comforting blanket.

"I came here to talk it out with you, to tell you that I couldn't get that kiss out of my head. It made me feel things. I've never felt this way before." Jin Ling's voice was hoarse with his emotions.

"You know how I feel." SiZhui said, the words quietly wrapping around his heart, protectively.

"I do." Jin Ling replied. He cupped his face and looked deeply into chocolate eyes that sparkled gold when the light touched them. "You've had time to get used to how you feel, but me? I don't know anything. I'm trying my best, but...but what I'm trying to say, is please, give me time." He took in deep breaths, his eyes never straying from SiZhui. "I don't want to mess this up. It's too important, for both of us."

SiZhui smiled and leaned forward, kissing his lips lightly. "I don't think you can."


"Mess this up. I won't let you." SiZhui hugged him again, the action so familiar, so filled with love that Jin Ling wondered how he had missed it, all those times.

"All I'm saying is, can we take it slow? I don't want to rush into anything and then...and then regret it."

"Okay." SiZhui said, simply.

The little fireworks of joy were still bursting inside him, and it was only through the practise of self control that he wasn't jumping up and down already. Just the common sense part of his brain was agreeing with Jin Ling, that they should take it slow. Another part of him didn't care, as long as he could spend even a small portion of his day with him, he didn't mind how slow they went.

"Can I kiss you again?" Jin Ling looked so uncertain, SiZhui felt a pang in his chest.

"You don't have to ask. I like surprises." He said, shyly. His cheeks were an adorable shade of pink, warm to the touch.

Jin Ling grinned at him, and sealed it with another kiss.

It was late when they started walking back. SiZhui missed the contact as soon as Jin Ling let go of him, but he smiled when a warm hand found its way into his.

They would be okay.

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