Chapter 58 Rest

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In the throne room of the Jiaoren King, Shiyong Fei, there was a flurry of activity. The king started firing out orders. Messengers were summoned and instructions were given.

"You must be tired." The king looked at Wei Ying carefully.

"Not at-" Wei Ying was nudged by Kedou, enough so that he looked at him.

Kedou shook his head.

"Yes, I'm very tired." Wei Ying replied, raising a brow at the young man beside him.

"Then, you shall rest. Guards!" Shiyong Fei called.

Four men in different uniforms than the guards at the doors, came forward.

"You may escort our guest to the west wing. We will call you when you are rested." Shiyong Fei smiled at him.

Wei Ying was reminded of Hui Gai, because the king of the Jiaoren had similar pointed teeth. He hoped Hui Gai was looking after his daughter. At least, she wasn't alone.

"What are we to do about my daughter?" He asked.

"That is what we will discuss now. You may go." Shiyong Fei sat back down on his throne, watching Wei Ying be taken away.

Wei Ying wondered if he could give his guards the slip, but they were walking so close to him that he had no chance. It was obvious that the king didn't want him to know of his plans, but it was okay.

The guards took him to a door which they opened with a key. He was pushed inside, but then to his disappointment, he heard the sound of the key in the lock.

He rushed towards it, rattling the door, but it wouldn't budge.

"Hey! Let me out!" He shouted.

"Please rest for now. The king will summon you when he's ready." A voice called out from the other side.

Wei Ying gave up and looked around the room he was supposed to be 'resting' in.

There was a bed made out of still growing coral. A chair and a table made from the same kind of coral stood in the room. He decided to lie down on the bed. The king was right in that he did feel tired, hungry too, but there was nothing he could do about that yet.

He wondered where Lan Zhan was. Probably on a boat right above him, he thought ruefully. An ache in his chest bloomed at the thought of their last moments together.

That kiss.

Lan Zhan was telling him to come back soon, to come back safely and to come back with their daughter. The force of his lips told him that he didn't want to let go, that this was just as hard for him. He felt scattered, because pieces of him were elsewhere, far away.

Even as his eyes closed from exhaustion, he promised himself that he would bring his family back together.


The moment that the man in seated before him spoke his name, Lan Zhan lost any reasonableness he had. Bichen left his hand taking a tour of all the throats around them, slicing each one as neatly as slicing a cucumber. The loyal sword, part of himself, returned to his hand before screams pierced the room, and lifeless bodies fell on the ground. The woman who had held her mouth closed, finally let one scream out before falling to the floor, unconscious.

The only ascertainable fact that the man showed about disposing of his henchmen was a slight widening of his eyes, before he put down his teacup.

"Why don't you join me?" He gestured to the empty chair opposite him.

Lan Zhan sheathed Bichen, swept his robes back and sat at the table like a prince.

"What can I do for you?" Mimi Jiaoyi poured him a cup of tea amicably, a twinkle in his eyes.

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