Chapter 30 Ideas

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XiChen stared at the unresponsive man in the carriage, that was taking them back home to Gusu. It was a three day trip, and for him, every second was agony.

He had received the butterfly from his brother about traveling, and decided that earlier was better than later. They set off as soon as the healers gave permission. XiChen had even snagged one to join him, just to keep an eye on Jiang Cheng.

He couldn't help but blame himself. Jiang Cheng was fine when they went to sleep. When the morning came, his hopes came crashing down.

He remembered waking up still half asleep and kissing his cheek. He had thought his husband was still so deeply settled in slumber that he hadn't felt it. But when he kissed those delicious raspberry lips, which never failed to rouse him, and there had been no response...

He shuddered, reliving that moment again and again. When he had tried shaking Jiang Cheng's body, only to have it slump back on the bed, not opening those amethyst eyes.

His fists clenched, momentary anger flooding his veins. When he caught the person who was putting them through this, he would not show mercy.


SiZhui walked Jin Ling to the gates of Cloud Recesses, shyly stealing another kiss before they passed the cover of trees. He was so happy, he felt as if his feet were floating above the ground, and the only thing holding him down was the hand that belonged to his love.

He didn't want to let him go.

"I'll be back soon." Jin Ling promised, smiling softly. "And you can come and visit me whenever you want to." There was a hopeful lilt to his words.

SiZhui watched him leave the wards and mount his sword. He waited until he could no longer see his form, before turning around and going to the Jingshi.

His family were waiting for him, faces turned in his direction, and SiZhui felt complete.

Wei Ying watched his son enter, noting the bruised lips, and the quiet joy reflected in his eyes.

Good, he thought, internally celebrating. Maybe Jin Ling was finally taking control.

"So let's eat first, and then, we can talk." He said.

It was strange that Wei Ying felt a little nervous, wondering what they would think and whether or not they would agree. But then, wasn't that the whole point of having a family? You did your best, whatever the situation.


He smiled when food touched his lips, opening his mouth and smiling more at Lan Zhan. Of course, his husband would notice if he became caught up in his thoughts and forgot to eat. He made a pointed effort to finish, and soon the dishes were cleared away.

"Um, so I was thinking," he reached for the warm hand next to his, grateful for the support when it was squeezed comfortingly. "Actually, it was Uncle Qiren who gave me the idea. He said people were scared of what they don't know. So it's our job to make them not scared, right?"

He cleared his throat, looking at their expressions, hoping for acceptance.

Subtly, Lan Zhan moved closer, changing hands and wrapping one around his waist. It was amazing how Lan Zhan knew what he was feeling.

"So the best place to start is the library. That's why I went there, this morning. I found a ton of books, and Uncle Qiren is helping us looking through them right now. But I think it's not enough."

"What does Wei Ying think we should do?" Golden eyes stared back at him, serious and accepting.

"I think we should find these people."

He heard the children gasp. He dragged his eyes away from Lan Zhan to look at them.

"You want to go away again?" Li Xiwang said. Tears already were filling her eyes.

"No, no that's not what I meant!" Wei Ying pulled her into his lap. "I want us to go."

"Us?" SiZhui asked, looking interested.

"Yes. I thought we can go as a family....what do you think?" Wei Ying gulped, really hoping that they would like his idea.

Li Xiwang stopped crying but stared at him, uncertainly.

"I think it could be exciting." SiZhui offered.

Wei Ying smiled gratefully at him. His son was so supportive.

"Would you like to come too, you know, because Jin Ling would be here, and-"

SiZhui blushed furiously. "It's fine."

Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan. He valued his opinion, even over his own.

"It is a good idea."

A weight that had settled on his chest, lifted. Wei Ying pressed a short kiss on his cheek. He knew he didn't have to say anything, Lan Zhan already understood.

"What if we don't? Find these people?" Li Xiwang asked, in a little voice.

"We don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with." Wei Ying told her. "But we have to make these people accept us. What if we don't do anything, and it gets worse?" He kissed her cheeks. "You don't have to be afraid, we are going to be with you, every step of the way. This is our home, little rabbit. We have to be able to live here peacefully, don't you think so?"

"Yes. But I'm scared."

"It's okay to be scared. Again, it's the same problem, we are scared of what we don't know. And the only cure is to change that."

He made it sound so simple, and he was looking so kindly at her, she found herself nodding.

"We'll be together?" She asked, her big eyes wide, looking for confirmation.

"Yes. Together." Wei Ying answered, firmly.

"Together." Lan Zhan liked that word. It was fast becoming number two on his list.

"Together." SiZhui echoed, smiling at his family.

"We must wait until Brother returns." Lan Zhan added.

"Good. I wanted to check how Jiang Cheng is doing, too. Plus, it will give us time to do some research." Wei Ying smiled brightly, excitement colouring his voice.

Now they had a plan, and everyone was on board. The relief he felt, had his body slumping.

"Time to sleep." Lan Zhan lifted the little girl and deposited her on her bed.

"Please, father? Could you play something for me?" She asked.

"Mn." He summoned WangJi immediately, and settled at the table.

SiZhui left soon after, and when Wei Ying looked over, Li Xiwang had closed her eyes.

Wei Ying jumped up and placed the screen in front of her bed.

Then he waited next to Lan Zhan, trying to be patient until he finished playing.

Lan Zhan smiled at him as he rocked on his toes, and waved an arm, sending WangJi back. He opened up his arms for Wei Ying.

Wei Ying made himself comfortable and kissed him softly.

"Hello." Silver eyes sparkled.

Lan Zhan smiled against his lips.


"Thank you for supporting me. I think...I think I was worried about this." Wei Ying admitted. "I don't want to make a mistake, when it comes to our children."


"And I really wanted your opinion." He sighed, sending a shiver through the body he was leaning against. He kissed his neck.

"Will always support Wei Ying."

Lan Zhan lifted his chin and kissed him gently.

"Love Wei Ying."

"I love you too. So much."

If they were together, Wei Ying thought he could accomplish anything.

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