Chapter 3 Emergency

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XiChen landed in Lotus Pier, traveling as far as he could by sword, and then he ran the rest of the way to the infirmary.

Jiang Cheng was lying on the bed, still unconscious.

The healers had changed his robes into white underclothes, and the colour seemed to leech any other healthier shades from his body. He looked almost as white as what he wore. XiChen missed his purple robes desperately.

"He's running a fever." The healer was currently putting cloths emersed in ice water on his forehead.

"Do you know what's wrong with him?" XiChen took his hand, alarmed when it was so hot to touch.

The healer faltered.

XiChen recognized the signs; he knew but didn't want to say.

So he put his on friendliest smile. "You can tell me."

The healer motioned to go outside. Even when they were alone, he lowered his voice.

"Sect leader Jiang is very ill. It looks like poisoning."

"What?!" XiChen was shocked. "How is that possible?"

"What's worse, is that it is a slow activating poison, designed to give off different symptoms. But I'm afraid someone has been poisoning him daily in small doses at first, and then increasing them."

XiChen gulped, not wanting to ask his next question.

"Is he going to recover?" His voice wavered at the end.

"He's lucky we caught it early, and we have correctly diagnosed his condition. Now we have to wait." The healer returned inside, leaving XiChen reeling.

If Jiang Cheng was poisoned, and slowly at that, this meant his attacker was close to him. Had been for some time.

They would have to test every morsel going into his mouth, and every sip of every liquid that went down his throat.

And this matter could not be divulged, not to another living soul until it was solved, because this knowledge was their only advantage right now.

The attacker was unaware that they knew, and would hopefully continue his actions. Then, slowly but surely, they would catch him.


Li XiWang woke up to find both her fathers on either side, watching her. She smiled widely at them, wondering why it was so. On an ordinary day, she would be waking in a dormitory with her friends.

And why was her head hurting so much?

She closed her eyes against the light, which made it better.

"My head hurts." She whispered.

Wei Ying stroked her hair, soothing her.

"It's because you over did it, whatever you did. When you're better, we are going to talk, little rabbit."

"Okay." She would never disagree with him.

"Drink this." Lan Zhan helped her sit up and put the cup to her lips.

She swallowed, grimacing.

Wei Ying reminded himself he still had to invent the talisman for making medicine taste better.

"Can I go to sleep now?" She mumbled.

"Of course, you can." Wei Ying kissed her forehead.

Lan Zhan kissed her cheeks, making her giggle before she fell asleep.

The light fluttering noise alerted Lan Zhan of an imminent butterfly, and sure enough, when he held out his hand, it appeared.

He heard the message, and when his eyes found Wei Ying, they didn't leave.

Wei Ying was already on edge with his daughter in such a way, but he felt that whatever the message was about, concerned him. So he stared back, worry increasing.

Lan Zhan came and sat by him. He took his hands in his.

"Just tell me." Wei Ying demanded.

"Jiang Cheng has been poisoned. He's still unconscious. Brother says to keep this secret, and if anyone asks, it's just a reaction to bad food."

Wei Ying wanted to get up, to start pacing, but his hands were held tightly, and he suspected there was more to come.

"What else?" His voice came out hoarse.

"It's a slow poison. Brother thinks the person is still doing it. This will give us a chance to catch them." Lan Zhan didn't want to tell him any of this, but his brother had made him.

And he knew Wei Ying would want to go and visit his brother.

"You cannot go to him." He had to say it.

"What? Why not?" He was doing his best to hold it in, but his eyes filled with tears.

Lan Zhan could feel his hands shaking. This was too soon to to put upon him, not after what happened to their daughter.

"Wei Ying would not go and visit his brother for a simple stomach bug. If you go, the guilty person will know that we know."

"Brother will bring him as soon as he can. But for now, trust him. He will look after your brother."

Wei Ying tried to nod, and the tears spilled over. He was wrapped up in a hug so fast, his breath caught.

"Wei Ying must be strong for now. Wei Ying is strong."

Lan Zhan held his head as Wei Ying cried, his voice muffled by the white robes.

"Why him? Why not any of us?" Wei Ying whispered, later.

Lan Zhan was proud of him; even though he was so upset, it didn't stop him thinking.

"We don't know yet. Brother is testing his food secretly. We must also check here. Jiang Cheng stayed here for a long time too."

"Okay, Lan Zhan. If you say it's better I don't go to see him, I will do as you say."

Lan Zhan kissed his wet lashes.

"My Wei Ying is brave."

"Only because you make me." He smiled sadly. "I love you, Lan Zhan."

"Mn. Love Wei Ying. Wei Ying is the best."

He looked at his daughter.

"Do you think she will talk to us? There's so much I want to ask her."

"Mn. Tomorrow. Wei Ying must sleep now. It is nine o'clock."

Lan Zhan covered the three of them in a blanket to sleep.

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