Chapter 68 War

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Daden Yaonu was waiting for Lan Zhan when he returned.

"I must apologize for taking my niece away from you, back then. She loves you very much." She told him as they began to swim towards the unrest.

"Mn." And then as an afterthought, he added, "thank you for looking after her."

"I would, always."

The explosions were getting louder, shouting and the clash of weapons could also be heard.

"How should we approach?" Lan Zhan asked.

"I know a way into the realm without being seen. We can emerge on the other side of the conflict. You wish to find him, yes?"

"Mn. But I do not know where he is. Would they have brought him here?" Lan Zhan looked at the chaotic sea, waves chopping towards them as they fought against the current.

"I do not know. The King of the Jiaoren is a stubborn man. I would think he has held him prisoner, rather than bring him here." Daden Yaonu told him, thoughtfully.

"Can you take me there?" He asked hopefully.

He did not know what these people were like, and he had to trust the word of someone he knew only slightly better. But it would not do to join the fight if his Wei Ying wasn't there. If they were lucky, he could find Wei Ying and break him out, and then they could leave.

"I can show you where their palace is, but I won't come in." She looked doubtful. "I wouldn't know where to take you, anyway, once you were inside."

"That is fine." Lan Zhan told her, summoning Bichen. "I'll handle it."


Wei Ying followed Kedou all the way to the edge of where the fighting was happening. They were on a ridge overlooking the war zone.

In his arms, Shui was trembling even more, with every blast that unfolded.

Wei Ying made sure to keep murmuring kind, reassuring words, but the boy was terrified.

And who wouldn't be?

Already, bodies were scattered on the sea bed, mostly of fallen Jiaoren. On the other side, he could see formations of soldiers in crystal armour, dazzling in the blueness of the sea, their helmets like shining silver beacons. They marched forward with precision, spears at the ready.

Their organisation was incredible as they led the attack.

The Jiaoren scattered, pointing their tridents at whoever was closer, no planning to their assault. From up here, Wei Ying could see that the ferociousness of the Jiaoren and their willingness to fight was equally matched to the military precision of the Dragon Realm.

He did not see this ending any time soon.


Lan Zhan entered the valley of the Jiaoren with Daden Yaonu. She only came in, hesitant at first because no one seemed to be around. The valley was deserted of people, at least all the able bodied. The only ones who remained were the elderly and the children.

Daden Yaonu thought the children looked quite cute, until they started hissing at her. She shrank back from them, swimming behind Lan Zhan, not wishing to harm them.

Once they reached the palace, she stopped outside.

"I will come no further. But please, our time is running out, be quick and meet me up there. I will be waiting." She pointed out of the valley.

Lan Zhan nodded and entered the building.

There was no one around. Lan Zhan was trained in military procedures; he knew that searches were carried out in a clockwise formation, because logic dictated that he would turn in a circle and come back to where he started.

So it was by good fortune that he decided to investigate the west wing of the palace first. It was a strange building, made from a combination of bamboo coral and reeds, yellow and green.

He would have found it fascinating if it were not for his single minded goal.

He found his way through a network of hallways to rooms, which he only checked by seeing if they were unlocked.

Of course, this wasn't necessary when he found the pile of guards passed out in s single corridor. They lay on the ground, their weapons thrown casually around them, armour askew...and a strange smell enveloping their bodies. They were still alive, judging from the movement of the gills.

He tried to shake one awake, and as he did so, air passed through his body, exiting from the other side.

The stench was...unholy.

Lan Zhan spoke through his teeth.

"Why are you here? Who were you guarding?"

The Jiaoren winced at his tone, barely able to open his eyes.

"Spy." He struggled to let out.

"In there?" Lan Zhan lifted his body and made him look into the now empty room.

His eyes widened and it stirred him to being fully awake. More air passed through his body.

"He's gone?"

"What did he look like?" Lan Zhan shook him, and then regretted it.

"Long hair, slim, with wings."

The moment those words passed out of his mouth, relief flooded his body and Lan Zhan dropped him.

Wei Ying wasn't here anymore.

As soon as he could, Lan Zhan exited the palace and swam up and out of the valley, finally able to breathe properly.

Daden Yaonu was waiting as she had promised.

Together, they swam on, past the ever widening valley. Up ahead, they could see the disturbed waters, cloudy with the movement of residue from the ocean floor.

Yet another explosion jarred their positions, the after shock of waters pummeled their bodies.

"We can't go this way!" Daden Yaonu said, amidst the muffled sounds of attack.

She pointed out a place in the thick reeds parting to reveal sunken ships.


Lan Zhan followed her through this other path, the ruins of ships, their dismembered bodies scattered amongst the sea bed. Fishes of different colours and shapes swam to avoid their presence, at least that was what Lan Zhan thought until he saw the predatory sharks. He pulled out Bichen and that served as enough warning; the sharks passed by without trouble.

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