Chapter 65 Royalty

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At the same time as they heard the scream, which was frightening by itself, energy in a pulsating wave knocked them hard against the walls of the ship. Kedou had the breath knocked out of his body, and Wei Ying was similarly affected, just not so badly.

He helped Kedou up. It was so dark, that seeing ahead of them was quite difficult, so Kedou reached into his tail and pulled out a handful of plankton. The bioluminescence glowed eerily casting a greenish light. Something moved in the corner.

Wei Ying pushed Kedou behind him, but as he walked forward, he slipped on hard round things. Luckily, Kedou caught him in time. Wei Ying picked up a handful of the objects on the floor and found they were pearls.

Kedou brought out more plankton, Wei Ying made a mental note to ask him about that, and when Kedou released the plankton nearer the floor, they saw little heaps of pearls.

Lots of little heaps...leading to a dark shape in the corner. It shuffled further away, whimpering.

Maybe it wasn't dangerous, Wei Ying thought, just frightened.

He crouched down. Palms up, because that was the least threatening gesture he could think of, and he smiled.

"We're not here to hurt you." He said, in his softest voice. He remembered the way XiChen talked to him, many times in the past. His XiChen-Ge was the kindest man he knew, next to Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan didn't talk as much, and Lan Zhan showed his kindness, that was why he had to borrow his Brother in Bond's skills.

"Hey, Kedou, got any food on you?" Wei Ying whispered, half turning his face.

"As a matter of fact..." Kedou put something wet and frankly disgusting in his open hand.

Wei Ying tried not to make a face, but he didn't even have to extend his hand out, before a hurried scrambling happened and a mouth attached to a body started feasting hungrily, on whatever that was.

"Jiaoren." Kedou whispered, his sight sharper even in the dim light.

"More food?"

Kedou handed it over and the person ate again.


"Just how much do you think I have?" He whispered back.

"Alright. Let's see how we can help." Wei Ying wiped his hands on his pants. "Come with us, we are friends." He held his palm out.

The person scrambled backwards, groaning when it's back hit the wall.

"Kedou, you'll have to get more food." Wei Ying stared at him, when he didn't go immediately.

"Do we really have time to deal with this now? You know what just happened could have been the start of the first attack? Do you have to waste time here?" Kedou folded his arms across his chest, clearly annoyed.

Wei Ying smiled at him, reminded of Jiang Cheng.

"I don't think this is a waste of time. This person is hungry, and we should help them eat. They are hungry now. They need our help now. Please? Can you do it for me?"

Kedou sighed and left.

Wei Ying watched the person for a while and then decided to sit more comfortably. The moment he did that, the person started sniffling, and then suddenly the ping- ping-ping of something falling on the floor.

He watched as the person held their palms to their face, trying to stop the cascading drops from falling, and then realisation settled in him.

This was the Prince who had disappeared from the Jiaoren kingdom all those years ago, and whose disappearance was laid at the feet of the Dragon Kings, who were actually innocent. Upon whom the Jiaoren were poised to attack. Or already had, judging from that sharp shock they had all felt, just moments earlier.

Kedou was right, that they couldn't stay here for long now, but they all had to go.

The sniffles continued, and the voice said timidly, "hurt."

Wei Ying looked at him. "Where are you hurt? Can I see?"

He wasn't prepared for the Prince to launch himself into Wei Ying's arms, and start bawling. It was actually quite painful because those pearls were hard.

"Okay, it's alright, you're alright." Wei Ying soothed, patting his back softly.

When Kedou came back, he was surprised to see them. Raising a brow, he held out his hand again, feeding the Prince directly.

"He's hurt. It's your Prince." Wei Ying mouthed.

Kedou looked shocked. "Our Prince?" He said it too loud, because the Prince started whimpering again.

Wei Ying nodded. Now he had to think of a way to calm the scared boy and coax him out of there.


Lan Zhan hit the cold water, head first. He'd felt the change in his body and started a mental countdown of two hours from now, though he supposed he'd know automatically, when the effects of the oyster pills wore off.

Unlike Wei Ying, Lan Zhan ignored the beauties of the under sea life. He cared not for the way the reeds danced in the waters, the tiny clams swimming near the ocean floor, or the multitude of fishes in all shapes and sizes as they scattered to allow him to pass.

No, Lan Zhan cared only about one person right now.

He swam deeper into the sea, wondering and hoping if Wei Ying had swum here, if he would find a clue to his whereabouts.

He came across a deep and wide valley, and cautiously swam on ahead, his strokes deeper and more confident when he wasn't stopped.

In fact, this place was bizarrely...empty. Except for the wildlife, no people could be seen, and the military part of his brain was firing off warning signs.

So intent was he on his destination, and the focus of his efforts, that he almost didn't see the woman, carrying his daughter.

His daughter, who was not moving.

Lan Zhan summoned Bichen, and stopped right in front of her. Sword drawn and at her throat, the woman stared back at him, unafraid.

"Give her to me."

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