Chapter 40 Appetite

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Jin Ling stared at his bowl, sighed, and pushed it away. The servants had seen this, and immediately brought out a wide variety of dishes, all different tasting and new. He looked at them in dismay.

But he didn't feel hungry at all.

He stood up and went to his room.

Unfortunately, due to his brilliant idea when SiZhui came to visit him before, this place was filled with memories of him, of their sweet kisses, and then, when their lips were swollen and bruised, they had taken a break, and just talked.

Jin Ling always found it easy to talk to SiZhui. He never felt awkward, or shy. They had always just accepted each other. In fact, the three of them, including JingYi, were inseparable, always together.

All three of them had had difficulties growing up, not only by the lack of parents, but adjusting to clan life. Expectations were thrust upon all three, and through their shared experiences, they learned to trust one another.

This new step, one initiated by SiZhui, whom he would consider his best friend, was unexpected and unexpectedly welcome. He thought about how he felt that last day, looking up and seeing him, here, in his home.

An electricity raced through his blood. His skin tingled, remembering the feel of those silky, wet lips chasing his own, hungry to feel, to taste this new feeling.

Was this love?

He felt a possessive streak run through him, glad that SiZhui had the foresight to lock the door, imagining what would've happened if an elder had walked in on them.

SiZhui was suddenly...exciting.

Such a stickler for the rules, you'd never believe that his Uncle Wei was his father. But Uncle Wei loved SiZhui with a ferociousness that he found himself envying.

Jin Ling wanted to see SiZhui. Like, right now. He missed SiZhui like a physical ache in his chest. He pressed the heel of his hand on the place where it hurt, rubbing to try and alleviate. Then, he stood up and started pacing.

SiZhui was travelling eastwards, and there was no telling where he'd be. Plus the elders wouldn't allow it, not this close to the next cultivation meeting in four weeks time.

But there was one place he could go.


Cloud Recesses was a lot quieter these days. XiChen was walking past the Jingshi, and he suddenly wondered how he had ever lived here, before the wonderful, amazing and delightful addition to their family had arrived.

Wei Ying was alive. Wei Ying made his brother feel alive. Wei Ying made Cloud Recesses feel alive.

How marvelous it was that a single person could have that effect on all around him? XiChen was so glad that his first thought upon seeing the boy, was that he would make a great friend for his brother.

But WangJi never did anything by halves. Trust him to love the boy with all of his heart.

They made a good couple. XiChen was most glad of that. WangJi had been too alone, too internal, and too sad. Melancholy had become his cloak, or a second skin he no longer noticed he was wearing.

Wei Ying was the warmth and sunshine, ensuring he didn't need it.

He met Jin Ling on his way to the Hanshi.

"Uncle XiChen." He bowed.

"Jin Ling. How are you today?" XiChen smiled, knowingly. "Any particular reason for your visit?"

Jin Ling blushed.

"I-I came to see...Uncle Cheng." He stammered.

"Of course you did."

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