Chapter 17 Confessions

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Jiang Cheng fumed whilst hanging onto his husband.

"I can't believe it! That foolish boy!" He repeated.

XiChen suppressed a sigh, smiling because it was good to hear his husband complaining. He had missed it.

They were traveling to JinLinTai one day before the wedding. Jiang Cheng felt much better and the healers had cleared him for a longer trip.

XiChen could smell the familiar perfume of sandalwood on his wrists that were loosely around his neck. It was good that Jiang Cheng wanted to smell nice, and his fragrance of choice was a Cloud Recesses trademark scent. He knew it reminded him of himself, and that was just...sweet.

The moment they landed, Jiang Cheng grabbed his hand and marched off towards the private living quarters, hunting for his nephew.

They searched everywhere. No one knew where the young Master had gone.

Jiang Cheng's face was becoming redder and redder, a mix of anger and frustration. XiChen hid a smile. That was always his combination of feelings, anger and something else.

"Calm down, Wanyin. Think, where would the boy feel better, one day before his wedding?" XiChen rubbed his back, comforting him.

There was something about the deep tone of XiChen's voice that worked like magic on Jiang Cheng's nerves. His voice brought the calm he was suggesting, and he found himself wearing a small smile.

"You can save some of that fire for later." XiChen whispered in his ear, before walking away from him, knowing full well what he had just done.

Jiang Cheng grinned behind his back and raced after him.

"Lucky for you, I'm feeling inspired. And I know exactly where he is." He leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

"For what?" XiChen asked innocently pleased.

"For being who I need." Jiang Cheng grabbed his hand and walked straight towards his A-Jie's room.

Understanding dawned on XiChen's face. "Of course."

Jiang Cheng knocked on the door. There was no answer, but he hadn't expected Jin Ling to say anything anyway.

He opened the door. Even though his A-Jie had spent only around a year here, the room smelled of lotus flowers and... something else that was exclusively his sister.

He stood for a moment, eyes closed and inhaling deeply.

He felt warm fingers intertwine with his own. It was a good feeling.

"Over there, in the corner." XiChen whispered.

Jiang Cheng opened his eyes and looked where he pointed.

There were two booted feet sticking out.

Jiang Cheng was reminded of when Jin Ling was just a little kid. He'd come here to be away from the bullies, his cousins and other branch siblings. The boy did not have any friends, in fact, he'd had a very lonely childhood. This was where he came when he felt alone.

He felt bad for the little boy, and for this semi adult man, who must have been feeling many things right now, and not all of them good.

A person was supposed to be happy just before their wedding. The fact that he was here, was evidence that he was anything but.

"Let me talk to him alone." Jiang Cheng said softly to XiChen. He kissed his cheek again in apology.

"It's fine, I understand." XiChen squeezed his hand and left.

Jiang Cheng made his way to the corner. He knew Jin Ling was aware he had entered the room a while ago.

He sat down next to him.

"When were you going to tell me about your wedding?" Jiang Cheng asked, keeping his voice neutral.

Jin Ling remained quiet.

"Is that why you came to Lotus Pier? That day?" He probed.

"Yes, Uncle Cheng. But-"

"I'm sorry. We weren't there for you. I wasn't there for you." Jiang Cheng had to remind himself that this child was almost a man. He couldn't speak to him as if he was a child any more.

"I don't know what I'm doing." Jin Ling said quietly.

He appeared calm, but Jiang Cheng could hear the tears in his voice.

"Tell me. I will listen to you like my sister would." Jiang Cheng was surprised that those words came out of his mouth. Maybe it was because they were sitting in her room, and he was reminded of all the times he'd hurt himself and she was the one he'd go to. Same as Wei WuXian.

She would want him to be kinder to her son, and he had to try.

"SiZhui loves me."

Jiang Cheng wasn't sure if he heard correctly. Out of all the things Jin Ling could say, he wasn't expecting that.

"And I don't know how I feel about him. And I don't even know how I feel about...about...oh, just look at how hopeless I am! I don't know her name."

Jiang Cheng couldn't help the laugh that spluttered out of him.

He really, really tried not to laugh more, but the moment he caught Jin Ling's eye, it was all over.

They both collapsed laughing until they had tears streaming down their faces.

It was a while before they could calm down. Jiang Cheng blessed whoever had left a pitcher of water and clean cups as he poured it out for them.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" Jin Ling asked, watching him out of the corner of his eye.

"Should I? I'm not exactly sure what you want me to say." Jiang Cheng said quietly. "I do know that a person should always be looking forward to their wedding. Not trying to hide as if nothing is happening." He smirked.

Jin Ling sighed. "It's all muddled up. In here." He pointed to his head.

"So try to sort it out. Let's start with SiZhui."


"Do you like him?"


"Like him, like him, or just like him?"

"I don't know. I've never thought about him like that. I never imagined I'd get married, let alone who my partner would be."

"Maybe you should sleep on it some more. You have one night left to make your choice." Jiang Cheng stood up. "But Jin Ling, it's important that you know, we are here for you now. Both your Uncle Wei and I, we will support whatever you decide."

He went to the door.

"Whatever you decide."

Jin Ling nodded gratefully and he left.

Sitting quietly, Jin Ling realized he had been too stressed to think clearly. That bout of laughing somehow relaxed him into actually thinking about tomorrow.

He had to make a decision.

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